Government Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes November 17th, 2014 from 6:00 PM to 7:15 PM John E. Sapp Conference Room I. Call to Order - Meeting is called order at 6:10PM II. Roll Call - Quorum is established with 4 voting members. III. Approval of Minutes - Senator Matejka: Motion to approve the minutes. Second. All in favor. Moved. IV. Approval of Agenda - Senator Harvel: I move to remove the appointment interview of Esa Ismael. Second. All in favor. Moved. - Senator Harvel: I move to add Kellen to the agenda for appointment. Second. All in favor. Moved. - Senator Harvel: Motion to approve tonight’s agenda as amended. Second. All in favor. Moved. V. Student Remarks - none VI. Guest Speakers - none VII. Remarks of the Chair— - Make sure you stay for the emergency senate meeting tonight so we can get the elections validation bill passed. VIII. Unfinished Business IX. New Business a. Election Policies and Procedures Amendments - Elections Commissioner Rains goes through the changes made in the elections policies and procedures and shows track changes on the projector o There was discussion. Government Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes November 17th, 2014 from 6:00 PM to 7:15 PM John E. Sapp Conference Room Senator Guerra: Motion to approve the amendments made to the elections P&P’s. Second. Roll call vote. Motion passes 8-0-0. b. Appointment Interview of Kellen Griffin-Jay. - Kellen Griffin-Jay (freshman): I have had a lot of government experience. Title 10 and Title 5 really bothered me in the constitution and statutes, that’s why I want to be a part of the C&S committee. Senator Harvel: I move to approve Kellen for appointment. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote. Motion passes: 5-0-0. X. Announcements - None. XI. Final Roll Call - Quorum is reestablished with 5 voting members. XII. Adjournment - Meeting is adjourned at 6:51PM.