Our Lady of Sorrows-St. Anthony Office of Religious Education August, 2015 Dear Parents and Guardians: Welcome to the beginning of the new catechetical year! Our parish continues to support you in your vocation as the “first educators” of your children in the ways of faith. We hope that you will find our program a sure and helpful guide. We are pleased to pass along this important information regarding the opening of the new year. Our First Class Sunday, September 20 or Wednesday, September 23 at Our Lady of Sorrows School. Your Child’s Classroom Assignment Procedure for the First Day of Class All students will gather in the gym. After meeting their catechist, parents and children will go to their classroom for an orientation. Regular Arrival & Dismissal Procedures Please refer to Handbook for Traffic Safety Regulations Students should arrive on time, but not more than 10 minutes early, and enter through DOOR # 3. Loitering outside before class is not permitted. Please park vehicles in the appropriate spaces—keep fire lanes clear—and escort your child to and from the drop off/pick up location if needed. Sunday Students will be escorted by monitors to gym for prayer. Parents should remain outside. Wednesday Grades 1 to 6: Report to the cafeteria. Grades 7 & 8: Report to classrooms. Students will not be admitted into the building until 5:50 p.m. At dismissal, parents should wait for their children outside the gated area. Late Arrival & Pick Up Late Arrival: In the interest of child safety, a hall monitor will escort your child to his or her classroom. Tardiness is noted and parent will be contacted in cases of frequent tardiness. Late Pick-Up: Children become anxious when family members are late. When not picked up on time, the children will be escorted to the Religious Education office to call home. Students in Preparation for the Sacraments (Grades 2, 7 and 8) Early “pick up” for sport activities nearly every week not only disrupts the class but also causes students to miss instruction that is difficult to make up. Please keep religious education a priority. Continued Student Safety & Visitors All visitors must report to the religious education office. Unauthorized visitors are not permitted. “Walk in” visits to the office during class time are strongly discouraged since they inhibit our ability to meet the needs of our students and catechists. Please make an appointment or visit between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday. Please consult the office before removing your child during class time. Catechists have been instructed not to release a child without permission from the office. To Help Us Serve You Better We will continue the use an email and telephone notification system for announcements. This will also reduce our printing and postage expenses. Please provide the office with any changes to your email address and/or phone number. Note: Our program includes Family Life Education mandated by the Most Reverend Bishop. This program exceeds the requirements of Article 13 of the National Bishops’ Charter for the Protection of Children and it will foster a safe environment for our youth. Attached is the program’s scope and sequence. Keep the handbook and calendar for ready reference. Please complete and return the Emergency contact form as soon as possible. A school floor plan will be provided at the first day of our Religious Education classes. Celebrate Catechetical Sunday! "Safeguarding the Dignity of Every Human Person." Sunday, September 20, at 11:00 a.m. Our Lady of Sorrows Church Our Annual Parish Picnic follows on the church grounds/ Why not consider being a catechist or religious education volunteer? You are most welcome! Please contact the office: 587-4140 or MFrancis@ols-sa.org. Do not hesitate to contact the office with any questions or concerns. Sincerely yours in the Lord, Msgr. Thomas N. Gervasio Pastor 3800 East State St. Ext. Mrs. Mariyam Francis Director of Religious Education (609) 587-4140 x2 or 609-587-4372 Hamilton, NJ 08619 Fax # (609) 588-0318