1 Course Title: Audit Analytics I Instructor’s Name: Qi Liu With many participants of the AIS Group at Rutgers Course Number: 22:010:688 Sponsored by Ernst and Young Date: Fall 2012 Introduction This year Rutgers Business School is introducing a certificate in “analytic auditing” associated to its MACCY Program1. This certificate is of dual purpose. MACCY students may specialize in the area taking these courses as optionals while non-enrolled students may take the 4 course certificate independently. The courses will be mainly distancebased but each will have 2 days of residency. A limited number of students that are not able to be physically present will be allowed to participate through virtual presence. Background For reasons that are well known, there is a renewed focus on audit quality in the CPA profession. The PCAOB regulatory regime, the formation of the Center for Audit Quality (CAQ), initiatives at major firms, and other indicators attest to this. The profession is more focused on more effective audit methodologies than it has been for decades. The development of new methodologies needs to be preceded by basic and applied research that establishes a sound theoretical foundation and demonstrates that they will work. The need for such research represents an opportunity for universities to work with audit firms, software vendors and others. The following are examples, in no particular order, of the types of areas that are likely to prove fruitful in the field of analytical auditing: Analytical procedures, Other data Analytics, Continuous Auditing Integration, Audit Risk/Assurance Model, Elicitation, quantification and expression of professional judgment, Audit optimization, Fraud detection processes, Systems analysis and internal control evaluation and Smart navigation of GAAP Date: 1 Spring 2012 http://business.rutgers.edu/finmaccy/students Developed by the generous support of ” 2 Course Description and Objectives: This course, is intended to provide you with the basics of the application of analytics in the (internal and external) audit process in current ubiquitous computer-based information systems and their application in organizations. Specifically, you will have an opportunity to begin to: 1. gain a managerial overview analytical techniques 2. understand ways in which information systems are used in organizations and industries. 3. gain understanding of the evolving scenario of big data analytics auditing 4. perceive the progressive convergence of analytics methods, information processing, and telecommunication technologies. 5. link audit analytics to corporate continuous monitoring and business process support The module does not primarily focus on the technical aspects of analytic methods, though these topics will be discussed largely in the context of case examples: thus, the emphasis is on the usage of statistics and the interpretation of results rather than the mathematics of specific tools and techniques. Course Structure This is a seminar course. Your input/ participation is essential and historical class participation is the major determinant of the grade. Grading: A module evaluation will be performed based on: Assignments Exam Participation Background Textbook References: Developed by the generous support of ” 40% 20% 40% 3 Materials will be drawn from many sources including the Internet, professional articles, academic articles. and books. The WWW is the Universal Library. Part of the learning of this course should be to understand how to mine this resource and join it to more traditional sources. Make sure that you reference the materials you draw from the Internet or from other sources. Assignments: Each session will have a theme. Students are required to prepare for class. Assignments are due at the beginning of the class Legend: R = H = O = T = C = Reading Assignment to hand in Optional reading Team Presentation Assignment to be discussed in the classroom Recommended or Optional readings are just a guidance. Students should find their own sources and share it with the class. NOTE: Most lectures will have a set of slides associated to it. I will post materials on Blackboard and have them available on a stick. However, you must realize that based on how the course progresses I may change those slides somewhat. Furthermore, content evolves rapidly and I may add or subtract content out of the course based on class progress. Lecture 1 Outline Introduction Competing on analytics Material Authors Super Crunchers – Qi Liu Ian Aires Big data on Data Analytics in auditing (application Competing The areas, evolving approaches, and Analytics: New Science of benefits) Winning- Thomas H. Davenport and Jeanne G. Harris Video 2 Audit Analytics related software & tools Developed by the generous support of ” Qi Liu 4 A survey of tools available Audit software (ACL/IDEA) –what they do Video Statistical packages (SAS, R, WEKA) 3 Audit Analytics in audit planning -- Sample data Preliminary analytical procedures (I) Video1 Descriptive statistics (demonstration Video2 using SAS) Data Visualization using SAS) 4 Qi Liu (demonstration Audit Analytics in audit planning -- Sample data Preliminary analytical procedures (II) Qi Liu Basic data analysis (demonstration Video using ACL) 5 Stratify & Classify Summarize & Age analysis Exam sequence & Look for gap Audit Analytics in audit planning – Audit Sample data Risk assessment (I) Duplicate detection Field matching using ACL) Fuzzy logic Video1 (demonstration Video2 Hussein for Fuzzy logic duplicate detection Benford analysis (demonstration using ACL) 6. 7. Audit Audit Analytics in audit planning – Mock et al.,Audit Risk assessment (II) Audit Program Planning Using A Belief function Belief Function Concepts Framework How to use belief function to evaluate audit evidence Example Audit Analytics in audit planning – Audit Thiprungsri et al., Qi Liu Risk assessment (III) - Cluster Analysis for Anomaly Clustering Detection in Developed by the generous support of ” 5 8. Concepts Accounting Data: Audit Using Clustering to assess fraud An Approach1 risk Video Example Audit Analytics in audit planning – Audit Risk assessment (IV) Video Text mining Text evidences in auditing Concepts of text mining Using text mining to predict audit risk Demonstration of SPLICE 9. 10. Audit Analytics in Audit Planning– Audit Jans et al. 2010 Risk Assessment (V) Internal fraud risk reduction-Results Process mining of a data mining Concepts case study Using process mining to assess/improve internal control Example Audit analytics in substantive analytical procedures Video Regression Introduction (concepts and different regression models that can be used in auditing) Selection of regression models Example 11. Audit analytics in substantive test of transactions Sampling (probabilistic selection methods) sample Rule-based method How to use rule-based method to audit and monitor transaction RME-EP: Audit-rule Specification Developed by the generous support of ” Kevin Moffitt 6 Language 12. Audit analytics in test of details of Eija Koskivaara balances Artificial Neural Network Models Sampling for Predicting Monetary unit sampling Patterns in Auditing Monthly Variables sampling Balances Neural Network Video Concepts 13. Example Audit analytics in Continuous Auditing Introduction to CA Analytical procedures in CA Continuity Equations Kogan et al. – Alex Kogan Analytical Procedures for Continuous Data Level Auditing: Continuity Equations Video Other videos: Video: ratio analysis of financial statements Video: expert systems Video: XBRL lecture STUDENT PROJECT PRESENTATIONS FINAL EXAM Issue Presentation: Each group will choose, research, and present a discussion of one ISSUE relevant to this course. As the course is very compact you should start now choosing your group and deciding on the topic. The issues on the syllabus are Developed by the generous support of ” 7 only suggestions. The group has wide latitude to choose but I have to approve the topic. Please e-mail me. The group will have 25 minutes maximum to present including 10 minutes for questions. All members of the group should present. Final Project: We envisage this project being on the application of advanced audit analytics on process or sub-process in the financial related area (e.g. continuous reporting, continuous audit, loans, treasury, financial analysis, xbrl, etc) but you have wide latitude to present a topic. You should prepare a powerpoint deck with fully explanatory notes The presentation will be evaluated on: 1. Technical quality of the content 2. Interest to the audience 3. Originality 4. Quality of the presentation 5. Other In general it should contain: 1. Description of the analytic being used 2. Technology being used 3. Nature and characteristics of the transformed process 4. Example(s) 5. Others Developed by the generous support of ”