Pupil Premium Data - Enderby Road Infant School

Enderby Road Infant School Pupil Premium 2014 - 2015
Summary updated Dec 2014 / May 2015 / July 2015
Number of pupils eligible for
Pupil Premium funding:
<=18 KS1 x £1900 =£34,200
(19 KS1 Summer term, 2015)
Please note that the number
of children in receipt of Pupil
Premium changes from term to
term as some children become
eligible, and other children
come to or leave the school.
It is important to remember that Pupil Premium funding is paid to schools quarterly and follows the financial year
from April to April, but schools follow an academic year of three terms from September to July.
This is a summary of the academic year 2014 – 2015.
We use our Pupil Premium funding in a variety of ways, to support the academic achievement of, and increase
opportunities for, all Pupil Premium children, and also to address individual needs which may disadvantage a Pupil
Premium child personally, socially or emotionally. Good to outstanding teaching makes the most impact on pupil
achievement, and we use our Pupil Premium funding to increase the direct teaching hours spent with our PP
children. Although we are a small school, we employ two HLTAs, and have upskilled all support staff in 2014/2015
to deliver quality phonics to smaller groups of children.
Pupil Premium funding was allocated
in the following ways:
Impact / evidence
Continuing subsidy for 5 additional HLTA hours in Y1
(weekly) for three terms, 2014 – 2015, to deliver
phonics in small, phonics phase, ability groups, and
Precision teaching 1:1 for one Y1 PP children.
Y1 phonics: PP pupil results: 8 children in Y1 took the phonic
screening test, and 5 passed. Precision teaching is continuing to help
2 children make secure progress. The effectiveness of interventions
and children’s individual needs are continually assessed.
HLTA High Achievers training Spring 2015.
Our HLTAs attended teacher training to raise
achievement for our high achieving children and a
focus on our higher ability PP children.
Supply x 2 TA x 4 days each
Y1 Higher achieving pupils were achieving above age-related
expectations at the end of the year.
Y2 PP KS1 higher ability results: nine children achieved 2B+ in
reading and writing, and seven achieved 2B+ in maths. Two children
achieved at least 2A+ in all areas, and Level 3 in at least one area.
Subsidy towards additional TA hours for
Spring/Summer terms 2015 in Y2 class to
enable Y2 teacher to focus on PP children/lower
ability group.
Y2 PP KS1 results July 2015
KS1 Y2 - there were eleven PP children in Year 2. 100% achieved
Level 2 in all areas of learning.
Of the eleven, nine achieved 2B+ in reading and writing, and seven
achieved 2B+ in maths. Two children achieved 2A+ in all areas.
Additional half day UPS teacher hours (£950 per
Three terms 2014/2015 KS1 teacher.
This half day releases other teachers to target
areas of concern where PP children need additional
skills practice or made insufficient progress in a
previous lesson.
See above.
The gap in attainment between our PP and non-PP children is small,
and fluctuates termly within a narrow band, sometimes becoming a
In Spring 2015, we volunteered to have our school Poverty Proofed,
and this has given us new ideas how to eliminate the gap in
Greater opportunities for listening to stories, free-reading and
speaking and listening in the school environment.
It is important that we make reading a meaningful and magical
experience in order to engage children in learning.
Additional TA L2 gardening hours (2.5 hours per
week) three terms.
(Training and support funded by school’s involvement
in learning network and Words Count project to
develop storytelling areas and growing areas around
Contribution to development of reading area with
throne on main field.
Refurbishment of gardening areas for speech and
language development, and gardening club.
Additional EYFSP hours (2.5 per week) three terms
2015 / Precision teaching one PP/SEN child in Y1.
This member of staff has the skills to support this
child with this intervention.
Reading area completed Spring/Summer 2015.
This child is making steady but secure progress through this
Upskilling to raise attainment/achievement in phonics
‘The Lazy Teacher’ Jim Smith January, 2015
All teaching/support staff/governor training.
Phonics: set up and resourcing (Bug Club, Bearing
Away phase ¾ intervention)
TA training Ed Psych/behaviour/motivating children
to engage with learning/ 7 support staff.
TA training supporting language development /
phonics training phases 2 - 4
4 members of support staff.
TA supply for 2 HLTAs x 2 days each
This whole staff training highlighted the disparity between PP and
non-PP children’s achievement.
Phonics progress tracking / PP phonics screening pass % June 2015.
Small, phonics phase groups have enabled us to address learning
needs of our PP lower achieving and PP SEN pupils.
Our support staff have been praised for their skills in accelerating
progress in phonics, by an external observer.
Library and reading areas / to be a ‘reading school’/
to raise PP reading attainment and parental
engagement. Refurbishment and new books:
EYFS/KS1 lower ability/starter readers and lower
ability guided reading sets.
Subsidies for all school trips and clubs free to Pupil
Premium children.
Whole school pantomime visit coach/entrance
Scunthorpe Music festival etc.(coach £5 per child)
Doncaster Dome June 2015 coach/entrance
Whole school Yorkshire Wildlife Park July 2015
It is important that we make reading a meaningful and magical
activity in order to engage our infant children in independent
Progress in reading for PP children continues to be a focus.
All PP children participated in this visit.
All PP children participated in the festival.
All PP children participated in this visit.
All PP children participated in this visit.
Spring/Summer terms 2015 FSM/PP weekly computer
Spring/Summer terms 2015 FSM/PP KS1 weekly,
professionally-led dance class.
(This club is also subsidised in part by Sports
Premium funding).
Spring/Summer terms 2015: participation in all
other after-school clubs (including professionally-led
Judo which is subsidised in part by Sports Premium
School uniform and PE kit for all PP children.
All PP children have priority for places. PP children tend to miss out
when clubs are filled on a ‘First come’ basis.
All PP children have priority for places.
The majority of PP children now participate in at least one after
school club. A minority still do not, and the school will address the
reasons why on a child by child basis in 2015/2016.
PP children receive one set of uniform per year, including PE kit –
this is school-sourced with the school badge.
Achievement end of Y2: all achieved Level 2B+ / 2 out of 4
achieved Level 2A+ in all areas.
Engagement with project / project report. One boy and one girl now
play for local football teams, and brought trophies into school in
summer 2015.
Individual Y2 child support: 1:1 counselling support
Autumn term 2014
Individual Y1 child support (school coat with badge x
1/winter shoes)
Increased ability to manage own behaviour in school, observed using
strategies taught by counsellor.
Achievement end of Y2: child achieved Level 2A+ in all areas.
Clothing support is given with parents’ agreement, on the
recommendation of teaching or other staff from observations of a
child’s well-being. This is a confidential matter.
Non-PP children are sometimes assisted by the School Fund.
Total Pupil Premium expenditure
Individual child support
Study Parks Project (Autumn 2014)
Scunthorpe United Football Club
2 boys, 2 girls x Y2 PP children/8 weekly sessions to
widen opportunities.