fionas biom shere sheet

Name: Fiona moore
Biome Basics
3 plant examples
and adaptations
3 animal
examples and
Bengal Bamboo
The Bengal Bamboo's
special adaptation is
that it learned how to
grow taller quickly, so
it gets a lot of rain and
The Durian can build
buttresses by itself so
in case of a heavy rain
or storm; it will be
harder to blow down.
Monkeys love to climb
on trees and the rain
forest has a lot of
Turtles love water and
the rain forest has a
lot of water for the
turtles tom have.
The rain forest is
usually wet and hot
the average temp is
25 degrees Celsius
the tropical rain forest
are not usually found
below 0 degrees
Celsius the temp is
usually daring there
day 25 degrees
Celsius to 30 degrees
Celsius . The rain
forest can be less than
1.8 meters or be as
much as 9.0 meters of
rain a year. Usually
each month 100 mm
of rain never escapes
the rainforest
When the people ran
out of room to build
and also farm they
would cut down trees
and the trees held
tons of animals and
other living things that
was the home but
when people-le cut it
down the animals
loose there home and
also when people hunt
they kill the animals
that are going
exscinded. That are
some human infuses
that really hurt the rain
forest people cut down
trees and kill things for
a living and that is not
very good.
Strangler figs The
strangler fig's special
adaptation is that it
has learned how to
avoid the difficulties
of the lack of water
and sun near the
rainforest floor.
Snakes have a lot of
room to move around
and they have plenty
of things to
camouflage with.
The tropical rainforest
is down at south
America and Africa. It
is also in large islands
near Australia
Name: Fiona moore
Biome Basics
3 Plant Examples
3 Animal
The bear berry this
plank is not an
evergreen which
allows it to survive
cold weather.
Diamond leaf willow
This plant has little
hairs on it can also die
and another one takes
its place
Artic mosses
This plant is perfect
for the cold because it
is cold by itself.
Polar bear
The polar bear has a
thick coat of fur that
can keep it worm
throughout the year.
The grizzly bear also
has a big thick coat of
fur to keep it worm
just like the
polar bear
The musk-ox like all
animals have one of
the thick coats that
keep them worm and
the goes for most of
the animals.
In the tundra it is
freezing the average
temperatures (0°C or
32°F) that is pretty
cold for me and I think
that it is cold for other
people the water is
also cold usually 4 °F
People don’t really
think about what they
do but they though
stuff in to the water
that the animal’s
drake and get food
from and the thing
that people throw in
the animals think it is
food and they eat it
and they get very sick
of the choke.
The tundra biome is
located at the top of
the world, near the
North Pole and is
called the Arctic
tundra. This biome
covers a fifth of the
earth's surface.
Another region, called
the alpine tundra, is
located on the tops of
tall mountains.
Name: Fiona moore
Biome Basics
Barrel Cactus
This plant learned to
live with very little
water and a dry
Creosote Bush
This plant needs to
learn to live with little
water and a lot of sun
Soap tree Yucca
This plant need to
learn that anything can
happen in the dessert
such as not water.
3 Plant Examples
Thorny Devil
Their spikes help
channel water to their
Membrane on their
eyes that block out
unneeded sun
Cactus Wren
They drink very little
but when they do,
they don't drink that
3 Animal
This clement is very
dry and very little
rainfall very sunny and
hot it had low latitude
it has very high
presser zones.
Human impact is that
people dig in some
desserts and that can
interfere with some
animals holes and also
with some roots of
Desserts are all over
the world
Name: Fiona moore
Biome Basics
Grasslands Savanna
Grasslands Prairies
Gum tree
This tree can make it
by using the very little
rain fall to survive
Umbrella Thorn
Acacia Tree
This tree can live by
roots the roots grow
down to ground
Umbrella Thorn
Acacia Tree
This tree gets a ton of
light to keep it alive.
He can live by his diet
because he eats
animals that live in
the grass lands.
cheetahs can live by
how fast they are and
other things can’t
really reach up to
Daring the day it is in
the 50s or 60s in the
night it is 30 to 40s.
People cut down trees
and hunt in this area
and it kill so many
things when they cut
down trees because
some things need
shade to survive in the
between Forest and a
Name: Fiona moore
Biome Basics
3 Plant Examples
Black Spruce
This plant the bark
and the pine needles
help it from the bitter
cold winter and its
needles help it from
living things that want
to live in it.
The Wild Rose
The needles and
thorns help it from
Douglas Fir
The pine needles
collect water for it to
grow and live.
3 Animal
Snow shoe hairs
The hair on them
keeps them worm in
the winter.
Long-Eared Owl
This owl can fly away
from anything that
tries to eat it.
Grizzly Bear
This big fat coat of fur
can keep it worm for
the cold winter a head
of it.
It is kind of like are it
is hot in the summer
and cold in the winter
the averge rain fall is
15-30 inches in all a
We hunt and cut
down trees we litter
and we kill the things
in the food chain
witch kill other things.
It is located in
northern north
america, Europe and
middle Asia.