Three Democracies 2014 The Knights Play Review Rubric Getting

of Purpose/Focus:
What is
Three Democracies 2014 The Knights Play Review Rubric
Getting Started
Making Progress
I can state my
I can clarify my
I can clearly state with
opinion as to what
understanding of the
meaningful language and
Aristophanes is saying Aristophanes message by insight, the message that
in this play
explaining my answer
Aristophanes is delivering
with meaningful language to the Athenian people in
this play
I can write an
introduction, main
body and conclusion
I can organize my
argument into clear
component parts that are
connected I can
I can organize my ideas
into a clear, coherent and
effective structure that
demonstrates strong
connections between ideas
with a conclusion that
extends the conversation
Summary of the
I can explain the story
I can retell the plot of the
play including the actions
of the characters
First Example of
Political Satire
I can cite details from
the text to describe
one example of
political satire
I can use specific
examples from the text
and to describe and
discuss one example of
political satire
I can describe the plot of
the play including the
specific actions of the
I can use examples that are
well focused and fully
developed, going beyond
generalized social
impressions of the idea to
describe how the author
employs political satire
I can state with
sophisticated analysis
and insight the message
that Aristophanes is
delivering to the
Athenians in a way that
reveals involvement with
the topic, stretching for
new understanding.
I can organize my ideas
into a clear, coherent and
effective structure that
has a logical progression
of ideas, with a
conclusion that stretches
my learning and relates
the issue at hand to the
world today
I can use lively language
and interesting
vocabulary to summarize
the plot of the play
I can incorporate relevant
and concrete evidence
from the play into my
paper and use a variety of
elaborative techniques to
demonstrate how the
author employs political
Second Example of
Political Satire
I can cite details from
the text to describe
one example of
political satire
I can use specific
examples from the text
and to describe and
discuss one example of
political satire
I can use examples that are
well focused and fully
developed, going beyond
generalized social
impressions of the idea to
describe how the author
employs political satire
I can seamlessly integrate
comprehensive, relevant
and concrete evidence
from the play into my
paper and use a variety of
elaborative techniques to
demonstrate how the
author employs political
Is Political Satire a
Sign of Healthy
I can mention how
political satire is used
in the play
I can discuss, in general
terms how political satire
and democracy are
I can discuss the
relationship between a
healthy democracy and
political satire using a
lively voice, clearly written
prose and meaningful
Language and
I can write with basic
language and
I can employ vocabulary
consisting of a mix of
precise and more general
I can write with a lively
voice and elegant prose
style, including fresh
vocabulary and reflection
on my strongest insights.
I can offer my analysis,
written with insight and
with sophisticated
language the relationship
between a healthy
democracy and political
satire in a manner that
extends the conversation
and reveals new
I can write with
scholarship and elegant
prose that reveals
original voice and new
I can employ basic
grammar, usage
I can employ adequate
sentence construction,
grammar, usage and
mechanics to present a
general argument x
I can employ appropriate
sentence construction,
grammar, usage and
mechanics to present a
convincing argument
I can employ
sophisticated sentence
construction, grammar,
usage and mechanics to
present a scholarly