Bio-acoustic Sonar Instrument Package Specification

Self-Powered Bioacoustic Sonar Instrument Package
Request for Information
Date: April 26, 2013
Coastal and Global Scale Nodes
Ocean Observatories Initiative
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Oregon State University
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Template: 3101-00074, Ver 1-01
The Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) is an NSF funded program administered by the
Consortium for Ocean Leadership (OL) that is developing an infrastructure for oceanographic
measurements over a 30 year period. A networked sensor grid will collect ocean and seafloor data
at high sampling rates over years to decades. Researchers will make simultaneous,
interdisciplinary measurements to investigate a spectrum of phenomena including episodic, shortlived events (tectonic, volcanic, oceanographic, biological, and meteorological), and more subtle,
longer-term changes and emergent phenomena in ocean systems (circulation patterns, climate
change, ocean acidity, and ecosystem trends).
Coastal-scale assets of the OOI will expand existing observations off both U.S. coasts, creating
focused, configurable observing regions. Global components address planetary-scale changes via
moored open-ocean buoys linked to shore via satellite. The Coastal and Global Scale Nodes
(CGSN) implementing Organization (IO) supports OOI through the installation of oceanographic
instrumentation at 4 global and 2 coastal sites. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI),
with partners Oregon State University (OSU) and Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO), is
procuring bioacoustic sonars for installation at each site.
Zooplankton and fish play key roles in marine ecosystems and must be included in assessing both
carbon dynamics and ecosystem response to global change. The bioacoustics sensor capable of
detecting zooplankton and fish is the only OOI sensor targeted at marine organisms higher in the
food web than phytoplankton. Bioacoustic sensors are key to addressing OOI’s potential for
research advances in areas of carbon cycling and ocean acidification, climate change, and health
of coastal ecosystems.
Purpose of this RFI
The purpose of this Request for Information (RFI) is to solicit information from firms interested in
providing bioacoustic sensors to the OOI CGSN project. All submitted information will be evaluated
and may be considered during formulation of a follow-on Request for Proposal (RFP) planned to
be published in June 2013. OOI has developed requirements for this sensor included in 330500008 “Bioacoustic Sonar Instrument Package Specification” Interested parties are encouraged
to provide information regarding products that meet these requirements, and to comment on
requirements that may be updated to provide better value to the program.
There are three variations for the bioacoustic sensor for use in the OOI:
1. Global Uncabled (Series A), where the sensor is installed on mooring platforms at 200m
depths and operates unattended for up to 13 months as a self-contained unit under
its own power.
2. Coastal Cabled (Series B), where the sensor is connected to a cabled array with power
available and operates unattended for up to 7 months.
3. Coastal Uncabled (Series C), where the sensor is installed on mooring platforms at
depths ranging from 25m to 520m and operates unattended for up to 7 months as a
self-contained unit under its own power.
This RFI addresses bioacoustic sensor instruments for variations (1) and (3) listed above.
In 2011 CGSN published an RFP and received bids for bioacoustic sensors meeting requirements
listed in the referenced specification. This RFP did not result in procurement actions for uncabled
units because sensors meeting the OOI performance requirements with integrated battery
assemblies were not available.
Based on preliminary market surveys OOI expects that advances in signal processing technology,
electronics hardware technology, and battery technology may result in new approaches to this
instrument category.
The CGSN project is specifically interested in:
 Low power operation supported by self-contained battery packs
 Instrument calibration methodologies
 Advanced signal processing capability
 Compact and reliable assembly
 Value
CGSN will review all RFI responses, and then determine how to proceed with this instrument
procurement in a manner that best meets the interests of the program. System specifications may
be modified, and contingent upon OOI findings and contracting procedures, a Request for Proposal
may be issued. This RFI is strictly a mechanism for gathering information and does not constitute
a procurement process. No contract award(s) will be made as a result of this request.
Instructions to Vendors
Submittal Instructions
Please submit responses to the individuals and offices as indicated below by 4:00 pm (EDT),
May 31, 2013. Please state that the information is being submitted per RFI # OOI-2011-01.
One (1) each original and one (1) electronic version (MS Word) to:
Dennis Fox, Procurement Director
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Purchasing Department
MS # 1
Woods Hole, MA 02543
phone: 508 289 2361
RFI Questions
Any question concerning this RFI should be directed to:
Procurement Issues
Dennis Fox at or by fax at 508 457-2192.
Technical Issues
Al Plueddemann at or by fax at 508 457-2114.
Please estimate availability of series A and C instruments (approximate delivery/project timeline)
for procurement of an existing self-powered product closely aligned with specification 3305-00008,
Bioacoustic Sonar Instrument Package Specification and the items listed in this RFI.
Cost Estimates
Part of the purpose of this RFI is to plan a budget for the project. Please provide pricing
information for the existing self-powered product that meets the specification, in the potential
production quantities of 12 and 24.
Note: The price information will be used for budgetary purposes only and will be held confidential if
requested. Pricing should be typical and provide a realistic estimate of an implementation of this
nature. However, this should not be considered a quotation. Neither respondent nor WHOI shall be
bound to the price information provided in response to the RFI.
WHOI may invite vendor(s) to provide a presentation/demonstration of their product(s) and/or
Incurring Costs
WHOI is not liable for any cost incurred by vendors in replying to this RFI.
All responses, supporting materials and related documentation will become the property of WHOI.
This RFI, together with copies of all documents pertaining to any award, if issued, shall be retained
for engineering records. If the response contains any trade secrets that should not be disclosed to
the public or used by WHOI for any purpose other than evaluation of your proposal, the top of each
sheet of such information must be marked with the following legend:
Product Requirements
OOI Requirements for the series A and C Bioacoustic Instruments are set forth in 3305-00008,
Bioacoustic Sonar Instrument Package Specification. 3305-00008 includes specifications for both
cabled and self-powered (i.e. uncabled) systems. This RFI is just for self-powered systems.
Respondents are requested to provide information for existing instrumentation that meets the
requirements of specification 3305-00008. Emphasis is placed on the availability of existing
systems. No Non Recurring Engineering (NRE) funds are intended to be budgeted and project
schedules demand existing, tested and available bioacoustic instruments.
Please provide information regarding the best-fit COTS product, with exceptions to specification
3305-00008 noted.
In addition, please indicate ability to repair / maintain items provided. OOI CGSN intends to
operate with semi-annual and annual equipment refurbishment cycles. Expected annual cost of
maintenance and cycle time for maintenance should be provided. Monthly through-put values for
these services should be provided.
The Bioacoustic Sonar Instruments are currently planned for deployment starting in spring 2014.
When considering production schedules for the fully compliant product, please take this as general
guidance and comment on anticipated lead time to meet this date.
Product Quantities
There are 3 types of Bioacoustic Sonar Instruments currently identified with characteristics as
shown in table 1. OOI plans to procure the following quantities by type:
Series A- Global - 10
Series C Coastal Uncabled- 14
Procurement quantities are not guaranteed and depend on pricing of available units.
Table of Bioacoustics Sonar Types
Table 1. Variations of bioacoustic sonars required for OOI
Series A
Not Used
Series C
Coastal Uncabled
13 months
7 months
3 pings/30 min
3 pings/30 min
Battery Power Required
Inductive Modem Communications
Operational Depth
~600 m
~600 m
Survivability Depth
6000 m
38 kHz ±15%
70 kHza ±10%
120 kHzb ±10%
200 kHz ±10%
600 m
38 kHz ±15%
Deployment Interval
Typical Sampling Rate
Frequency Bands
120 kHzb ±10%
2005 kHz ±10%
350-460 kHza
It is an objective to include this frequency band.
The 120 kHz frequency band shall be split beam
Additional Vendor Information
Vendor Summary and Background
Provide background information on your firm (i.e., product/service offerings, number of years in
business, etc.).
Provide a list of at least three (3) client references from similar instrument suites.