Summer Transition, Advising and Registration (STAR) 2015 REGISTRATION CHECKLIST _____ ENTER YOUR CLASSES into myPurdue (deadline is 11:59 PM tonight). Now that you have met with your Academic Advisor and developed your academic plan and completed your Form 23A, you must go to the computer lab in HAMP 3144. There you will create and enter your Fall 2015 course schedule with support from your college and the Office of the Registrar. Use the grid/schedule form provided by your Academic Advisor to assist you in plotting out your schedule. _____ Learning Community participants. If you enrolled in a Learning Community (LC), the courses associated with this LC have already been placed on your course schedule. You may NOT change ANY of the LC course times or drop one of the LC classes without withdrawing from the Learning Community. You are in the ____________________________ Learning Community. Your linked LC courses are ______________________ _____ _____ ______________________ __________________________ Horizons participants. If you are enrolled in Horizons, you must enroll in GS 19900 or GS 49000 Purdue Promise participants. If you are enrolled in Purdue Promise, you must enroll in a specific section of GS 197. If you are enrolled in Purdue Promise, you must also visit the Purdue Promise Coordinator in Stanley Coulter G030 during your STAR visit between 10:30-3:30. After STAR _____ Check your Purdue email account daily and take action as needed. This will be the primary means by which the University and your advisor will send you important information. _____ If you have not done so already, you are encouraged to sign up for Boiler Gold Rush (BGR) in myPurdue ( _____ You may modify your course schedule during the priority period for STAR attendees. This period is from noon on Monday, July 13, 2015 to 11:59 PM on Wednesday, July 15, 2015. Open registration for all students begins at 9:00 AM on Monday, July 20, 2015. You may access your schedule and the add/drop function via You are strongly encouraged to check with your Academic Advisor before dropping a course from your schedule to make certain the course is not a pre-requisite for future courses. This could affect your graduation date! You are encouraged to change sections with extreme caution as there is a possibility you could lose your space in the course. This too could affect your graduation date! If you decide to change sections be sure to complete the drop and add in one transaction as follows. First, drop the course (or part of a course) that you want to change by selecting ‘Drop (Web)’ next to the course. Second, enter the CRN for the section you want into one of the boxes at the bottom of the screen. Finally, select ‘Submit Changes’ to process your request. Each time you modify your course schedule, you will need your Registration PIN #. It is recorded on the bottom of your Form 23A. AFTER your initial registration session in myPurdue, you can also retrieve your Registration PIN # from myPurdue by doing the following: Go to myPurdue Click on the Academic tab Click on Registration Pin (in list of Registration Tools) SELECT TERM – Fall 2015 Click on Submit Your PIN will appear for you to retrieve.*** *** This only works if you have USED YOUR PIN for registration for Fall 2015. If you have not logged on with your PIN at least once for Fall 2015, the PIN number will not appear. _____ You may not register for more than 18 credit hours without advisor permission. Beginning HHS students are encouraged to limit their first semester course load to 14-16 hours. _____ Your advisor will check with you to see if you are going to be taking any Advanced Credit Exams and/or Foreign Language Placement Exams. If applicable, you will make the changes to your schedule that you discussed with your advisor during your STAR visit. To make sure you get the classes you want, please make these changes as soon as possible. _____ Advanced Credit Exam Score Required to Pass Foreign Language Placement Exam Results If you pass, you will receive credit for You will drop/add Based on your results you will make the following adjustments to your schedule AP scores will arrive in mid-July. If applicable, you will make the changes to your schedule that you discussed with your advisor during your STAR visit. To make sure you get the classes you want, please make these changes as soon as possible. High School A/P Exam taken Score Required to Pass If you pass, you will receive credit for You will drop/add _____ Pay all tuition, fees & housing fees by the due date on your eBill, or you may sign up for an installment plan via your myPurdue account An eBill will be sent to you and any Authorized Users assigned to your account in mid-to late-July. If you don’t receive an eBill by August 1, please contact the Bursar’s Office at (765) 494-7570. Even if financial aid and other sources have reduced your balance to “$0.00,” you will still need to complete your Enrollment Confirmation via your myPurdue account and click the “Registration Status / Enrollment Confirmation” link. If registration requirements are satisfied you will get a green confirmation message; if requirements are incomplete you will receive further instructions in red. _____ Contact the residence to which you are assigned if you have questions regarding your housing. Contact University Residences at (765) 494-1000 if you intend to live on campus, but have not received a housing assignment. _____ Contact your Academic Advisor with any questions regarding your plan of study, required courses or your registration for Fall 2015. Contact information is on the business card you received during your STAR advising appointment. _____ Complete “Know Your Limit: Alcohol and You.” Email instructions will arrive by August 1st. _____ Get ready for classes to begin on August 24! _____ Remember to set up an appointment to meet with your academic advisor during the first 3 weeks of school. Best of luck with the coming year! Revised 6/11/2015