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10 Benefits of Male Breast Reduction for Gynecomastia

10 Benefits of Male Breast Reduction for
Gynecomastia, or male breast reduction, is a common clinical condition that consists of a benign
(non-cancerous) enlargement of glandular tissue in the male breast. Most men experience a
diffused lump behind the areola (dark-colored skin on the breast surrounding the nipple region).
Fibrous glandular tissue and an increase in the fat tissues give rise to the appearance of female
breasts in response to elevated estrogen levels and decreased testosterone levels (hormonal
In this article, Dr. Mrinalini Sharma, a leading surgeon at Aestiva Clinic, discusses the ten
benefits of male breast reduction. The expert surgeon is widely known for performing the best
treatment for Male Breast Reduction in Delhi. Continue reading for more insights.
1. It Provides Long-lasting results
The results of breast reduction surgery are long-lasting and permanent. Once the surgeon
removes the fatty pockets from the chest, they will not grow back. However, to prevent the
condition from reoccurring, one must remain careful and maintain a healthy weight. Gaining
weight in the future indicates that the chest may expand like earlier. However, if hormonal
imbalances cause gynecomastia, correctly diagnosing and treating such conditions can prevent
future occurrences. Male breast reduction treatment follows a step-by-step procedure for lasting
results. These include as below:
● Diagnosing the causes of swelling in the chest tissues
● Treating the underlying causes
● Maintaining a healthy and stable body weight
Note: Male breast reduction surgery is valuable for men with excessive chest tissues. While
Male Breast Reduction Cost in Delhi is a concern for many individuals, the results of the
procedure surpass the cost of the procedure.
2. It Enhances Confidence and Self-esteem
The gynecomastia procedure enhances one’s self-confidence and changes one's perception of
themselves. Many men get disheartened due to their poor body shape. They crave a sculpted
body posture and may get overwhelmed due to swollen chest issues. Additionally, physical
insecurities also trigger anxiety. Therefore, the gynecomastia procedure effectively improves
one’s confidence.
3. Less Back Pain
For men with gynecomastia, back pain is another prevalent issue. Their posture is altered by the
extra weight on their chest, which causes their spine to become rounded and gives them the
appearance of a slightly humped back. Moreover, some men get used to this position to make
their chest look smaller and less pronounced. However, this posture can lead to back pain and
other associated issues. When one has surgery to remove the excess breast tissue, one will find it
simpler to keep a better posture and eliminate any back pain.
4. It Offers a Masculine Figure
Excess breast tissue in men is often called ‘man boobs’, but this comparison with the female
form can be embarrassing for many men who feel that their condition has compromised their
masculinity. Men who choose gynecomastia surgery can once again have a more masculine
figure because it can make it easier to remove this extra tissue and help the patient get a
smoother, flatter breast.
5. It Becomes Easy to Maintain a Healthy Weight
Although not all men with gynecomastia are overweight, it can be challenging for them to
maintain a healthy weight. Physical exercise may be painful or uncomfortable due to the extra
adipose and glandular tissues. Any exercise involving running or jumping may result in pain
from tissue bouncing. Physical activities may be made simpler with breast reduction surgery.
6. The Procedure is Quick
Breast reduction surgery for gynecomastia is performed on an outpatient basis. This implies that
one will not feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure. The procedure takes 1-2 hours, so
one does not have to spend the whole day in the state-of-the-art facility. During the procedure,
the surgeon makes an incision, usually around the nipple, to remove the glandular and fat tissue
from the chest. Depending on the amount of fat that needs to be removed, liposuction may also
be combined with breast reduction using the same incisions that were made for breast reduction.
Once all the excessive skin has been removed and the remaining skin has been tightened, the
incisions are closed, and the surgery gets completed.
7. The Recovery is Quick
A compression garment is worn for at least 6 weeks post-procedure to eliminate the risk of
discomfort from swelling and to promote quick healing. This also helps tighten the skin, creating
a better definition of post-surgery. After a month, one can get back to their normal routine and
enjoy activities that were earlier uncomfortable.
8. The Procedure Helps to Improve Posture
Gynecomastia is not only associated with unattractive breast size, but it can also indicate the
presence of more physiological issues. Individuals suffering from gynecomastia have poor
posture due to excessive chest fat, which leads to a permanent “hump” in their spine.
9. Long-lasting Results
The results of gynecomastia are permanent. Once the fat cells are eliminated, they won’t grow
back. Depending on genetics, one might gain a little fat in the future as the remaining fat cells in
the chest expand. Identifying and treating the cause of gynecomastia helps to maintain permanent
10. It is Suitable for Everyone
Gynecomastia surgery is suitable for almost every individual. However, if one is obese, one must
lose weight before the treatment. If an excess fat deposit causes gynecomastia, one could also
undergo liposuction. But it is vital to maintain a healthy body fat percentage before undergoing a
liposuction procedure.
Discover the Best Treatment for Male Breast Reduction Today at Aestiva Clinic
Male breast reduction is one of the procedures for gynecomastia, since it is effective and offers
several benefits. To determine if the procedure is right for an individual, one can book a
consultation with Dr. Mrinalini Sharma, the Best Male Breast Reduction Surgeon in Delhi at
Aestiva Clinic. Dr. Mrinalini Sharma will review the severity of the condition, medical history,
and general health of the patient to determine the safest and most effective treatment.
If one suffers from excessive breast tissue and is considering gynecomastia surgery, the discreet
and dedicated cosmetic surgery team at Aestiva Clinic is always available to help.
For more information on male breast reduction surgery, pay a visit to Aestiva Clinic today!
Contact Details:
E 33, Paryavaran Complex, IGNOU Road, Neb Sarai, New Delhi 110030
Phone: +91-8447652698
Email- info@aestivaclinic.com
Web- www.aestivaclinic.com