Biome Attribute Matrix What is a biome? Biome Tropical Rain Forest Desert Taiga Name: Date: a community of animals and plants that occupy a large habitat Soil/Water moist, fertile Temperature Plant Life hot, humid tall trees, lush undergrowth many different animals, poison dart frogs, stork-billed kingfishers, anaconda, blue morpho butterfly hot or cold depending on location very little, plants store water, protect themselves, shallow roots desert tortoise, tarantula, coyote, great horned owl, rattlesnake a lot of rain dry, sandy very little rain thin, lacks nutrients below freezing for forested, mostly six months out of a conifer trees year, otherwise cold (evergreen) 13-22 in. a year Deciduous Forest Tundra Wetland Animals fertile brown bear, salamanders, many insects, snowshoe hares and moose varies on location, but experiences 30-60 in. a year seasons (moderate) many plants, mostly deer, gray squirrels, deciduous trees, some owls, robins and snakes evergreens, mosses and ferns thin, frozen extremely cold very little, lichen, moss arctic fox, snowy owl, polar bears, caribous and tundra swan warm or hot, humid forested, trees, shrubs, strong roots alligator, great blue heron, many types of fish, newt, crayfish little precipitation, permafrost wet, fertile a lot of water Biome Rivers and Streams Soil/Water wet, fertile varies on location a lot of water deep, fertile Grasslands Temperature Plant Life plants along edges, and in water too can be humid/wet or tall or short grasses dry/hot 10-30 inches of rain a year Questions about biomes for Mrs. Koma: Animals otters, red piranha, many types of fish, vine snakes, box turtles elephant, zebra, giant anteater, bison, some trees near bodies of Canadian Geese water