Population Dynamics Unit Outline Grade 12 Biology – SBI4U Class 1 Sept 7/8 2 Sept 9/12 3 Sept 13/14 4 Sept 15/16 5 Sept 19/20 6 Sept 21/22 7 Sept 23/26 8 Sept 27/28 9 Sept 29/30 10 Oct 3/4 11 Oct 5/6 12 TOPIC PAGES 430-437 Intro to Ecology - individual organism, population, community, ecosystem, species, habitat, range, niche, succession, biosphere, biomes 440-443 Trophic Structure of Ecosystems - producers, consumers, decomposers, food webs and chains 444-449 Energy Flows - uses of solar radiation, primary productivity, biomass, productivity pyramids + Rule of 10, uses of energy by organism, pyramid of numbers, biomagnification Predator-Prey Lab 466-472 Characteristics of a Population - demography, density, dispersion patterns, census, sampling methods, transects, mark + recapture and estimates of population size 473-479 Population Growth - growth factors, actual births vs birth rate, actual deaths vs death rate, change in population size vs population growth rate, exponential growth, logistic growth vs sinusoidal growth, overlapping generations and non-overlapping generations, ALL FORMULAS, carrying capacity Population Lab 481-491 Population Growth Factors - density independent (abiotic), density dependent (biotic), interspecific (chart p 488) competition (including predator and prey interactions, parasitism, commensalisms, mutualism) as well as intraspecific competition 492-498 Life history - types I, II and III survivorship patterns, other features like fecundity, age effects, mortality, life tables, age structure and pyramid, opportunistic (r-selected) vs equilibrial (K-selected) life histories 504-511 Human Demography - graph and key factors in the growth of the Human Population, fertility rate(# children born alive), replacement rate, urbanization effects Dry Lab – Human Effects on the Environment- Acid Spill (Nelson 2011 p597) Review Unit Test Day 1 – Tues Oct 11 Day 2 – Wed Oct 12 **Note this is the Tues + Wed after Thanksgiving