IEP Information for the Regular Education Teacher

IEP Information for the Regular Education Teacher
IEP (Individual Education Program)Key Points
Designed for individual student.
Relates to identified disability.
Describes the student’s current needs related to KY Core Content Standards.
Identifies annual goals, specially designed instruction, and supplementary aids and services.
Describes special education and related services.
Performance Commensurate with Similar Age Peers
a. Does NOT mean that the student is on grade level.
b. It means that the student doesn’t have a disability in that area.
Supplementary Aids and Services (what the student needs in order to gain access to the general
a. Accommodations given across the board not just when the ECE teacher is in the room.
b. REGULAR EDUCATION teachers are responsible for making sure that this happens in EVERY subject area.
c. Examples include: Extended time, scribe, use of visual schedules, previewing questions.
d. No instruction required.
Specially Designed Instruction (what the teacher does to instruct, assess, and re-teach the student)
a. Example-Explicit social skills instruction
b. Mostly done by the ECE teacher
a. Increments of learning which demonstrate progress toward annual goal.
Assessment Accommodations
a. Used CONSISTENTLY as part of the regular instructional routine.
b. Considered a temporary strategy and faded when appropriate.
c. Doesn’t replace reading, writing, etc. instruction.
LRE-Least Restrictive Environment
“The LEA shall ensure that special classes, separate schooling or other removal of children with
disabilities from the regular education environment occurs ONLY if education in the regular
education environment WITH THE USE OF supplementary aids and services cannot be satisfactorily
achieved due to the nature or severity of the disability.”
“A child with a disability shall NOT be removed from the education in age-appropriate REGULAR
classrooms solely because of needed modifications in the general curriculum.”
LRE Continuum
a. Regular Classroom
b. Co-teaching
c. Resource
d. Special Class (formerly known as self-contained )
e. Special School e.g., Waller
f. Home Instruction
g. Hospital Instruction