Contact Department if you have any questions about attending

DEPARTMENT OF NEBRASKA - PO Box 5227 – Lincoln, NE 68505
Phone (402) 466-1808 E: Web:
Department President Barbara Skillman
Department Vice-President Barbara Washburn
Department Secretary/Treasurer Jacki O’Neill
N. E C. JoAnn Ward
Department Historian Debra Albers
Department Chaplain Kathy Mazur
Department Advisory Chairman Carol Ulrich
Department Finance Chairman Julie Totten
April 9, 2015
Dear Unit Officer,
We are fast approaching June Department Convention. Hopefully you have made arrangements to attend.
The main reason for this letter is to remind you of the May 1st deadline for Constitution changes and May 10th for
bylaws and standing rule changes. The District Presidents will be contacting you about a proposed change to the
Uniform District Constitution.
A fillable Citation of Merits sheets can be found on www. website under Forms tab.
NOTE: The Department, (State) that places the MOST new EMAIL addresses on the ALA Membership system
will receive 500 Poppy bags. That is enough for each unit to receive one or more! Update your membership
information today!
How to close your year?
After your Unit holds election of officers provide any materials you have to your replacement.
Please don’t leave a new Officer/chairman stranded with no clue on what is required of them.
If you had changes to your Unit Officers please forward that information to Department.
Hopefully you designed a list of duties for your program to help ease the new chairman into that
Membership is a year-long project…every member should assist in the membership program so
please encourage unpaid members to pay today…before Department Convention.
WRITE then EMAIL OR MAIL your year end annual reports SOON. You should be working on them
now so you don’t forget the marvelous things your unit did during our 2014-2015 year. The reports
should be pouring into the chairmen’s mailbox or Department’s very soon.
I can hardly wait to read your report; that is one of many perks of this job!
Unit information C&B proposal and reminder list for 2015
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What is expected of you at Department Convention?
Contact Department if you have any questions about attending Kearney in June.
Make room reservations and SAVE THE DATE.
Be sure that the winners of your History, Publicity, Prayer Books and Poppy Posters were sent to
the appropriate Department judges before the Department Convention. The winning District Poppy
Centerpieces should be brought to the Department Convention for judging no later than 9:00 a.m.
on Friday. They will be displayed at the Department Convention.
Invite many members to attend.
Find volunteers from your Unit to help with registration and elections…please!
Send someone from your Unit to pick up the Unit’s 2016 membership cards. If you want them
mailed you need to contact Department by June 20th or they will be packed and shipped to
Kearney, NE. Holiday Inn.
Your District Officer will be asked to report at the Convention on what made your Unit special.
Help her to BE PREPARED!
Make plans to attend National Convention in Baltimore if you will be a Delegate or Alternate
Contact Department if you CANNOT attend Baltimore in August if you were expected to be a
Delegate or alternate.
If you want your Unit information and accomplishments to be put down in History write a report
and send it to the Department Historian to be placed in the 2014-2015 History book. (Be sure to
send a copy to your County and District Presidents too).
Remember: that all reports should be on 81/2” by 11” paper.
Auto biographies can also be placed in the History book.
It is not BRAGGING if you report all the volunteerism provided by your Unit members it is
REPORTING. We need to make Congress realize what we have done and will continue to do for our
Veterans, Communities and Children. Especially this year as the National American Legion
Commander is Mike Helm from Nebraska. He is fearlessly working to help provide Veterans the
help they need, in return for the job they did protecting our freedoms as Americans!
Units will receive their Delegate Strength information 30 days prior to Convention.
Your membership MUST be paid up for 2015 to hold any chairmanship!
The new proposals for recommendations will be placed on the website under Convention news and Department
news. In fact anything that gets mailed out of this office that is not personal will be posted.
Keep in touch and be sure to call if you have any questions.
Unit information C&B proposal and reminder list for 2015
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