
Los Angeles SmartLipo Center
Male Breast SmartLipo
Afraid to take your shirt off?
Gynecomastia – or excess fat across the chest area – is a common condition in many men. Also known as
male breasts or “man boobs,” gynecomastia can make everyday social situations awkward, from going to
the gym to finding shirts that fit. Yes, male breasts can be embarrassing, but SmartLipo can help you regain
your confidence and enhance your masculine build.
The Laser Liposuction procedure at Los Angeles Smart Lipo Centers is easier and safer than traditional
liposuction. First, a local anesthetic is used to numb the area. Then, a laser is used to gently melt the fat
directly under the skin and to encourage skin-tightening. One or two small incisions are then placed on
each side of the chest to begin the suctioning process. The cannula used to remove the fat is very small–
slow, gentle movements mean less pain, less bruising, and a rapid recovery time for patients.
This permanent procedure produces noticeable results, leaving you with a more sculpted, welldefined manly physique.
Usually lasting only an hour, our male chest Liposculpture procedure reduces fat and tightens
skin leaving a more defined, masculine physique.
This Laser liposuction procedure is performed with only light sedation, and most patients are back
at work in one to two days.
Male Breast Smartlipo Before and After Photos
Male Breast Before & After
Male Breast Before & After
Sample photos courtesy of John Bergeron MD, Houston TX. Your results may vary.
Why choose male breast reduction?
Male breast reduction boosts confidence, promotes a more masculine physique, and makes buying wellfitting clothes easier. And now with the Laser Liposuction procedure at Los Angeles Smart Lipo Centers,
recovery times are quick, and there is less post-op bruising and pain.
What is the procedure like?
Smart Lipo is performed in our office under local anesthesia – all patients remain awake and alert during the
entire procedure. First, the skin is numbed and one or two small incisions are placed on either side of the
chest. Using gentle suction, excess fat is removed using a gently vibrating cannula, or straw like
instrument. The cannula itself is 3mm – about the size of an a cooked spagetti noodle . The procedure
lasts for about an hour, and patients walk out of the office with their new, sculpted physiques.
Am I a good candidate for male breast reduction?
SmartLipo male breast reduction is generally recommended for patients with full or fatty chests without hard
glandular tissue. Anyone who is very thin but still shows the outward appearance of male breasts may not
be a good candidate. These patients may have excess glandular tissue, or “true” gynecomastia, and will
not benefit from SmartLipo. These patients may need a surgical procedure to directed remove the glandular
tissue. This procedure is called a “Direct Excision”. Only a physical exam by the doctor can determine
if the breast contains excess glandular tissue.
Will I have any scars or sagging skin?
The male breast reduction procedure leaves only one or two very small puncture sites on each side of the
chest, each only about 2mm wide. Scarring does not usually occur, however, any resulting scars will
normally fade into the natural color of the skin. Hairy-chested men will not notice any scars.
Men under the age of 60 with good skin tone will not notice any sagging skin – the Laser Liposuction
procedure at Los Angeles Smartlipo Centers is specifically designed to promote skin-tightening effects as
the fat is removed. Older men or men who have lost a considerable amount of weight may still experience
sagging or lax skin.
Will this procedure change my nipples?
No, this procedure will not change the size, color, or placement of your nipples.
To learn more about Male Breast/Chest Smartlipo at Los Angeles Smart Lipo Centers, or to schedule a
consultation, contact us today!