Elm Class Newsletter 2

I can’t believe we are in the last half-term of the school year
already – the year has flown by and we have a very busy few weeks
ahead of us.
Mr Norris will be with us for another 3 weeks teaching much of the
Year 6 transition work plus some topic work on Vikings, this will
include history, geography and DT. Year 5 will also do the Literacy
transition unit on ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’ by Michael Morpurgo and some
French but they will work with me in Maths to revise calculation
strategies and properties of numbers. Year 6 will do the ‘Spirals’
project with Mr Norris. PE will continue to take place on Friday
afternoon and we will be doing rounders.
Much of our time will be taken up with rehearsals for our concert
‘Cinderella and Rockerfella’. Please make sure that your child spends
some time learning their lines or the songs. They should also have
shown you a letter about the costume that they will require.
This week and next week we will be listening to all pupils present
their public speaking talks in class. The final will be on Friday 13th
June in the morning so I will let the finalists know who they are by
Wednesday of next week.
Year 5 end of year tests will take place in the week beginning 23rd
June. This will include assessments in maths, reading, spelling and
grammar and writing.
There is so much going on I have put a list of dates together
although I am sure more things will be added. Separate letters will
follow about some of the events below.
 Thursday 5th June – visit to the Vue Cinema Cleveleys (Viking
themed film by British Museum)
 Friday 6th June – Tuck Shop and sports day (1:30 p.m)
 Friday 13th June – Public Speaking Competition final 9:30 a.m.
 Week beginning Monday 23rd June – Year 5 assessments
 Monday 30th June – dress rehearsal for concert
 Tuesday 1st/Wednesday 2nd July – performances of ‘Cinderella
and Rockerfella’ in school hall 7 p.m.
 Thursday 3rd July – Ice-cream tuck shop / fun afternoon/ nonuniform day
 Friday 4th July – Year 6 induction day at St Aidan’s. Rest of
school ‘move up day’.
 Tuesday 8th – Thursday 10th July – Year 6 residential to York
 Wednesday 9th July – Year 5 day at St. Aidan’s
 Friday 11th July – Year 5/6 puberty talks – Jayne Wilson
(school nurse)
 Wednesday 16th July – family disco evening plus Year 6 prom
at St Oswald’s Church Hall (time to be confirmed)
 Friday 18th July – Leavers’ Service- St Oswald’s Church 9 a.m.
Finish at 2 p.m.