C48JE_C4 - Heriot

Form C4
Heriot-Watt University - Course Descriptor
1. Course
5. School
2. Course
Management and Languages
Spanish Advanced for Business 2
7. Delivery:
Location &
Edin X
Sem 2
8. Pre-requisites
Spanish Intermediate 1 and 2
9. Linked Courses
(specify if synoptic)
C48IE (synoptic course)
10. Excluded Courses
11. Replacement Courses
3. SCQF 8
6. Course
Dr Ann McFall
4. Credits
Collaborative Partner
Approved Learning Partner
Name …………………………………Sem………..
12. Degrees for which
this is a core course
International Business Management & Languages (IBML)
Date Of Replacement:
13. The course may be
14. Available as an Elective?
Yes X
UG only X
PG only
delivered to:
15. Aims
A number of different activities fall within this course, each with different aims. Each activity, however, aims to further the students’ knowledge of the Spanish
language and culture and equips them to study Business in Spain in their 3 rd year.
Written Composition
To improve students’ ability to produce texts in Spanish for specific purposes in a business context
To acquaint students with a wide variety of written texts in Spanish in specific fields and registers
To enable students to make decisions about the appropriateness of Spanish texts produced in relation to intended purposes
To improve students’ knowledge of researching source texts and target texts
To enable students to acquire the skills of text production for specific purposes in a business context
To reinforce students’ understanding of Spanish business and economy
Business Seminar
To equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary for studying in a business school abroad.
To enable students to acquire an understanding of basic concepts of social / economic / business culture relevant to the country of study.
To enable students to engage with Management and Economics texts in Spanish
To develop presentation skills.
To develop presentation skills.
To equip students with the skills needed to act as a liaison interpreter between speakers of English and Spanish in business-related contexts.
To achieve command of strategies for realisation in Spanish of the most common speech acts in the business liaison situation.
To develop the students’ ability to express themselves coherently and competently on a wide range of issues
Form C4
Heriot-Watt University - Course Descriptor
16. Syllabus
Written Composition
Workshops involving a variety of activities (translating, correspondence, précis-writing, text analysis) relating to the production of target texts in Spanish working from
English and/or Spanish source texts. Students are given preparation work which they are expected to complete outside class hours.
This class will introduce students to business texts in Spanish: these will be commented on, analysed and summarised. In addition, the students will undertake practical
tasks such as carrying out a SWOT analysis or preparing a Business Plan in Spanish. There will be presentations using Powerpoint, negotiations, etc..
Spoken/Liaison Interpreting
Students will cover a range of subjects in the oral class; these will cover not only business topics but also topics relating to Spanish society. All of these topics will firstly be
presented and discussed in the spoken class. The spoken and liaison elements of this class will alternate.
17. Learning Outcomes (HWU Core Skills: Employability and Professional Career Readiness)
Subject Mastery
Understanding, Knowledge and Cognitive Skills
 Demonstrate a broad and detailed knowledge and
understanding of the social, political and business contexts
of Spain.
 Carry out routine lines of enquiry, development or
investigation problems and issues relating to the social,
political and business contexts of Spain/Spanish-speaking
 Further develop the necessary competence in oral and
written Spanish, thus enabling successful study abroad in
the third year.
 Do presentations and argue a case in Spanish; manage
face to face interaction
 Develop competence as regards the production of text,
both in Spanish and in English
 Successfully interpret between two people (one English
speaker, one Spanish speaker) on a variety of business
topics and other subjects
Scholarship, Enquiry and Research (Research-Informed Learning)
 Develop the ability to identify and analyse business-related issues and to
evaluate related arguments
 Develop reflective practice relating to own and others’ performance in
Spanish language production and in translation/interpreting tasks
 Develop research skills & strategies associated with preparation for
presentation, translation & interpreting tasks related Spanish and Spanish
business culture
Form C4
Heriot-Watt University - Course Descriptor
Personal Abilities
Industrial, Commercial & Professional Practice
Autonomy, Accountability & Working with Others
Communication, Numeracy & ICT
 Convey complex information in English and
Spanish (written and spoken) to a range of
audiences and for a range of purposes in
business contexts.
 Deal with professional issues in translating and
interpreting in accordance with current practices
under guidance.
 Participate in teamwork, peer conversation and
group activities (team presentations/negotiations
and case studies in Spanish).
 Exercise autonomy and initiative.
 Take continuing account of own and others’ roles,
responsibilities and contributions in carrying out
and evaluating translating and interpreting tasks.
18. Assessment Methods
Develop ability to research
information and to evaluate its
usefulness/reliability in
Present information, complex ideas
and arguments in a wellstructured and coherent form
(written/oral) in Spanish/English.
Use presentation software to make
Use a range of ICT tools to
research and prepare for businessrelated/translation/interpreting
Understand and use appropriate
diagrams and charts.
19. Re-assessment Methods
Duration of Exam
Weighting (%)
Synoptic courses?
(if applicable)
2 hours
+ c. 15 minutes
(if applicable)
Continuous assessment (35%)
Examination (65%)
Duration of Exam
60% (of synoptic)
Synoptic – if student fails to
achieve 40% average in
synoptic courses, oral exam
+ written submission
2 hours + oral
exam of 15 minutes
20. Date and Version
Date of Proposal
March 2008
Amended 2010
Nov 2012
Date of Approval by
School Committee
Date of
May 2012