
Overseas Guests of Honour: Stone Dragons (Tom & Sue Jeffers)
UK Guest of Honour: Piers Cawley
The Allcock and Walker families (and Brooce, their pet Concrete Cow Moose (honest!)) would
like to cordially invite you to the 28th UK Filkcon – “Con2bil8”, to be held on the weekend of
5/6/7th February 2016 at the Best Western Hotel in Marks Tey, Colchester.
There will be music, there will be friendship, there will be immoderate amounts of both tea
AND beer (to cover both major food groups (oy! What about chocolate!?!? Ed.)).
Lissa and Annie are wondering where they can get a straightjacket for a concrete cow. Brooce
thinks that the people who need the straightjackets are Lissa and Annie…
Post-worm (from March 15th): Waged/Unwaged£37/£27 or €50/€35
Children: under 5 years free, then £1 or €1.30 per year of age at time of booking, up to age 17
Please make cheques payable to UK Filk Convention
Alternatively, book online at: (small fee payable)
For more information go to
or email
Name ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Badge name (if different)……………………………………………………………………………………………
Address ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Email ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Membership type (delete as applicable): Adult / Adult Unwaged / Child age …………….
I need to receive PRs by post (default will be e-mailed pdf)………………………………………..
Please post membership forms to
Con2bil8, 119 Whitehill Lane, Gravesend, DA12 5LU
Membership data will be kept on an electronic database and used for the purpose of this convention and
as an initial mailing list for the next year’s convention