Colin Stark – 9/4/1990 Current symptoms – (bilateral) Severe dull

Colin Stark – 9/4/1990
Current symptoms – (bilateral)
 Severe dull, achy pain in scapula area, trapezius, sides of neck, mild feet.
 Muscle twitches, numbness, and tingling in arms, legs, hands, and feet.
 Intense stretching feeling in arms when straight out
 Leg stiffness and foot pain (heel and side of foot)
 Occasional tingling below mouth
 Occasional mild lower back ache
 Visual floaters and occasional headaches, infrequent migraine w/ visual aura
September 2011 – Slight discomfort in left scapula area – first noticed while
wearing heavy backpack and riding small mechanical scooter for 1 mile/day.
Scapular winging/snapping/grinding present. (after stopped wearing
backpack/riding scooter, discomfort only felt while in the sitting position)
July 2012 – Left scapula discomfort increasing, left side of neck extremely tight.
Trapezius has achy pain and is always flexed because of assumed
September 2012- Severe dull. achy pain in both left scapula and left side of neck.
Frequent tingling below mouth, especially when lying down to go to bed.
November 2012 - Symptoms started on right side, in same order but at 10x the
pace. By the end of November the right side of neck and right scapula felt the same
as the left
December 2012 – Misdiagnosed with suprascapular nerve impingement at
spinoglenoid notch and proceeded with left shoulder arthoscopic subacromial
--no positive result from surgery to date- but now have moderate weakness in
various movements.
January 2013 – Pain progressed to the point where I started lying down all day,
only leaving to go to the gym for an hour a day, physical therapy, and doctor
February 2013 – Began experiencing warmth going down my arms. Intense
stretching sensation going to my finger tips.
March 2013 – Bilateral leg twitching started in thighs, glutes, and calves.
April 2013- Pain got severe to the point of taking Percocet, even lying down doesn’t
alleviate problems like it used to.
-Twitching in legs became more frequent, and occasional pain in feet
- Diagnosed with Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, but disputed amongst many
May 2013 – Frequent pain in feet- big toe, in the heel, side, and on the top of the
foot.- Right more than left.
Mid-May 2013 – Pain in hand. Mostly along thumb and pinky. –Right more than left.
- Bilateral foot pain intensifies. Legs feel stiff, can’t crouch for more
than 10 seconds. (in the past I would frequently crouch when
petting dog or picking up something, or bodyweight squats)
- Frequently waking up from naps/sleep with numb hands and
- Lower back starting to ache
- Morning headaches more frequent
June 2013 - Arms more painful and stretch sensation when extended.
- Leg/bottom/lower back ache more frequent
- Foot pain more frequent (right more than left)
I have tried:
Massage Therapy, Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Cortisone injections, Lyrica,
Neurontin, surgery, rest, Scalene Block 5/13, Brachial Plexus block 6/13, cervical
epidural 4/13,Botox & PRP 7/13, PRP 8/13 (2nd time), PT for over a year (4
different specialists- 4 different approaches)
Pain continues to get worse. Extensive posture training but nothing will stick.
Scapulas still wing out and rotate forward, forward head posture unless conscious of
What gives slight relief: lying down or pushing head back against high chair, car
seat, bed, ground, etc.