The Protoctista Kingdom

The Protoctista Kingdom
REMEMBER: Living beings are classified into groups by taxonomic categories. These
categories, from largest to smallest, are: kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus and
1. Read the following characteristics:
Unicellular organisms, pluricellular organisms, unicellular and pluricellular organisms,
organisms made up of prokaryotic cells, organisms made up of eukaryotic cells, they
form tissues and organs, they don’t form tissues and organs, autotrophic nutrition,
heterotrophic nutrition, autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition, independent
organisms, parasitic organisms, independent and parasitic organisms, exclusively
aquatic organisms, they contain chlorophyll and photosynthetic pigments.
From these characteristics, enumerate:
a) The characteristics that belong to protozoa
b) The characteristics that belong to algae
c)Those that are characteristic of the Protoctista Kingdom (meaning they belong to
both protozoa and algae.) Do you think these characteristics justify their placement in
the same kingdom?
2. Complete the following chart of the Protoctista Kingdom one or two examples in
each class.
Protoctista Kingdom
Class: Ciliates
Class: ________
Class: _ _ ______
Phylum _____________
Class: Green algae
Class: __________