Welcome back 2015

Sept. 14, 2015
Dear Parents/Guardians:
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome everyone to the 2015/16 school year. We are
excited to be opening our doors to 20 students and their families new to the KO community along
with our 33 Kindergarten students. Staff and I are excited to get the year underway and are
looking forward to working closely with you and your children to make their school experiences
as valuable as possible.
I will be issuing newsletters at the end of each month so please expect to see the first one at the
end of September. This letter is to serve as a quick notification of some information parents need
to know. These Newsletters can also be found on the school district website under our school tab.
1. The daily schedule is as follows:
Warning bell
Classes begin
Lunch time
Students may go out
Students must be out
Warning bell
Classes begin
Days end
8:40 a.m.
8:45 a.m.
10:25 -10:40 a.m.
12:20 noon
12:35 p.m.
12:40 p.m.
1:05 p.m.
1:10 p.m.
2:56 p.m.
2. Verification Forms – Along with this Welcome Back Letter is/are verification forms for you
child/children. These forms are very important for the school as up to date data is vital for us
being able to connect with you in case of emergency or other necessities. Please carefully cross
out any incorrect information and carefully write in the updated information required. You
assistance with this task is greatly appreciated.
3. Fairmont – On Friday, Sept. 18, we will be heading out to Fairmont for a full school swim day.
This annual event has proven to be a hit at Kootenay Orchards for many years, and our students
and staff always look forward to this event. We would like to take this opportunity to invite
parents and other school community members to join us on this day. If you would like to join us,
please provide the information on the form sent home with your student(s). The cost is $4.50
per person to go into the pool and an extra $3.50 a person to ride the bus. We hope to leave the
school between 8:45 and 9:00 a.m. and will be returning to the school at 2:40 p.m. We want as
many of our students as possible to join us. If the cost of attending causes you any concern please
contact me at the school (250-426-8551) and our PAC has volunteered to cover the cost.
4. School Photos - Mountain West Studios will be here on the morning of Thursday, Sept. 17 for
individual student photos.
5. Open House is scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 17 from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. This event is an
informal opportunity for parent(s) or guardian(s) to meet their children’s teachers. At this
evening parents will be able to sign up for Parent Teacher Interviews from Oct. 19-22, see
what their child’s classroom is like and briefly chat with the teacher about how to open lines of
communication etc. Also at the Open House parents will have a chance to view the year-end slide
show from June.
6. Family Handbook and Calendar Your family should have received a copy of the 2015-16
Family Handbook. These are being sent home with the oldest student in each family. Please use
these calendars and add to the events already noted when new items come to your attention
through the Newsletter.
7. Paarlauf and Highlands Run These events are coming up fast. Paarlauf is on Thursday, Oct.
1 at TM Roberts and the Highlands Run is Tuesday, October 6 at Highlands. Teachers will be
hosting practices and try outs for each of these events and students from grades 4 to 6 are able to
participate and try to earn their spots.
8. Nut Aware School Some of our students have very severe allergies to peanuts as well as nuts
and nut products. Because of the seriousness of this allergy, please be very aware and do not
send peanuts, nuts, or nut products in your child’s snacks, lunches or party foods. We want our
classrooms / school to be a safe place for all of our children. Thank you for cooperating in this
matter. Please feel free to contact the school at any time should you have any questions or
Upcoming Events
Monday, Sept. 14
PAC Meeting @ 7:00 p.m. in the Library
Thursday, Sept. 17
Thursday, Sept. 17
Friday, Sept. 18
Friday, Sept. 25
Photo Day a.m.
Open House – 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.
KOES to Fairmont
Professional Development Day
Wednesday, Sept. 30
Friday, Sept. 27
Thursday, Oct. 1
Friday, Oct. 2
Tuesday, Oct. 6
Friday, October 9
Monday, Oct. 12
Thursday, Oct. 15
Monday, Oct. 19 –
Thursday, Oct. 22
Friday, October 23
Thursday, October 29
Friday, Oct. 30
Terry Fox Trot @ 1:30 ish
Alternate Calendar Day – Not in session
Paarlauf at TM Roberts
PAC Movie Night (tentative – upon PAC approval)
Highlands Run
Alternate Calendar Day – Not in session
Thanksgiving Holiday – Not in session
Great BC Shakeout
Greg Aston
Parent Teacher Interviews starting at 2:00 p.m. each day
Professional Development Day
PAC Halloween Carnival
Black and Orange Day
Principal - KOES