Belmont Abbey College College ID-Elite Player Camp SATURDAY NOVEMBER 22, 2014 AT BELMONT ABBEY COLLEGE This baseball camp has been a hallmark for our baseball program over the years. This camp is designed to introduce Belmont Abbey Baseball to the High School player. The camp is open to any and all entrants who have started classes for the 9th grade through the 12th grade. Each player will be able to focus on their primary and secondary positions. Our knowledgeable and energetic staff will provide proper instruction and drills to enhance the skill level of each individual. Campers will go through a showcase style workout as well as be instructed during offensive and defensive drill work. The campers will have the opportunity to meet our current players and interact with them throughout the day. We have multiple players sign with Belmont Abbey from this camp every year. Campers should bring cleats, running shoes, glove, bat, sleeves, etc. We want to keep cost down in order for everyone to attend. Registration is limited for each camp. Space is available on a first come first served basis. registered. TIME: 9:00 AM COST: $50.00 PER PERSON (NO REFUNDS) AGES: GRADES 9-12 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO BELMONT ABBEY BASEBALL CAMP SCHEDULE: 9:00 CHECK IN 9:30 INTRODUCTIONS & OUTLINE FOR THE DAY 9:45 TEAM STRETCH AND FORM RUNNING 10:00 60 YARD DASH 10:15 THROWING 10:30 DEFENSIVE INSTRUCTION BREAKDOWN 11:00 OFFESNIVE INSTRUCTION BREAKDOWN TBD WRAP UP WITH COACH ANDERSON Application form: Name________________________________AGE______________GRADE___________________ ADDRESS_______________________________________________CITY____________________ STATE______ZIP________ EMAIL___________CELL____________ SCHOOL_______________ THROWS: BATS: PRIMARY POSITION____________ SECONDARY___________ T-SHIRT SIZE: ______ EMERGENCY CONTACT:_ _____ PHONE:_ _____ TOP 3 SCHOOLS YOU HAVE INTEREST IN: 1. 2. 3. PLEASE MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TO BELMONT ABBEY BASEBALL (No refunds) (MAIL CHECK/APPLICATION TO RYAN MCCLENEY/BELMONT ABBEY 100 BELMONTMT.HOLLY ROAD BELMONT, NC 28012 Attn: Athletics)