2015 American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) Outstanding Student Chapter of the Year Awards The AAPS Student Chapter of the Year Awards recognizes Student Chapters that have provided exceptional service and outreach to its members and the organization. Submission Requirements The Student Chapter should develop a portfolio that should include, but is not limited to the following: 1) Completed application form. (below) 2) Calendar of Student Chapter activities for the past 12 months. 3) Document detailing the Student Chapter’s membership (i.e. grad students in the pharmaceutical sciences, any other disciplines, PharmD students) 4) Recruitment and accomplishments over the past year, including strategic goals that were met, notable activities, projects and accomplishments including outreach activities, K – 12 Outreach, and the Student Chapter’s involvement with the AAPS, including involvement in meetings, programs, outreach activities and others. Documentation attesting to the measureable achievements of the Student Chapter should be included for evaluation and consideration. 5) A paragraph about the active involvement of the Student Chapter in AAPS activities (quarterly teleconferences and the Student Chapter Chairs committee meeting at AAPS annual conference). 6) Appendix which may include sample Local Chapter newsletters, website pages, AAPS submissions on Student Chapter activities, meeting invitations or any other relevant supporting materials. Submission Deadline: Applications and portfolios must be received by June 15, 2015. Late applications will not be considered. The portfolio should be sent to Mary Jo Bean at BeanM@aaps.org. Selections: All Student Chapter Award recipients will receive an award certificate. The top Student Chapter Award recipient will receive $500 USD, the second place Student Chapter Award recipient will receive $300 USD and the third place Student Chapter Award recipient will receive $200 USD. All monies are to be used at the chapter’s discretion for a group activity. The winners will be announced at the AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition Student Chapter Chairs meeting. The top student chapter to have received this award in the previous year is ineligible to apply for top Student Chapter Award the following year, but may be considered for the second or third place Student Chapter Award. 2015 American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) Outstanding Student Chapter of the Year Awards Chapter Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter Officers/Emails President/Chair: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Vice President/ Vice Chair: ___________________________________________________________________________ Secretary: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Treasurer: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Faculty Advisor (for Student Chapters only): ______________________________________________________________ Other officers: Number of Chapter Members (as of June 15): __________________________________________ Detailed active involvement of Chapter Committee activities: