Teacher Lesson Focus Date Level Reem Ibrahim In a Mix of Culture (Main Idea) 29/Nov./10 Grade 7 Class Profile Lesson Aims 5.5 7.1 7.2 7.3 Anticipated Problems 1- The text is includes Mexican names and Spanish words, which will be hard for the students to read and pronounce. 2- The text includes few Spanish expressions, which the Ss. are not familiar with. 3- The text includes many names of unfamiliar plants. 4- Some Ss. are somewhat slow, and inferring the main idea won’t be an easy task for them. Picture dictionary Question cards Elements of Literature book page 188 & 189 Movie (Tips about gardening) Lap top Data Show Al-Ittihad National Private School Standards 5.1 Identify the main idea. List evidence that supports that idea (supporting details). 50 Materials/References A class of bilingual female eleven year olds. All Ss are UAE natives. There is some variation in level and some Ss are very quiet and others tend to dominate. Ss. Levels vary between average and low. Mins Establish and adjust purpose for reading, understand, interpret, enjoy, solve problems, predict outcomes, answer a specific question, form an opinion, skim for facts, discover models for own writing. Reflect on what has been learned after reading and formulates ideas, opinions, and personal responses to texts. Use reading skills and strategies to understand a variety of informational texts, textbooks, including letters and diaries; print media, news stories, and magazines. Know the defining characteristics of a variety of informational texts (textbooks, biographical sketches, letters, diaries, magazines, news stories) Use new information to adjust and extend personal knowledge base. Anticipated Solutions 1- Teacher will read the text for the Ss. to complete the first task. For other tasks Ss. will be required to read the text independently. 2- The teacher will clarify the meanings of these expressions prior to reading the text. 3- Teacher will provide the Ss. with a Picture dictionary. 4- Teacher will set the task for the Ss. to list the main details first, so inferring the main idea would be easier. 1 LANGUAGE ANALYSIS FORM What is the language you are teaching…and what are the examples of this language? Target Language: new vocabulary Example: lease, perennial, reclaim, scarred. What context will you use to convey it? Explanation and definition. What does it mean? Lease: rent, pay money to use the land or house. Perennial: a plant that survives and grows again year after year. Reclaim: to take back. How will you concept check it? lease: Do you own the land or house? No Are you able to use the land or house? Yes Do you have to pay money to use the land or house? Yes Perennial: Do you need new seeds to grow these plants? No Can we say that an apple tree is perennial? Yes Reclaim: If you reclaim something, was it yours to start with? Yes Was it easy to take it back? Probably not. What is its form/grammatical properties? Lease: verb. Perennial: Adjective. Reclaim: verb. What are its phonological/pronunciation properties? Lease: /lís / Perennial: /pərɛ́niəl / Reclaim: /riklém / 2 Whiteboard Plan 3 Time 5m. Stage and Stage Aim Lead in (to engage the students and generate interest in the topic Interaction T – SSS Procedure Watch a video about gardening and answer a question about it. Establish that today we are going to find the main idea of a text and the supporting details. Set Task: with your group write a list of the instructions the lady in the movie is giving you. ICQ: Are you working alone or in a group? In a group Are you writing a dialogue or instructions? Instructions How many lists is your group writing? One T SSS Teacher plays the movie. Students list the instructions. 5m. Feedback (for students to find out the results and have closure to the task) T – SSS The teacher approves the correct list, and writes it on the board. The teacher elicits that this list is the details of the video and prompt Ss. to infer the main idea. 7m. Clarifying: (for students to know what is a main idea and how to detect it.) T - SSS Teacher will clarify that a main idea is the central, most important point in a text. A main idea of a text can be: -stated directly -or you have to think about the details in the text and guess the main point. To find the main idea you should: - Look at the title. - Look at the sentence at the beginning or at the end of the text. - It can be a sentence in the middle of the text. - Look at the most important details. SSS – T Remembering + understanding T-SSS SSS – T CCQ: What is a main idea? Where can I find the main idea of a text? If the main idea is not stated clearly, what should I do? Set Task: Read the Title of the text and predict what the text is about. Notice that the word “Olio” means a collection. ICQ: Are you reading the whole text or only the title? Only the title Why are we reading the title? To guess what is the text is about. 4 Time 5m. Stage and Stage Aim Interaction Procedure Feedback (for students to find out the results and have closure to the task) T - SSS Teacher approves the correct answer, and points out that we were guessing and we can only make sure after we read the text. Clarifying: (for students to know what is an informational text and its features) T-SSS Teacher will clarify that an informational text helps the reader gain more information and facts about a certain topic or event. Understand more about the world around us. Gain more vocabulary. Examples of informational text are: Articles in a newspaper or magazine. Textbooks. Manuals 6m Remembering + understanding SSS – T Pre-Teaching:(To clarify lexis essential for understanding the text) T – SSS CCQ: Why do we read informational text? Mention some examples of informational texts. a) Lease Elicit: Definition: to pay money to the owner of a land or a house to allow us to use this land or house. Model: Say the item clearly. CCQ: Do you own the land or house? No Are you able to use the land or house? Yes Do you have to pay money to use the land or house? Yes Drill: Say the item clearly. Get students to repeat (chorally – individually) Written Form: Write the item on the board, and elicit the part of speech. b) Perennial Elicit: Definition: when a plant survives and grows again year after year. Model: Say the item clearly. CCQ: Do you need new seeds to grow these plants? No Can we say that an apple tree is perennial? Yes Drill: Say the item clearly. Get students to repeat (chorally – individually) Written Form: Write the item on the board, and elicit the part of speech. 5 Time Stage and Stage Aim Interaction Procedure c) Reclaim Elicit: Definition: to get back something that was yours and someone else took it. Model: Say the item clearly. CCQ: If you reclaim something, was it yours to start with? Yes Was it easy to take it back? Probably not. Drill: Say the item clearly. Get students to repeat (chorally – individually) Written Form: Write the item on the board, and elicit the part of speech. Remembering + understanding 17m Clarifying: (for students to detect the important details and use them to identify the main idea) T-SSS Set Task: Read the questions card. Listen to the teacher read the text while you read it silently. Then answer the questions individually. ICQ: SSS - SSS Feedback (to validate our first guessing and analyze the main idea) Remembering + understanding SSS – T Are you working alone or in a group? alone What will you do while listening to the text? Read silently and answer the questions Then Ss. will be directed to share their findings with their group. Ss. share the answers of the following questions, while the teacher list the answers on the board. What types of plants do the gardeners grow? Where do they grow these plants? What were these plots used for? Who leases the plots to the gardeners? How much money do the gardeners pay each year to use the gardens? How does that help the community? What type of informational text is this text? Synthesize +Evaluate Ss. validate the main idea, and get to find out if their original prediction was right or wrong. Applying T. asks if the Ss. know about project similar to Operation Green Thumb in UAE that helps the community grow. Remind Ss. to refer to the Website to read the whole text. 6 Time 5m. Stage and Stage Aim Evaluation:(measure the level of Ss comprehension) Feedback (for students to find out the results and have closure to the task) Procedure Interaction T-SSS Set Task: read the questions in page 189 and circle the correct answer. Work alone. ICQ: SSS – T Are you working alone or in a group? alone Are you going to fill in the blanks or circle the correct answers? Circle. Ss. will be asked to switch their books, and use a green pen to correct for each others. Ss. will share the answers with the class. T. will approve the correct answers, and explains why. 7 Time Stage and Stage Aim Interaction Procedure Tutor Comment Time Stage and Stage Aim Interaction Procedure Tutor Comment 8 Time Stage and Stage Aim Interaction Procedure Tutor Comment 9 Time Stage and Stage Aim Interaction Procedure Tutor Comment 10 11