here - Catforth Primary School

Literacy – This term the children will be exploring the characters and setting of the
Katie Morag stories written by Mairi Hedderwick. They will compare these stories to the
new ones created for the CBeebies programmes and use them to develop their ideas for
writing their own stories based in a familiar setting. The theme will give lots of writing
opportunities across the curriculum and the children will also write a leaflet to advertise
the Isle of Coll in Scotland as a holiday destination, write letters, postcards, posters to
advertise a holiday home on the Isle of Coll. We will have our role play area as ‘The Post
Office’ similar to the one in the stories, giving the children lots of speaking, listening and
writing opportunities. The children will continue to be given opportunity to practise and
develop their joined handwriting style. All Y2’s will continue to have a daily lesson in
phonics. Y3’s will be learning about spelling rules and consolidate how to add suffixes and
prefixes to words and about apostrophes for contraction and possession. They will also
learn to recognise common homophones. Guided Reading activities will continue to take
place every day.
History – The children will learn about the first post. They will find out
how the postal system has changed over time and how uniforms and
transport is different. They will find out about the first stamps and how
these have developed over time.
Geography – Our Geography work this term will be based around the Katie
Morag stories and the Isle of Struay/Coll. We will study the human and
physical geography of this small area of Scotland and compare it with
Catforth. We will learn to explain what different places are like; learn
about their human and physical features compare their weather and
explain how the lives of people who live there would be different from our
own. We will learn how to use maps and atlases appropriately by using
contents and indexes. We will learn to:, name the main cities of England,
Wales, Scotland and Ireland.
DT – Children will learn about stable structures and explore how different
photo frames stand up. They will experiment with different techniques
and materials and finally they will design their own free standing frame
for Granny Mainland to keep a photo of Katie Morag in.
RE – We will be continuing our focus on Worship and Living the Faith.
This term we will concentrate on the Sikh and Hindu religions. We will
consider whether worship has to take place in a specific place and think
about what is really important in different religions and why.
PE - Athletics and Rounders Skills (both outside weather
permitting) will continue to be on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Music - Mr Calvert will continue to teach the children Music
on Wednesday mornings.
Class 2 – Parent Information Sheet
Summer Term 2015
Maths – This term children will continue to consolidate and
practise many of the mathematical skills they have learned over
the last two terms. In particular Y3’s will start to use more
formal written methods to add and subtract 2 and 3 digit
numbers. Y2s will begin to learn to add and subtract 2 2-digit
numbers and add 3 one digit numbers using concrete objects,
pictures and mental methods. They will learn to recognise the <
and > signs and continue to work with money combining amounts.
We will be continuing our work on fractions and learning how to
find fractions of numbers and Y3’s will learn to add fractions
with the same denominator.
Science – Our Science this term will be based around Living Things. and their
habitats and plant growth and functions of different parts of plants.
PSHE – During the first half of this term we will be exploring relationships,
learning about what makes a good friend. After half term, we will discuss changes
and new beginnings.
Art – Children will learn how to score and slip to stick clay together. They will use
a basic thumb pot to make their own imaginary monster out of clay. They will then
design and make a diorama island habit to keep their clay creature safe and
Computer Science – Children will learn how to programme a simple toy to move in
different directions.
Computer Literacy – Children will learn how to create their own Katie Morag
story books using ‘2create a story’ and learn the basics of simple emailing
comparing it to the letters and post that Katie Morag gets in the post office.
French Year 2’s will continue to enjoy an introduction to basic phrases and
vocabulary whilst Year 3 will build on their knowledge further taught by Mrs
Mrs Drinkall &
Mrs Kemp