1. Broder, J. (2009). Israel: Standing up to Goliath. Retrieved January 1, 2015, from http://library.cqpress.com.proxy.library.vcu.edu/cqweekly/document.php?id=wee klyreport111-000003189434&type=hitlist&num=3 2. Pro-Israel, Dead end, Government gridlock, Underlying Agendas, Financial Struggle, Extreme Lobbying 3. US Government 4.International relations, economics, homeland security 5. Jonathan Broder of CQ weekly, is the author of the Article Israel: Standing Up to Goliath discusses the troublesome effects of the Israeli lobbyist in Washington. He discusses how the immense pressure from them is one of the leading causes fir why the USA remains loyal to Israel. He mentions the vote from 2010 where congress voted that Israel was not able to defend itself and still required foreign aid from the US. He argues that peace in the Israeli-Palestianian conflict will not be reached by simple US aid nor ever will be unless Israel makes some serious efforts of its own to stabilize tensions. On the other hand Palestinians are becoming more and more stubborn and hard headed towards peace talks with Israel as its sucks off the US tit that we refer to as foreign aid more and more. The country expects the entire nation of Israel to erase its borders and hand over its territory entirely. The USA with its strong Jewish population faces lots of scrutiny from its people when it does not make the proper advancements to help the nation. The house faces constant pressure and gridlock due to the extreme nature of the lobbyist in support of Israeli aid. Broder talks about Democrat Donna Edwards and her struggles she experienced after she spoke afoul against pro-Israel lobbyist. He discusses the different agendas of the opposing lobbyist and how the halter each other. 6&7. “For decades, he says, groups such as AIPAC, the Anti-Defamation League and the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations have defined the term “pro-Israel” on Capitol Hill as meaning one thing only — unquestioning support for Israeli policies” Broder here is quoting one of Clintons political advisor and how it was for him dealing with Israeli Lobbyist and how hard there push for US support is and how hard it is to get around it. “And that definition, Ben-Ami notes, came to dominate in Congress simply because most of the people whom lawmakers have heard from on this issue have been those who donate — or withhold — money based on a lawmaker’s position on Israeli issues.” Here he explains just why the Israeli lobbyist are so successful, their money. As a politician your success is only possible by your extreme financial support and with large sums of funding not being given to politicians who vote against Pro-Israel it is pretty hard to not vote with them. “They’re not helpful when they support the president’s efforts to only single out Israel for pressure, they’re not helpful when they criticized Israel for standing up to Hamas in Gaza.” Broder discussing the problems the government faces when the lobbyist are purely Pro-Israel agenda and nothing else. They support the nation as a whole because of its religious backgrounds but when it comes to the actual agenda of the USA it becomes a lost agenda. 8. “The problem with such youthful predictions is that they need another generation to prove whether they were accurate or not. For now, however, J Street appears to be answering a call by many American Jews for a lobby that will pressure candidates and members of Congress to reflect their dovish views” Here the author sums up how no matter what we do now we wont know the consequences of extreme Israeli lobbyist until another generation has come in and seen the negative effects.