Chapter 4, Lesson 1 – Uncovering Clues to Our Past What is a paleoanthropologist? - one who studies fossils of humans What did Johanson name his skeleton? - Lucy What are some features of Lucy? - 3 million years old, head size of baseball, walk on 2 feet Clues From Archaeology How do archaeologists learn about past cultures? - learning about artifacts, fossils, and tools Fossil Finds How are bones pieced back together? - like a jigsaw b/c skeletons are incomplete What did archaeologists discover by looking @ Lucy’s bones? What did Louis and Mary Leakey discover in 1961? - she was 3.5 ft tall, female, 25 when died, brain 1/3 size present humans - found fossils in same layer as simple stone tools What name was given to these people? - Homo habilis – “handy human” What do these words mean? - Homo is part of the genus – lg group species belongs to - Habilis is characteristic of species Earliest Ancestors What are the australopithecines? - live 3.75 – 1 million years ago Who is one of direct ancestors? - Homo habilis (2.5 – 1.5 million ya) - larger brains and more human teeth and jaws What are the Homo erectus features? - 1.5 million years old - larger brain than habilis, made more complex tools, 1st ancestors to leave Africa Modern Humans When did erectus die out? - 200,000 years ago What are modern human called? - homo sapiens “wise human” What are homo sapiens features? - 150,000 years old What are Neanderthals? - 1st sapiens, discovered un Neander Valley (Germany) - larger brains and more complex tools What are some features of Neanderthals? - bony ridge above eyebrow, protruding mouth, small chin What are Cro Magnons? - 1st completely modern looking humans - found in France, date back 40,000 years What marks the beginning of the Paleolithic Age? - tool making by erectus (ended about10,000 bc) The Ice Age What have geologists learned about Earth? - glaciers covered large areas of earth What are glaciers? - sheets of ice and snow Who are geologists? - scientists who study the earth What is the Ice Age? - when glaciers advanced and retreated across earth’s surface What was the climate and how long did it last? - periods of warm and intense cold – periods last thousands of years How did ancestors adapt to cold? - erectus made fire, sapiens sewed animals hides for clothing What happened to the oceans b/c of glaciers? - ocean level dropped, land bridges emerged What is the Bering Strait? - land bridge connects Asia with Americas