INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 535 ROCHESTER, MINNESOTA CLAIM AND CONSENT VERIFICATION FORM SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL COACHES DATE: February 9, 2016 NAME: ADDRESS: The conditions of employment for an extra duty assignment are subject to all terms and conditions of the Master Contract and subject to the results/approval of a background check for Independent School District #535. The offer of this assignment is contingent upon budget approval. It may be withdrawn at any time prior to commencement of services. As a head coach/advisor for District 535 we are requiring that you possess a district e-mail account. As a head coach/advisor we will be keeping this account open year round for you to use to communicate with your staff, students, and parent/guardians. The district requires that any communication to your staff, students, and parent/guardians be conducted via your District 535 e-mail account. Please refrain from using your personal e-mail account for any communications in regard to your position as a head coach/advisor with District 535. Failure to follow duties pertaining to this claim and consent form may result in disciplinary actions. Services and compensation may be terminated at any time by the District based on cause or discontinuation of the position. Further, this contract shall be specifically limited to the designated MSHSL season for this sport, for the school year 2015-2016 and the consent form between the parties shall conclude as of the dates stipulated. STEP: Check appropriate box and enter prior years of service for this position A ☐ 0-2 years Enter yrs if 0-2 B ☐ Year(s) of Service 3-6 years Enter yrs if 3-6 C Enter yrs if 7 or more 7 or more years Years of Service ☐ Years of Service (The years of service may be awarded based on a position of like responsibility and duties.) SCHOOL: Choose site TYPE: Choose gender ACTIVITY: Choose activity ASSIGNMENT: Choose position Is this assignment being shared and with whom: Percentage: Choose amount PAYMENT PLAN: __ __ EQUAL INSTALLMENTS DURING SEASON – MONTHS: Choose season CLAIM TOTAL: $ I declare under the penalties of law that this amount, claim, or demand is just and correct and that no part of it has been paid. Coaches Signature: ________________________________________ Date _________________ Activities Director: ________________________________________ Date _________________ Extracurricular Pay Schedule 2014-2015 Head Coach/Advisor Salaries Course Code Type FTE New Value $112 New Contract 51.0 5,712.00 New Head Step 0-2 New Head Step 3-6 New Head Step 7 Plus $ 5,712.00 $ 6,012.00 $ 6,612.00 Assistant Coach Salaries New Assist Step 0-2 New Assist Step 3-6 New Assist Step 7 Plus 116 Basketball -‐ Head 6.0 116 (Assistant Varsity/Head B) 12.0 $ 3,827.04 $ 4,127.04 $ 4,727.04 116 (Assist B /Head 9th) 6.0 $ 3,255.84 $ 3,555.84 $ 4,155.84 116 118 (Interest Assistant 9th) Football -‐ Head 0.0 3.0 $ 2,684.64 $ 2,984.64 $ 3,584.64 118 (Assistant Varsity/Head B ) 12.0 $ 3,827.04 $ 4,127.04 $ 4,727.04 118 (Head 9th/Assistant B) 6.0 $ 3,255.84 $ 3,555.84 $ 4,155.84 118 (Assistant 9th) 3.0 $ 2,684.64 $ 2,984.64 $ 3,584.64 121 Hockey -‐ Head 6.0 121 (Assistant Varsity/Head B) 9.0 $ 3,827.04 $ 4,127.04 $ 4,727.04 125 125 Wrestling (Assistant Varsity/Head B) 3.0 3.0 $ 3,376.80 $ 3,676.80 $ 4,276.80 125 120 (Interes Assist B /Head 9th) $ 2,872.80 $ 3,172.80 $ 3,772.80 Gymnastics -‐ Head 0.0 3.0 120 (Assistant Varsity/Head B) 6.0 $ 3,376.80 $ 3,676.80 $ 4,276.80 122 Swimming -‐ Head 6.0 122 (Assistant Varsity/Head B) 12.0 $ 3,376.80 $ 3,676.80 $ 4,276.80 124 Track 6.0 39.4 4,412.80 $ 4,412.80 $ 4,712.80 $ 5,312.80 124 115 (Assistant Varsity/Head B) Baseball/Softball 15.0 6.0 $ 2,956.58 $ 3,256.58 $ 3,856.58 39.4 4,412.80 $ 4,412.80 $ 4,712.80 $ 5,312.80 115 115 (Assistant Varsity/Head B) (Assist B /Head 9th) 12.0 6.0 $ 2,956.58 $ 2,515.30 $ 3,256.58 $ 2,815.30 $ 3,856.58 $ 3,415.30 115 (Interest Assistant 9th) 6.0 $ 2,074.02 $ 2,374.02 $ 2,974.02 126 Volleyball 3.0 126 (Assistant Varsity/Head B) 6.0 $ 2,956.58 $ 3,256.58 $ 3,856.58 126 126 (Assist B /Head 9th) (Interest Assistant 9th) 3.0 0.0 $ 2,515.30 $ 2,074.02 $ 2,815.30 $ 2,374.02 $ 3,415.30 $ 2,974.02 129 129 Soccer (Assistant Varsity/Head B) 6.0 6.0 $ 2,956.58 $ 3,256.58 $ 3,856.58 129 129 870 (Assist B /Head 9th) (Interest Assistant 9th) Competition Dance 6.0 $ 2,515.30 $ 2,074.02 $ 2,815.30 $ 2,374.02 $ 3,415.30 $ 2,974.02 870 870 (Assistant Varsity/Head B) 3.0 $ 2,956.58 $ 2,515.30 $ 3,256.58 $ 2,815.30 $ 3,856.58 $ 3,415.30 Use code for specific sport Use code for specific sport Adapted Athletics 1.0 (Assistant Varsity/Head B) 1.0 $ 2,956.58 $ 3,256.58 $ 3,856.58 119 Golf 6.0 34.6 3,875.20 $ 3,875.20 $ 4,175.20 $ 4,775.20 119 133 133 (Assistant Varsity/Head B) Alpine Ski (Assistant Varsity/Head B) $ 2,596.38 $ 2,896.38 $ 3,496.38 2.0 1.0 34.6 3,875.20 $ 3,875.20 $ 4,175.20 $ 4,775.20 $ 2,596.38 $ 2,896.38 $ 3,496.38 117 Cross Country 6.0 34.6 3,875.20 $ 3,875.20 $ 4,175.20 $ 4,775.20 117 123 123 (Assistant Varsity/Head B) Tennis (Assistant Varsity/Head B) $ 2,596.38 $ 2,896.38 $ 3,496.38 6.0 6.0 34.6 3,875.20 $ 3,875.20 $ 4,175.20 $ 4,775.20 $ 2,596.38 $ 2,896.38 $ 3,496.38 123 131 131 (Interest Assist B/Head 9th) $ 2,208.86 $ 2,508.86 $ 3,108.86 La Crosse (Assistant Varsity/Head B) 6.0 6.0 34.6 $ 2,596.38 $ 2,896.38 $ 3,496.38 137 878 878 Game Manager (Yearly) Forensics /Speech (Assistant Varsity/Head B) 3.0 3.0 3.0 $ 1,545.82 $ 1,845.82 $ 2,445.82 878 134 (Interest Assist B/Head 9th) $ 1,315.10 $ 1,615.10 $ 2,215.10 134 (Assistant Varsity/Head B) $ 1,140.61 $ 1,440.61 $ 2,040.61 3.0 51.0 5,712.00 $ 5,712.00 $ 6,012.00 $ 6,612.00 51.0 5,712.00 $ 5,712.00 $ 6,012.00 $ 6,612.00 45.0 5,040.00 $ 5,040.00 $ 5,340.00 $ 5,940.00 45.0 5,040.00 $ 5,040.00 $ 5,340.00 $ 5,940.00 45.0 5,040.00 $ 5,040.00 $ 5,340.00 $ 5,940.00 39.4 39.4 39.4 4,412.80 4,412.80 4,412.80 $ 4,412.80 $ 4,412.80 $ 4,412.80 $ 4,712.80 $ 4,712.80 $ 4,712.80 $ 5,312.80 $ 5,312.80 $ 5,312.80 (Interest Assist B/Head 9th) Robotics 3.0 39.4 20.6 15.2 4,412.80 $ 4,412.80 $ 4,712.80 $ 5,312.80 3,875.20 $ 3,875.20 $ 4,175.20 $ 4,775.20 2,307.20 $ 2,704.00 $ 2,307.20 $ 3,004.00 $ 2,607.20 $ 3,604.00 $ 3,207.20 1,702.40 $ 1,702.40 $ 2,002.40 $ 2,602.40