10th March 2014 - Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Catholic Church

Minutes of the Parish Advisory Council of Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Church
Held on Monday 10th March 2014
Present ---Richard Seamarks (Chair) Mark Slane(Vice Chair), Celia Sharland, Phil King, Father Cenydd,
Richard Maloney, Arthur Staton, Denise Lissaman, Lindsaye Briscoe, Janet Winter, Mary Merron,
Apologies --John McGowan, Gavin Mcaleer
Father Ceyndd gave the opening prayer.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Appointing a new Secretary
Discussed and deferred to next meeting
Welcoming new members
Richard welcomed the new members of the PAC – Denise Lissaman, Lindsaye Briscoe and Janet Winter
briefly explaining the group and who holds what position.
Matters Arising.
The Fire Door in the Parish Rooms has now been completed – need to check its always closed correctly.
10 X 8ft folding tables - £180 each. Look at Go Pak – http://www.gopak.co.uk/products/folding-tables/ for
more information as the tables in the church hall do need replacing when funds allow for this.
Father to ask around the diocese if anyone has any spare tables.
Phil gave a summary of the present financial situation. We do have a deficit against budget because of the
extra ordinary purchases made during the last year. This will restrict further expenditure in the short to
medium term and is being managed carefully on a day to day basis. Overall however there is no cause for
Church Lighting
Lighting is now installed – feedback in the main is positive.
Parish Redecoration
Second collections will continue to raise money for this and regular articles will appear in the newsletter
explaining progress. Richard S to produce a “totaliser” to keep parishioners informed about how much has
been raised so far.
Church painting – could be split into smaller jobs, to spread expenditure. Lady Chapel needs child proof
Buildings/Grounds Maintenance
Arthur said that the statue of Our Lady still had her hand missing, this has been fixed a number of times, at
present Jim Meenaghan has it in his possession. It was decided to try one again to fix the hand. Arthur
explained that he’d personally get this fixed.
Benches in garden – Some are quite old and falling apart. Plaques to be relocated to somewhere suitable
around Church. Celia – To put a notice in the newsletter to inform parishioners of this..
Window sills do need replacing – 1 in Naive and 2 in Lady Chapel. Mark to contact Roman Glass for a
Arthur has put up a slippery path warning sign and Mark to apply patio cleaner.
Church Carpet – We would like to replace, but funds don’t facilitate this at present.
Window Cleaning - £20 for Church, House £14. Hall £20 including back = Total £54. Arthur to try and
negotiate to £50 and have all buildings done for the first time.
Guttering also needs to be done at the top of the Church. Possible to add hedge hog brushes to prevent
leaves from building up. Mark to request a quote from Mayglothline.
The PAC then prioritised the order for future investments as follows:
1. Gutters
2. Window Cleaning
3. Hall Tables
4. Church Painting
5. Church hall painting
6. Carpet in Church.
Hall Heating – Should be set at 22 to 24 degrees C. Put signs up to explain to people not to touch the
heating units. On a Tuesday turn the heating on at 11am due to the groups using it in the afternoon.
Jumble Sale – Permissions need to speak to Fr Cenydd as Bags for life, textiles can be taken away.
Spring Curry & Quiz Social Night – Saturday 10th May. Celia to write questions and ask Fran how much
input costs are, including £25 prize money. Children under 14 are free. Adult tickets £x ---. Raffle will
also take place. No cans out of date please – leave on the side and do not promote.
Drinks cupboard needs reviewing. No sprits. Wine (£1), Beer, soft drinks. Parishioners bring their own
drinks. Glass sizes need to be consistent.
Diamond Jubilee of Parish to be celebrated with a 50’s & 60’s Dance in November – to coincide with the
actual date of 60 yrs. Denise has some music we could use. Fancy dress. Father to find the date. Invite
the Archbishop for a special mass to celebrate.
Could do a tea party with the school children of OLPS.
Publicity – Invite Hereford Times/BBC Radio Hereford. Also ask parishioners for old photos to produce
Rota’s – Put an insert in the newsletter to request volunteers.
Hall booking process was discussed - no action required.
Alarm monitoring – If the system goes down it can SMS people – Mark to get a quote. Alternative
is check daily to ensure everything is functioning correctly.
AGM on the 12th May – At 7.00pm in the Parish Room. Cheese & wine afterwards.
Date of next meeting
The date of the next meeting was fixed as Monday 28thApril 2014
Archbishop attending mass on Tuesday 8th April
Father Cenydd closed the meeting with a prayer