Parent - Cobb County School District

Belmont Hills Elementary School
Parent Involvement Policy
2015 - 2016
Revised March 3, 2015
Belmont Hills Elementary School is a School Wide Title I Program. As of February 2012, The State of Georgia was
granted a waiver from NCLB. According to the definitions in the waiver, Belmont Hills Elementary School has been
identified as a Non-Designation School.
Belmont Hills has jointly developed this policy and compact with our parents to describe how we will support the
important role of parents in the education of their children. In cases where the students reside in a Neglected and
Delinquent residential facility, a representative from that Facility can serve as a proxy for the parent (s). At Belmont
Hills, we build capacity for parent/community involvement by implementing the six types of involvement: Parenting,
Communications, Parent Volunteering, Learning at Home, Decision-making and Governance, and Collaboration and Exchanges
in the Community. This policy will be distributed to parents during Conference Week , October 19 – 23, 2015 and will be
available on the school website.
Based on the requirements of Title I Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), Section 1118 and the needs
identified by our parents and school staff surveys, we will provide reasonable support for parental involvement activities as
parent may request. The following strategies were outlined:
The Belmont Hills Elementary will provide training to educate the teachers, pupil services
personnel, principal, and other staff in how to reach out to, communicate with, and work
with parents as equal partners, in the value and utility of contributions of parents, and in
how to implement and coordinate parent programs, and build ties between parents and the
school, by: Training teachers on the six (6) Standards for Parental Involvement.
An annual Title I information session and other flexible scheduled meetings will be held
throughout the school year. These meetings will cover the following information:
Title I Programs
College and Career Ready Performance Index
Parent’s right to know about Teacher and Paraprofessional qualifications
Parent Information Workshops & Parent volunteering
School policies and procedures
School curriculum
Student assessments
Local and State assessments
Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (K12)
Transitioning from Local Pre-K to Belmont Hills Elementary to Campbell Middle School
and Griffin Middle School
III. Parents will receive information from our school in their child’s home language in a
timely manner. Belmont Hills Elementary uses the following communication methods to provide
parent with timely information:
The Parent Compact will be distributed to parents during fall parent teacher conferences or as new students are
enrolled in the school. Both English and Spanish versions of the compact will be available. In addition, all
students receive a student handbook which includes the code of conduct, procedures and a calendar of events.
During the first week of school, teachers review this information with students. Also, parents are asked to sign
that they have read the handbook and discussed its content with their children.
B. Information about school policies and involvement opportunities are communicated through direct parent contact
By the following staff:
a. School Council
b. PTA
c. Parent Liaison
d. School Counselor
C. Annual and regular meetings of parents will be convened to discuss the school-wide program, including their
rights to be involved in the school plan.
a. Belmont Hills Elementary School will convene an annual orientation Open House which will be held at the beginning
of the school year for all parents. Parents are encouraged to attend. Items to be discussed that evening include:
1. Inform parents about the guidelines, purpose, goals, and expectations of the Title I program.
2. Inform parents of their important role in their child’s success.
3. Inform parents of school, grade level, and individual teacher policies and procedures.
4. Present an introduction to the grade level curriculum.
b. All parents are invited to attend parent meetings and are given copies of the school plan.
c. Parents and community members are asked to serve on committees such as the School Council and
the PTA board.
d. Parent meetings are held both during the school day and evening. Specific dates and times are
included in the plan. In cases where the students reside in a Neglected and Delinquent Residential
Facility, a representative from that facility can serve as a proxy for parent(s).
IV. Parents will be provided information on school performance, student’s individual assessments, and school
Information on School Performance is located on the Belmont Hills Elementary School web site, Hills
b. The results of , SLO, SRI, SMI, ITBS, CoGat, and Georgia Milestones are sent home with students who have
participated in these tests.
c. Information about the school curriculum is conveyed to parents through parent/teacher meetings, letters to
parents, teacher e-mails, Belmont Hills calendar, and at the Cobb County School District website at
Parent curriculum website is located on Picasso.
d. Timely information about events at Belmont Hills will be sent out via Blackboard message service in
English and Spanish.
E. Parents and community members will be given timely responses to their concerns and suggestions:
a. All concerns or suggestions submitted in writing or verbally are responded to in a timely manner.
Information from parent surveys have resulted in action steps in our School Strategic Plan.
b. Opportunities for parents to share questions/concerns will be provided at the parent conferences
c. Meetings/workshops and on an individual basis through their child’s teacher and school Administrators.
F. The parent compact was developed by the parents, students, and school staff of Belmont Hills Elementary on May 6,
2014. All stakeholders are asked to participate and to sign the compact to show their support.
G. Belmont Hills Elementary will provide training to parents on how to help their child at home through Learning Nights
held during the school year and monthly trainings.
H. Belmont Hills Elementary will provide a way for parents to help their child prepare for the End of Grade Assessment by
providing a web site for EOG prep.
V. Building capacity for parent/community involvement will be provided by:
a. Belmont Hills Elementary Parent Liaison.
b. Use of the Parent Resource Room which is located in Room 3 at Belmont Hills
c. Work with the Partners and Friends of Belmont Hills through the Partner in Education Program.
We encourage all families to be education partners in their children’s school success by:
a. Inviting parents to attend all meetings by giving them the Belmont Hills Elementary Parent Involvement
Activities Plan.
b. Inviting parents to serve on committees such as the School Council, School Strategic Plan Committee,
Parent Policy/Compact Action Planning Committee, and the PTA.
c. Providing meetings held during the school day and outside school hours. These dates and times are listed in
the Belmont Hills Elementary Parent Involvement Activities Plan.
d. Visit our Parent Resource Center in Room 3 which operates Monday- Friday 7:15A.M.-3:00 P.M. where materials are
provided for check out. Various topics might include child development, academic strategies for students, self-help
strategies, and multiple games and books to increasestudent achievement.
VII. Parents will be provided information on school performance and student’s individual assessments:
a. Information on school performance is available on the county and state website.
b. The results of the ITBS, COGAT, Georgia Milestones are sent home with students or held to be discussed at
Parent-Teacher Conferences. These conferences will be held to further assist parents the opportunity
to give input on how to work with their children.
c. Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held to afford parents the opportunity to give input on how to work with their
work with their children.
If you have additional comments, questions, or concerns about this policy, you may contact Ms. Bertha Nelson, Belmont
Hills Elementary at 678-842-6810 or by email at