Letter to Parents, Children & Youth from Christine Miller, Director

St. Philip the Apostle Church
2111 Millersville Pike
Lancaster, PA 17603
(717) 872-2166
TO: Parents of Students Enrolled in St. Philip the Apostle’s Religious Education Program
RE: Changes in Next Year’s Schedule
Dear Parents:
I am writing to share with you some significant changes in next year’s Religious Education class schedule. Many
reasons have prompted the changes. Among them are: the availability of catechists, the decreasing numbers of
students per some classes, and the need to present some different options due to the proliferation of sporting and
other events on Sunday mornings. Father Weiss and I have talked about possible changes, and I also polled our
current catechists for their thoughts and insights. I have had announcements read at Mass for several weeks asking
for others to step up as catechists, but no one has responded to date, and since we are losing a substantial number
of teachers this year, we have to make some adjustments to assure the smooth running of classes using the
resources we have at present. Please know that any changes that are made are done with great awareness of how
they will affect families, but also know that these changes are necessary and hopefully will improve our RE Program.
The Diocese of Harrisburg requires that we have 30 hours of class time per year. In light of these required hours and
for the reasons listed above, the following has been decided for next year’s classes. Everyone in Preschool
through Grade 3 will attend class from 8:15-9:20AM (normally 3X/month). Grades 4-8 may choose to attend
class at this same time (8:15-9:20AM) or on Sunday evenings from 6:00-8:00PM (2X/month). We will all have
some challenges with this new schedule. Cutting class time by another 5 minutes each Sunday morning means that
catechists have to be even more creative and focused as they do their best to cover material that is essential to
building a faith community. Catechists will continue to have the challenge to dismiss their classes so that students
can be in the gym by 9:20AM and thus be on time for Mass at 9:30AM. FYI: Our church renovations, which ought to
be completed by mid-September, indicate there will be more pews available for Mass, so that may address some of
the overcrowding that has happened at times. Families with children in morning RE classes that may have attended
the 7:30AM Mass will not be able to attend that Mass since we do not want you to leave Mass early or come to class
late (some of you have done this, and we ask you not to) and the 11:30AM Mass may be too long a wait since we will
be out of class by 9:20AM. Perhaps you can attend those Masses when we do not have class on Sundays if you
enjoy going to Mass at those times. Finally, shortening the class time also means there is even more reason for your
child(ren) to be in class on time. Every Sunday some children are arriving 10, 15 and even 20 minutes late for class.
Please be on time.
Adding the Sunday evening option for Grades 4-6 arose out of concern for some students who have missed too
many classes due to Sunday morning sports, Boy Scout and Girl Scout camping weekends, etc. On speaking with
some catechists, this option also seemed a good opportunity for families who may prefer an evening class time to a
morning time. We did consider offering children in younger grades this option, too, but at this time, we do not have
catechists for Grades 1, 2, and 3 who would be willing and able to teach on Sunday nights. In addition, ending class
at 8:00PM seemed a bit late for anyone below Grade 4.
On another note, I have expressed concern over the years about the number of absences on the part of some
students and families. Attending Religious Education class is not optional - if your child attends public or a private
school other than a Catholic School, attendance is required. The baptismal promises you made stated that you would
bring your child up in the faith, and that includes regular participation in religious instruction. Father Weiss and I have
discussed this issue in depth and we will be contacting you if the number of absences becomes substantial. We will
need to make some decisions in regard to your child’s progressing to the next grade if there is not some resolution.
We certainly understand the pressure to attend sports practices, competitions, etc. However, we also need to
reemphasize the obligation to have your child attend class. Significant absences are especially problematic for those
in sacramental preparation years (typically in Grades 1, 2, 7, and 8). Of course, some children have recurring health
issues, and parents should discuss repeated absences due to these issues and make plans to check in with me and
with the child’s teacher on a regular basis to get assignments.
Due to decreasing numbers of high school students attending class, though we regret having to make this decision,
we will no longer have a high school RE class. Instead, we will hold several youth nights during the year, on
Sunday evenings when there is no RE class, for parish youth Grades 7 and up –and Grade 6 after Christmas—to
come together for fun and games, music, dancing, praise and worship time, prayer, community-building and
refreshments. All youth in those grades are strongly encouraged to participate in the youth nights. As in the past, we
will also hold youth events, trips, and other activities during the year. We need more adult volunteers, though, in
order to run the events, so please consider volunteering. If enough volunteers would step forward to help, perhaps
we’d only need your assistance with one or two events per year.
We trust that you will understand and support the changes that we are making. Again, be assured that they have
been made with much thought and prayer, as we worked hard to find the best answer to challenging schedules,
resources, and needs. Thank you once again for all you do to nurture the faith of your children, bringing them to
Mass and class, and encouraging their relationship with God and the Church.
God bless you. Have a happy, holy, and healthy summer.
Christine M. Miller, DRE
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please register your child(ren) in Grades 4-8 for class next year. Grades Preschool-Grade 3 do not need to reregister. Due by June 1. After May 4, drop in collection basket at Mass, slide under RE door, e-mail or mail.
Family Name ____________________________________
Child(ren)’s Name(s) and Grade(s) ______________________________________________________________
My child(ren) in Grade 4-5-6-7-8 will attend class on ______ Sunday mornings _____ Sunday evenings
Of course, you do have the option of your children attending at different times. Please indicate that below.