Sample questions for exam 1 – PSY 213 These examples are an


Sample questions for exam 1 – PSY 213

These examples are an indication of how the professor might construct questions for the exam.

This is not a review sheet. Students can use the study guide and the author of the textbook’s website to get more practice. Good luck.

1) The ________ principle in IDEA requires that public schools provide special education and related services to meet the individual needs of all students.

A) Zero tolerance B) Zero inclusion C) Zero exclusion D) Zero affect

2) In order for a student to receive services under IDEA he/she must be identified as:

A) Requiring special education but not necessarily having a disability.

B) Needing reasonable accommodations but not special education.

C) Having a recognized disability and requiring special education services.

D) None of the above

3) Sven is receiving an education consisting of specially designed instruction and related services that are individually designed to provide educational benefit. Sven is receiving a(n):

A) 504 Plan. B) ADA. C) FAPE. D) LRE.

4) IDEA requirements for nondiscriminatory and multidisciplinary assessment testing procedures include:

A) Testing all children in English.

B) A team approach to assessment.

C) The use of the IQ test as a primary tool for determining eligibility.

D) All of the above

5) IDEA gives parents the right to:

A) Question their son or daughter's special education program and placement.

B) Consent in writing prior to evaluation for special education services.

C) Make recommendations about educational programming.

D) All of the above

6) The least restrictive environment (LRE) requirement in IDEA states that students with disabilities should:

A) Be educated with their nondisabled peers to the maximum extent appropriate.

B) Receive an equal education.

C) Go to special schools.

D) Be fully included in general education classrooms

7) The intent of the ADA is to:

A) Accommodate all needs. B) Create a fair and level playing field.

C) End racial discrimination. D) Regulate small business.

8) The 1954 Brown vs the Board of Education decision resulted in which of the following?

A) Separate cannot be equal.

B) Separate can be equal.

C) Separate classes are needed in extreme situations.

D) none of the above

9) Which group is not eligible for services under IDEA?

A) students with visual impairments

B) students with orthopedic impairments

C) students with autism

D) students with ADD or ADHD

10) IEP stands for

A) Identified Education Program. B) Individualized Excellence Program.

C) Individualized Exercise Plan. D) Individualized Education Plan.

11) Mr. Fuentas called Sarah's parents to schedule a meeting to update information on Sarah's learning, progress and to set goals for the upcoming year. This type of meeting is called a/an

A) intervention assistance. B) annual review.

C) eligibility meeting. D) three year evaluation.

12) Required components of the IEP include

A) annual goals. B) measures of improved performance

13) IDEA - the "legislative heart of special education" incorporates many major components. Which of the following is NOT one of the components? a. FAPE b. IEP c. Due process d. Full inclusion

14) It is a parent's/guardian's right to have a. notification in their primary language. b. 45 days notice of evaluation. c. immediate access to the child's records. d. teachers of their choice on the trans-disciplinary team.

15) Which of the following would be considered the most restrictive environment on the continuum of placement options? a. resource room with a one to one aide b. self-contained classroom c. separate school d. home schooling

16) Within a family systems model, a family is viewed as an interrelated social system with unique characteristics and needs. Which of the following arguments supports understanding a child's disability through a family systems approach? a. families are more like each other than they are different from each other b. recognizing deficits in the family system is an important first step in empowering them to solve their own problems c. improving one aspect of the system may be important in helping the family adapt and function effectively d. families require professional assistance to express their feelings

17) Which of the following exceptionalities would definitely not receive special education services? a. Learning disability b. Gifted and talented c. Other health impairment d. ADHD

18) Which professional provides day-to-day instruction and other support for students with disabilities to include preparing adapted materials and co-teaching?

a. General education teacher b. School counselor c. Special education teacher d. Teacher’s aide

19) Which of the following is not a related service professional ?

a. Special education teacher b. School psychologist c. Occupational therapist d. Speech-language pathologist

20) Which of the following is NOT one of the three critical decisions made by the multidisciplinary team?

a. Does the child have a disability? b. Does the child need special education services to even the playing field? c. Does the child’s disability adversely affect his/her educational performance? d. What is the child’s IQ?

21) Which model of co-teaching requires two or more nonsequential components of instruction be taught in separate areas of the classroom?

a. Station teaching b. Parallel teaching c. One teaches, one observes d. Team teaching

22) Jared needs speech and language services in order to benefit from special education This is an example of a(n):


C) Related service. D) Adaptive fit.

23) The team responsible for developing the IEP for a child in an inclusive setting should include:

A) General educator. B) LEA representative.

C) Special educator. D) All of the above

24) Fred's teacher has noticed that he is often not able to complete one digit addition problems due to difficulty with number sequencing. Before making a referral for special education services she decides to try and use:

A) Developmentally appropriate instruction.

B) Prereferral intervention.

C) An ineffective approach to instruction.

D) None of the above

25) A fundamental purpose of the Americans with Disabilities Act is to:

A) End discrimination against people with disabilities.

B) Require that every person with a disability has a job if they want one.

C) Establish a quota that requires every employer to hire at least one person with a disability.

D) Provide income (cash) support to people with disabilities who are unable to work.
