Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648) Based on this map of the HRE on the eve of the 30 Years’ War, what caused the war? Causes • Violations of Peace of Augsburg (1555) freak out Catholics and Protestants alike: – Lutheran acquisition of Catholic bishoprics – Spread of Calvinism – Jesuit reconversion of Lutheran princes The Sides • Protestant Union (1608) • Catholic League (1609) The Goal • Maintain land and influence … don’t let either side advance religiously or territorially • Religious + political motives 4 Phases 1. 2. 3. 4. Bohemian (1618-1625) Danish (1625-1629) Swedish (1630-1635) French / international (1635-1648) It all began with my favorite historical event … Phase 1: Bohemia • Civil war in Bohemia: – Protestant Bohemians vs. Catholic Habsburgs – Catholic victory Protestantism eliminated in Bohemia Phase 2: Danish • more Catholic victories • Albert of Wallenstein – leader of Catholic forces, but more interested in his own gain • Edict of Restitution (1629) – reaffirmed Augsburg; gave Catholics properties lost to Protestants Phase 3: Swedish • Protestant victories under Gustavus Adolphus Phase 4: French/International • French (Catholic) aid Protestant forces in HRE and declare war on Spain to weaken Habsburgs • Int’l: German Protestants, Dutch, Swedes, Scots, Finns, France on Protestant side Peace of Westphalia (1648) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ***turning point: end of religious wars*** recognized sovereignty of ≈300 German princes affirmed independence of United Provinces French land gain (Alsace) + weakened HRE Swedish $$$ & land gain (German territories in Baltic) ended papal participation in central Euro. religious affairs affirmed Augsburg, + added Calvinism Based on the next 2 maps, what can you conclude about the impact of the 30 Years’ War? More Consequences • destroyed agriculture & commerce • deaths: est. 1/3 urban + 2/5 rural ppl • nobles gained