



Minutes for 9 May 2014

MEMBERSHIP: Fredy Arevalo Randy Britto*

Ann Hartfiel* Richard Morse*

Charles Rutherford Walter Vidinski

Tom Watiti Levi Moore*

Kelly Straub Betsy Schwartz*

VISITOR: Betsy Swartz

Keith Moore*

Bob Reiner*

Carolyn McLain*

Carl Poe

PROCEEDINGS: Call to Order by Richard Morse at 11:30 .

1. Review Minutes of Last Meeting: Approved (X) / Amended ()


Secretary’s Report:

(Carolyn McLain) – Nothing to report.


Treasurer’s Report:

(Fredy) – Finances in Good Standing. Reimbursement from regional for Richard for the conference.

4. Program Report: (Richard) –Gave list to section congress. Only one made cut was make lower level more fun and discount for publication didn’t make cut. Richard will email the 23 items from Congress

For Kartchner event, Richard can pick up food at Cosco. Need a list for what type of food. Richard will call Tucson, Lost Alamos and Albuquerque.

5. Publicity Report: (Bob) – 15 May the second flyers will go out to Phoenix, Tucson,

Albuquerque and Los Alamos for Katchner Caverns event. We will send flyers to chairs.

6. Membership Report: (Randy) – Richard and Randy attended April 23 for Cochise

Industry Advisory board event at Cochise College for a mechanical and electrical engineering degrees. Randy went to a CTE meeting at Buena High. Randy met with

DST about a conference for small and medium business government contracting and was wondering if we want a booth. We say no. Talked John Delia at U of A south for a student chapter and he sent it to the Dean and he is on board. Also trying to get Cochise

College on board.

7. PACE Report: (Randy)

 Engineer’s week funds of $400 was received and deposited.

Sent report for Katchner Caverns to get $500. Levi will be replacement for PACE in

Warwick, RI.

Talked with Celia coordinate of STEM at Cochise College about a student chapter at

Cochise College but it may be a problem since they don’t do four year degrees but maybe partnering up with U of A. Need 10 total to start.


Ft Huachuca IEEE Executive Committee Minutes

9 May 2014

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Pre-College Education Report: (Ann) – Maybe bringing Benson into Future city competition. Elfreda may or may not participate next year as their science teacher is leaving. Wells Fargo sent a message saying they need signature again. They said our balance is quite a bit more than it really is.

9. Women in Engineering (Carolyn)

Carolyn needs to send expense report to Russ

Kinner, Region 6 treasurer, Mike Andrews and chairperson of WIE Women.

Carolyn McLain attended the WIE conference in San Francisco. Got many ideas for holding event.

We lose students at transitions. These are Grammar to middle school, middle to high, high to college.

For failure, typically women blame on self and men blame professor.

First generation college students have the most challenge.

Only 3% of women who enter college get a STEM degree.

Programs in San Francisco and other large cities

Girls who code. It is for Middle and high school girls. Summer emersion program. Now there are 19 programs in 5 cities. Company hosts the program in their facility.

After school program. Bay, Seattle, Boston, New York.

Women who Code, started in San Francisco. 12 countries, 10,000 members

10. Fellows and Awards Report : (Richard) – No fellows at the present time. No awards.

11. Strategic Planning Report: (Richard) – Nothing to report.


Webmaster’s Report:

(Levi Moore) – Updated all information that was sent to him..

13. Old Business: One item open:

[08-09] Project Lead the Way support – In Progress

14. New Business:

Trying to start a Reliability Society Chapter for Phoenix, Tucson and Fort Huachuca.

Nothing new.

15. Next Meeting: June 6, 2014

16. Adjournment: Motion to Adjourn by Richard Morse at 12:15 .

Membership Roster

Name Email Cell Phone Work

Fredy Arevalo

Randy Britto

520-895-9771 520-533-3403

623-332-6087 520-417-8079

Ann Hartfiel

Carolyn McLain

Keith Moore

Richard Morse

Carl Poe

Rob Reiner

Charles Rutherford

Walter Vidinski

Tom Watiti

Kelly Straub

Betsy Schwartz

Ft Huachuca IEEE Executive Committee Minutes

9 May 2014

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520-248-9584 520-417-5693





254-702-1468 520-538-0719

