72 nd ASOSU Senate - Associated Students of Oregon State

72nd ASOSU Senate
Eighth Meeting
Tuesday, November 20th, 2012
MU 211
Call to Order/Roll-Call/Quorum
President pro tempore John Varin called the meeting to order at 7:00PM. A quorum was
established and the following senators were present: Bancroft, Coffey, Fry, Hair, Hogan,
Khan, Parker, Setzler, Swearingen, Varin, Taniguchi, and Vice President Cushing.
Singing of the OSU Alma Mater
Senator Setzler moves to forgo the singing of the OSU Alma Mater. Senator Bancroft
seconds the motion. Senator Hair calls the question and President pro tempore
administers a vote and the motion passes unanimously.
Approval of Minutes from November 6, 2012
Senator Setzler moves to amend the minutes to read, “requesting action from ASA in the
third resolved when ASA is not a part of ASOSU.” Senator Hair seconds. Motion passes
with senators Coffey, Hogan, Taniguchi abstaining.
Senator Khan moves to approve the minutes as amended. Senator Coffey seconds the
motion and the motion passes unanimously.
Approval of Minutes from November 14, 2012 (Joint Session)
Senator Khan moves to approve the minutes. Senator Fry seconds the Motion. The
motion passes with Senators Bancroft, Setzler, and Hair abstaining.
Standing Committee Reports
Joint Committee Reports
All three committee chairs ask members to stay after meeting for their respective
committee meetings.
a. Joint Committee of Congressional Correspondence
Representative Boulanger shares that the House of Representatives have passed SB72.04 and are currently in the first readings of HB-04.02.
Task Force Director Reports and Confirmation
Senator Swearingen moves to add “Task Force Director Reports” and Confirmation” to
the agenda. Senator Khan seconds and the motion passes unanimously. The Senate
moves directly to reports and confirmation.
Alex Ries – Director of Campus Affairs shares that his taskforce has been working
extensively with the Vote OR Vote campaign up until election day, and currently has
about 6 interns active on his taskforce. Director Ries also shares that work is being done
to investigate “campus blue lights” through a lighting survey. Director Ries also reports
that a “Committee for Campus Safety” is being looked into. President pro tempore John
Varin asks what the blue light survey entails and Director Ries shares that the survey is
researching because of concerns that there are not enough “blue” safety lights. Senator
Taniguchi moves to confirm Alex Ries as Director of Campus Affairs and Senator Coffey
seconds the confirmation. Motion passes unanimously.
Nina Nguyen – Director of Wellness Affairs shares that she has been actively involved with
OSOCC as a board member, as well as a Color the Vote Coordinator, spiritual wellness
week planner, and volunteering with groups that related to campus wellness. Director
Nguyen also has met with a student in regards to creating a “Students With Diabetes”
group on campus. President pro tempore John Varin asks how the survey will be
completed and Director Nguyen shares that an electronic and paper survey will be
dispersed to students in health classes on campus. Senator Parker also asks if Director
Nguyen will be supporting the Bone Marrow Drive? Director Nguyen shares that she will
be supporting this and other events supported by the previous Director of Wellness.
Senator Bancroft moves to confirm and Senator Parker seconds. Confirmation passes
Ryan Tuttle – Graduate Student Affairs Director shares that an effort of the Coalition of
Graduate Employees is to host a Graduate Student CONNECT Week. Director Tuttle is
also working to fill graduate vacancies in the ASOSU House of Representatives. Director
Tuttle also announces the working being done to create a Graduate Student Life
Council. Senator Parker asks when the Taskforce meetings and Director Tuttle shares that
no task force exists because work is being done to replace the task force with a
Graduate Student Life Council. Senator Hogan asks why this is being done? Director
Tuttle shares that this is being done to increase Graduate Student involvement and
believes this would be more appealing to Graduate Students. Senator Setzler moves to
confirm and Senator Khan seconds. Confirmation passes unanimously.
Agustin Vega-Peters – Director of Multicultural Affairs shares that he is actively working to
prepare for the OSOCC Conference that was held on OSU’s Campus. Director VegaPeters shares that he has participated in fundraising efforts that have raised over $9,000
to fund the conference. Director Vega-Peters has been doing extensive Latinos/Latinas
outreach on campus and working with the Black Leadership Council. Ethnic Hair and
Skincare workshops will also be presented soon. Director Vega-Peters also reports that he
is working on the MLK Planning Committee and has four events planned for next term.
Senator Parker asks how many students outside of ASOSU are anticipated to participate
in the OSA conference next term. Senator Hogan moves to confirm and Senator Khan
seconds. Confirmation passes unanimously.
Delegate Reports
Jeffery Evans from ASA brings greetings.
Old Business- Second Readings
a. HR-04.01
Senator Setzler moves to forgo second reading of HR-04.01. Senator Swearingen
seconds. Motion passes with Senator Coffey abstaining.
Senator Setzler makes a point of clarification regarding ASA not being a member of
Senator Khan moves to amend the legislation to read:
The ASOSU requests that the University complete a comprehensive assessment
and Transition plan by June 30, 2014.”
Senator Bancroft seconds the motion to amend. Senator Khan shares that this
amendment would push the assessment plan to get done sooner. Senator Bancroft
asks if the moving up of the deadline would provide an excuse for the university to
say that it is not feasible to be done in the timeframe provided.
Senator Setzler yields the floor to Jeffery Evans. Mr. Evans shares the timeframe that
this process requires and shares that in the initial assessment of the legislation, the
work that has already been does was not taken into account—this already
accomplished work would allow for the project to be completed sooner.
Senator Hogan declares a Point of Information and requests if the year has been
changed in the amendment. Senator Khan shares that no change to the year has
been made.
Senator Bancroft calls the question. Senator Swearingen calls the question. Motion
passes unanimously and amendment is added to legislation.
Senator Khan moves to amend HR-04.01 to read:
That a task force comprised of students, faculty, and staff with mobility impairments
and/or substantial professional or personal expertise with disabilities be formed to
oversee both the evaluation, transition plan creation, and transition plan
Senator Taniguchi seconds the motion to amend. President pro tempore Varin opens
the floor to discussion. Senator Khan yields the floor to Mr. Evans. Mr. Evans shares that
this amendment comes out of the Crews act with the addition of requiring a level of
Senator Taniguchi shares that she feels this amendment limits the ASA in their
decisions. Senator Setzler shares that she is concerned with ASA being
recommended to be a part of the committee, but no other organizations, with
expertise on this issue, are listed.
Senator Khan yields the floor to Mr. Evans who responds to Senator Setzler and shares
that the amendment does not limit the task force to solely requiring a member of ASA
to serve on the committee. Senator Setzler clarifies that her comment was not in
regards to the amendment.
Senator Coffey asks if the assembly knows how this committee will be formed and
where it will be formed. Senator Setzler yields the floor to Mr. Evans who shares that he
would like to see this be operated through ASOSU.
Senator Hogan asks which branch of ASOSU will handle this committee? Senator
Hogan also shares that he thinks more specification about the committee is needed.
Senator Setzler asks if the committee could be created as a sub committee in
congress? Senator Hogan yields the floor to Mr. Evans.
Mr. Evans shares that the university would hire the consultant and this resolution just
calls for the university to take that step and begin the process outline in the resolution.
Senator Setzler asks why ASOSU is acting on this if ASOSU is not dealing directly with
this? Mr. Evans shares that this would be handled through the University and ASOSU,
through this resolution, is making an effort to encourage the university to take action.
Senator Fry yields to Representative Boulanger. Representative Boulanger shares that
he thinks the assembly may be reading too much into this resolution because the
resolution only calls for the university to act.
Senator Hogan shares that he is concerned who is ASOSU would actually deal with
this because technically all students are a part of ASOSU.
Senator Setzler shares that she believes this resolution has no direct purpose or has an
end goal.
Senator Hogan calls the question and Senator Fry seconds. President pro tempore
Varin administers a vote. Motion to amend fails with Senators Coffey and Swearingen
President pro tempore Varin directs discussion back to the resolution as amended.
Senator Hogan asks if there are any more amendments to be made to this resolution
and in the future if there are multiple amendments to be made if they can be
dispersed to the assembly.
Senator Khan shares that there is only one more amendment to be offered.
Senator Setzler shares that she doesn’t feel this is a “ripe” issue and the language is
Senator Parker moves to send the bill to the Student Government Committee.
Senator Taniguchi seconds the motion. Senator Parker shares that she thinks this
legislation needs more research and information before it can be acted on.
Senator Hogan shares his support for sending this bill to committee. Senator Taniguchi
also shares her support for the idea of the bill, but would like to see further
Senator Setzler shares that she would like to see more consideration to the fact that
there are organizations on campus that can play an important role with this issue.
Senator Khan calls the question. Senator Parker seconds. Senator Setzler declares a
point of clarification as to what is currently being voted on. President pro tempore
shares that the vote it to commit. Motion passes unanimously.
b. Judicial Council Procedures Review
President pro tempore Varin reminds the senate that this was discussed at a prior
meeting and dispersed so senators would have more time to review.
Senator Khan moves to approve. Senator Hair seconds the motion. A roll call vote is
administered and the motion passes with Senators Taniguchi, Parker, and Bancroft
New Business- First Readings
Other New Business
President’s Announcements
Vice President Cushing thanks the Senate for their thorough debating of HR-04.02. Vice
President Cushing shares that this is an important issue and deserves the detailed
attention that is being given to it.
Senator Comments
Senator Taniguchi reminds senator to participate in the Energy Civil War. Senator Hogan
reminds senators to attend the N7 event being held in conjunction with the OSU home
basketball game. Senator Khan provides more information about the ECC and
encourages senators to get involved with the ECC.
President pro tempore Varin reminds senators about Office Hours and attendance.
Gallery Comments
President Harris thanks senators for coming to the State of the Students and wishes
everyone a lovely break.
Senator Khan moves to adjourn and Senator Coffey seconds. Meeting adjourned by