march 17 - Southern Support School/Timsbury School

Update 17 MArch
Bunnings work and generous donation
Bunnings staff are at SSS today and tomorrow working in the Garden, laying decking and painting
chook shed and apple boxes. Parents have very kindly organised morning tea and lunch.
Absence from Work
Please complete online leave form within 2 days of returning to work. Office staff will complete the
form after the two days if you have not completed it. Thanks
Immunisation for staff Timsbury
Wednesday 26 March beginning at 1:45. Tracey will let you know in class teams
Immunisation for staff SSS
Thursday 27 March beginning at 1:00. Marysia will let you know is class teams
Assembly at SSS
2:00 for all classes, junior and middle.
Visitors Friday
Penny Ackroyd from New Town High School visiting Gold class
Staff re-arrangements Timsbury campus
As of this week, Penny and Louise have made changes to their timetables/roles. Louise will now be
teaching on TGreen Monday - Thursday. Penny will remain as the SAKG teacher on Tuesday and
Wednesday and class teacher on TGreen on Friday (SAKG extension work and CBL). On Monday and
Thursday, Penny will be covering planning time on TYellow, TRed and TBlue focussing on
garden/SAKG extension work. A Letter will be sent home to parents, informing of the changes early
this week.
Assembly at Timsbury
SSS Blue will be joining the Timsbury classes for assembly on Tuesdays. We look forward to them
joining us.
If possible, during assembly time Penny would like to meet with Sam, Denise, Agi and Richard to talk
about the SAKG program.
Staff toilet at Timsbury
To shorten the queue for the staff toilet, don't forget that a bathroom is available in "Peter's room" on
Monday and Friday when the room is not in use. The room door is usually open on these days but if it
is not your master key will open it. Use the door jamb so that you don't get locked in the room!
Student immunisation Timsbury campus
Wednesday - student immunisations at Timsbury
Library - Goodwood
Thursday - Jane will be available in the library from 1 to 1:30 to go through borrowing system with a
teacher assistant(s) from each class.
Happy Birthday to:
Stephanie Cantrell – 17 Years old
Agata Wharton
Garry Freeman – 16 years old