
1.Of the following, the major political opponent of
the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V was
a. Pope Clement VII
b. Henry VIII of England
c. Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden
d. Francis I of France
e. Phillip II of Spain
2.Which of the following ws the primary cause of the
Hapsburg-Valois feud, which dominated European
international politics in the 16th century?
a. the differences in the religious positions taken by
the two families during the Protestant Reformation
b. the refusal of Charles of Hapsburg to marry a
Valois princess
c. competition for colonies overseas
d. the conflicting political ambitions of the two
e. clashing territorial interests in southern Germany
3.Probably, the major attraction of Calvinism for
French nobles was
a. A desire fro religious freedom
b. A form of revolt against the strongly
Catholic monarchy
c. The Calvinist bent toward hard work and
monetary reward
d. Fundamental disagreements with the
Catholic Church
e. The fact that Calvin was French by birth
4.The teachings of which of the following had the
greatest impact on the Reformation in Scotland?
Ignatius of Loyola
John Calvin
Martin Luther
Desiderius Erasmus
Ulrich Zwingli
5. The principle of “he who rules; his religion” was
established by
a. The Edict of Nantes
b. The Papacy in Rome
c. The Geneva Convention
d. The Peace of Augsburg in 1555
e. The inquisition
6. Elizabeth I of England and her contemporary,
Henry IV of France. have been called
politiques because they believed that
(A) doctrinal unity was necessary to political unity
(B) religious questions were as important as political
(C) religion was the most important part of politics
(D) political leaders should not be involved in
religious questions
(E) theological controversy should be subordinate
to political unity
7.“Poverty, considered a virtue by the Catholic
Church, became shameful to the Calvinists. The
middle class found in Calvinism a justification for the
pursuit of wealth.”
This passage implies that Calvinism may have been a
powerful influence in the development of which of
the following ?
a. Communism
b. Capitalism
c. Nationalism
d. Democracy
e. Science
8.Protestant values, sometimes differing for one sect
to another, helped in the development of which of
the following
a. capitalism, nationalism, monasticism
b. science, capitalism, nationalism
c. the coe princes of conciliar movement,
science, democracy
d. nationalism, individualism, clerical celibacy
e. science, nationalism, monasticism
9.Calvinism in France
a. Often served as a cloak for noble
b. Was rejected by the peasants
c. Had little impact on the nobility
d. Was rejected by the middle class and
e. Became the official state religion
10.Which of the following were strongholds of
Protestantism by 1600?
a. Northern Italy and Southern Germany
b. Poland and Austria
c. Hungary and Northern Germany
d. Scandinavian and Northern Germany
e. Austria and Germany
11.At the end of the French Wars of Religion, Henry
IV converted from Calvinism to Catholicism because
a. Was threatened with death unless he
b. Had genuine differences with Calvinist
c. Wanted to gain control over Paris
d. Had undergone a genuine religious
e. Hoped to gain the support of Catholic Spain
12.In the early 16th century, one’s religion was
determined by
a. One’s ruler
b. One’s personal conscience
c. The bishop of diocese
d. One’s parents
e. God
13.When Henry IV remarked, “Paris is well worth a
mass”, he was referring to
a. His prayers for the fall of the city during his
siege of it
b. His expected vist during he Easter season
c. His conversion to Catholicism to gan
popular favor
d. His conversion to Calvinism to gain support
of the Huguenots
e. His visit with the Pope to gain absolution
14.The Edict of Nantes, issued by Henry IV in 1598,
was on eof the most significant acts of his reign
because of all the following reasons EXCEPT
a. It was one of the first governmental
guarantees of religious freedom in Europe
b. It granted Huguenots civil and political
equality with Catholics
c. It continued the bitter civil war between
Catolic and Protestant
d. It brought peace to Frane
e. To ban private duels within the realm
15.The Saint Bartholomew’s Day Massacre was part
of which larger conflict?
a. French religious wars of the late 16th
b. Thirty Years War
c. English Civil War
d. War of Spanish Succession
e. War of Jenkins’ Ear
16.The French Wars of Religion involved all of the
following EXCEPT
a. Aristocratic resentment at royal authority
b. Antagonism between Calvinists and
c. A weakened monarchy following the death
of Henry II
d. Spanish interference in French political
e. The refusal of the politiques to view
France as anything other than a purely
Catholic nation
17.The most successful politique was
a. Oliver Cromwell
b. Philip II of Spain
c. Mary I of England
d. Francis I of France
e. Elizabeth I of England
18.Which event starkly marked the beginning of the
French wars of religion?
a. The duke of Guise surprising a Protestant
congregation in Champagne and
massacring many worshipers
b. The issuing of the January Edict
c. The leak, to the Catholics, of the kidnapping
plot to take Francis II from his Guise
d. The death of Francis II
e. The crowning of Francis II as king of France
19.King Henry IV stunned France, Spain, and the
pope by
a. Declaring France Protestant, but hoping it
to remain politically weak
b. Executing two hundred militant Protestants
c. Declaring France Catholic but hoping it
would remain politically weak
d. Publically abandoning the Catholic faith and
embracing Protestantism
e. Publically abandoning the Catholic faith
and embracing Catholicism
20. Which of the following is NOT true of the Edict of
a. it was issued by Henry IV of France
b. it allowed the practice of Protestantism in France
c. it was responsible for the St. Bartholomew’s Day
d. it was revoked by Louis XIV
e. it was accepted by the French Huguenots
24.Which of the following individuals said, “Paris is
worth a mass
a. Cardinal Richelieu
b. Henry IV
c. Louis XIII
d. Catherine de Medici
e. Louis XIV
25.Elizabeth I brought religious calm to England by
a. Allowing priests to marry
b. Authorizing a translation of scripture into
c. Acknowledging the civil rights of Catholics
d. Requiring only outward conformity to
e. Giving religious freedom to all groups
21.The Edict of Nantes in 1598 did which of the
a. ensured Anglo-French cooperation throughout the
17th century
b. created a French church separated from papal
c. ended the War of the Spanish Succession
d. proclaimed the toleration of of Calvinism
e. precipitated the French Wars of Religion
26.Lady Jane Grey was
a. A wife of Henry VIII
b. The mistress of an 18th century French salon
c. A young woman whose relatives tried to
seize the English throne in her name,
following the death of Edward VI
d. A Shakespearian actress
e. A leader of the Gaelic movement in 20th
century Ireland
22.The Edict of Nantes issued by Henry IV of France
did which of the following?
a. recognized the rights of the French Protestants
b. made public the king’s conversion to Roman
c. settled the Bourbons on the French throne
d. ordered the Spanish out of France
e. announced French entry into the war between the
Spanish and the Dutch
27.The greatest achievement of the English sailor
Francis Drake was
a. Attacking Spanish galleons and seizing gold
and silver from the New World
b. Defending England against the Spanish
c. Expanding British naval and commercial
d. Succeeding as a favorite of Queen Elizabeth
e. Becoming the second European
commander to circumnavigate the globes
23.The Massacre of St. Bartholomew’s Day in 1572
a. marked the renewal of religious civil war in
b. resulted in the slaughter of Catholic leaders
c. marked the end of Protestantism in France
d. restored religious toleration in France
e. was perpetrated by Huguenot mobs
28. Following the death of her half-sister Mary
Queen Elizabeth of England pursued which of the
following religious policies?
a. She followed her father’s example and
refused to embrace either Protestantism or
b. She followed Mary’s policy by keeping
England within the Catholic Church
c. She began a massive persecution of
Catholics on the charge of heresy
d. She broke with Rome and established a
moderate Protestant church
e. She waited to make a decision on religious
matters until many years into her reign
29.“There reigneth all abuse, carnal liberty,
enormity, sin and Babylonian confusion. Take away
kings, princes, rulers, magistrates, judges, and such
estates of God’s order, no man shall sleep in his own
house or bed unskilled, no man shall keep his wife,
children or possessions in quietness, all things shall
be common; and there needs must follow all
mischief and utter destruction both of souls, good
and commonwealth
The homily, read from a pulpit in Elizabethan
England, was primarily an attempt to convince
people to
a. Attend the services of the Church of
b. Accept the social hierarchy
c. Accept Elizabeth as their queen
d. Challenge the status quo
e. Guard their family and property
30. The Council of Trent (1545-1563) was the major
body through which
(A) Spain strengthened its position against the Turks
(B) the house of Hapsburg gained control over Italy
(C) the Roman Catholic church reformed itself
(D) European states entered into economic
(E) Puritans and Catholics were reconciled
31.All of the following were significant
accomplishments of the English durning the reign of
Elizabeth I EXCEPT
The Thirty-Nine Articles completed the
English Reformation
b. Her foreign policy encouraged the
independence of the Netheralnds, a
commercial and colonial rival of Spain
c. She weakened the power of Spain, bastion
of Catholic orthodoxy
d. She satisfied the Puritans who had
criticized the Anglican liturgy as too close
to Catholicism
e. She encouraged nationalism and the
development of a unique culture
32. A primary goal of Philip II of Spain was to
a. grant toleration to religious minorities
b. create a monarchy accessible to the people
c. reunite the Spanish and Austrian Hapsburg
d. strengthen the Spanish economy
e. maintain Spanish control of the Netherlands
33.The leadership of the Dutch revolts (1566-1648)
sought all of the following EXCEPT
a. an alliance with the English Catholics
b. the end of the Inquisition
c. the end of excessive taxation
d. the elimination of the rule of foreign officials
e. an alliance with French Protestants
36.Which of the following was a major result of the
Thirty Years War(1618-1648)?
a. the long term strengthening of the Holy Roman
Emperor’s authority
b. the banning of Calvinism in the German states
c. establishment of strong Russian influence in the
northern German states
d. the loss of as much as one-third of the German
speaking population through war, plague, and
e. the encouragement of rapid economic
development in many German speaking cities
34. The Pieter Brueghal painting (circa 1569) shown
above depicts the massacre of villagers in
the Netherlands by Spanish troops
Russia by Ottoman troops
Spain by English troops
France by Swedish troops
Hungary by Austrian
35. The 16th century revolt in the Netherlands was
largely inspired by
a. an economy that was in recession
b. English support for Dutch rebels
c. strict language laws imposed by the Spansih that
blocked the use of Dutch for official correspondence
d. the failure of the Netherlands and Spain to agree
on how best to use the wealth created from the vast
Spanish overseas empire
e. economic, poltical, and religious tensions in the
relations between the Netherlands and Spain
37.Which was a result of the Thirty Years’ War
a. Germany replaced Austria as the
predominat power in Central Europe
b. The Hapsburg reign ended in Austria
c. Germany was economicall devastated and
it population decimated
d. The Frech lost all influence over German
e. Sweden was victorious in all phases of the
38. In 1618, the Protestants of Bohemia openly
defied the Holy Roman Empire by
a. Refusing to pay taxes
b. Murdering the emperor’s emissaries
c. Attacking its Catholic neighbor Bavaria
d. Throwing the emperor’s emissaries out a
e. Making a deal with Richelieu of France for
support of their cause
39. As a result of the Czech nobility by the Czech
nobility in 1618
a. Bohemia gained independence from the
b. The Hapsburg allowed Protestant worship
c. The native nobility was wiped out
d. The Bohemian parliament gained power
over taxation
e. The Czechs gain independence after the
Battle of White Mountain
40.King Gustavus of Sweden entered the Thirty Years
War in 1629 in order to
a. Forestall the entry of France into the
b. Aid the Habsburg cause
c. Neutralize the potential threat from
d. Defend Protestant interests iin the Holy
Roman Empire
e. Keep Habsburg troops from directly
entering Swedish territory
44.During the Thirty Years War, France pursued a
policy of
a. supporting the Hapsburgs against the Protestant
princes and rulers
b. allowing French Protestants to fight for the
Protestants even though the monarchy supported
the Roman Catholics
c. supporting the Protestant princes and rulers
against the Hapsburgs
d. remaining neutral
e. opposing England in order to recapture Normandy
41.The primary goal of France in entering the Thirty
Years War was to
a. defend Catholicism against German Protestants
b. reduce the power of the Hapsburgs
c. punish the Swedish king, Gustavus Adolphusbon
on the Spanish
d. conquer Brandenburg-Prussia
e. place a Bourbon the Spanish throne
45. King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden entered the
Thirty Years War in 1629 in order to
a. forstall the entry of France into conflict
b. aid the Habsburg cause
c. neutralize the potential threat from England
d. defend Protestant interests in the Holy Roman
e. keep Habsburg troop from directly entering
Swedish territory
42.The long term effect of the Thirty Years War on
the German states was to
a. restrict Lutheranism to southern German states
b. initiate a long era of peace and rapid economic
c. encourage unification
d. devastate the German states economies
e. increase the power of the Holy Roman Emperor
43.Which of the following is true of Gustavus
Adolphus of Sweden?
a. he was a devout Roman Catholic
b. he was a major participant in the Thirty Years
c. he defeated the Russian army at the Battle of
d. he established Calvinism at the Swedish state
e. he set up an organization to mediate international
46. The Peace of Westphalia of 1648
a. brought about the end of the title of emperor
within the Holy Roman Empire
b. brought official recognition to Calvinism in the
Holy Roman Empire
c. officially recognized French absorption of large
tracts of German territory
d. was brokered by the papacy
e. was a temporary measure that within a
generation would result in new conflict in the empire
47.The Thirty Years War resulted from all of the
following EXCEPT
a. the Counter Reformation
b. the growing power of he Habsburgs
c. Lutheran dissatisfaction with the Peace of
d. Religious conflict in Bohemia
e. the expansion of Calvinism in the Holy Roman
48.The primary purpose of the Peace of
Augsburg(1555) was to
a. end the wars between the Hapsburgs and the
b. end of the civil war between Lutherans and
Roman Catholics in the German states
c. end the Thirty Years War
d. create better trade relations among German
e. facilitate diplomatic relations between the Holy
Roman Empire and the Ottoman Turks
49. The Peace of Westphalia(1648) resulted in which
of the following?
a. undisputed control over central Europe by the
b. the creation of a strong central government to
rule the Holy Roman Empire
c. the guaranteed independence of numerous small
German states
d. an end to the persecution of Protestants in the
Hapsburg Empire
e. an end to the Hundred Years War
50. The religious conflicts of the 1500s and 1600s led
a. religious toleration between Roman Catholicism
and the major Protestant sects
b. a unified Christian society in Europe
c. unremitting religious riots and civil war in Spain
d. a virtual end to Hapsburg hegemony in Germany
e. the establishment of Roman Catholicism as the
state religion of the United Provinces of the