13th September 2015 Part of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Plymouth, Registered Charity No. 213227 Parish Church: Our Lady Star of the Sea, Runnacleave Road, Ilfracombe, North Devon, EX34 8AQ Presbytery & Parish Office: 01271 863563; E-mail: ilfracombe@prcdtr.org.uk Convent of the Poor Clares (Lynton): 01598 753373 Chapels of Ease: St Brannoc, Frog Lane, Braunton; The Most Holy Saviour, Lee Road, Lynton Parish Clergy: Fr Andrzej Jablonski; Rev Philip Waites & Rev Stephen Bearman (Deacons) Parish Safeguarding Reps: Ann Wallace & Sally Redmond; Parish Secretary: Rosalind Bearman TWENTY-FOURTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME, B1, Psalter 4 TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME St Michael & All Angels, RMB Chivenor - 6.00pm (Saturday) Our Lady Star of the Sea - 10:30am (Mark Bolger RIP) Children’s Liturgy of the Word at this Mass The Most Holy Saviour - 5:00pm Please join the community for refreshments after all Masses. WEEKDAY WORSHIP Mon 14th Sept - THE EXALTATION OF THE HOLY CROSS, THE TITULAR FEAST OF OUR PARISH Our Lady Star of the Sea 6:30pm Mass (The People of the Parish) followed by Shared Supper in the Meeting Room Tues 15th Sept - Our Lady Star of the Sea 10:00am Requiem Mass for Concetta Norman The Most Holy Saviour 6:00pm Mass (Living Benefactors of our Poor Clare Community) Wed 16th Sept - St Cornelius Pp M & St Cyprian Bp MK, Mem Our Lady Star of the Sea 9:35am Prayer of the Holy Rosary 10:00am Mass (Deceased Sisters, Relatives and Benefactors of our Poor Clare Community) Thurs 17th Sept – Our Lady Star of the Sea 11:00am Requiem Mass for Margaret Rarity Fri 18th Sept – Our Lady Star of the Sea 9:40am The Chaplet of Divine Mercy 10:00am Mass (Pauline Ferrie RIP) 6:00pm-7:00pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Sat 19th Sept - Our Lady Star of the Sea 12:30pm The Wedding of Samantha Jane Elizabeth Staskiewicz and James Mark Scott 20th September 2015, TWENTY-FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (HOME MISSION SUNDAY) St Michael & All Angels, RMB Chivenor - 6.00pm (Saturday) (The People of the Parish) Our Lady Star of the Sea - 10:30am (For Yvonne Castleman for a speedy recovery) Children’s Liturgy of the Word at this Mass The Most Holy Saviour - 5:00pm Please join the community for refreshments after all Masses. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday – Our Lady Star of the Sea: St Michael & All Angels: And on reasonable request. 10:00am-10:30am 5:30pm-5:55pm Sanctuary Lamp: Sponsored by Nicola Pennington in memory of Mary Cox RIP, Lilian & James Mawdsley RIP “I was sick and you visited me” Please pray for the sick and housebound of our Parish Communities – Mary Marnell, Mary Creasy, Clive Ferrie, Kay Williams, Dave Millman, Claudette Gomez, Michael Boleman, Pat Ley, Terry Towie, and Ursula Carey. Please inform Father Andrzej or Deacons Philip and Steve if you know of someone who is in hospital or ill at home so that they can be ministered to. The POPE’S INTENTIONS for SEPTEMBER Universal: Opportunities for the young – That opportunities for education and employment may increase for all young people. For Evangelisation: Catechists – That catechists may give witness by living in a way consistent with the faith they proclaim. Retiring Collection this weekend, this years’ theme is ‘Hospitality and Sanctuary for All’; we will have a retiring collection which will help the Church continue to work in this area. THE EXALTATION OF THE HOLY CROSS THIS Monday, 14th September 2015 This is our Parish’s Feast Day and there will be Mass in our Parish Church, Our Lady Star of the Sea, at 6:30pm followed by a shared super in the Meeting Room. Please bring a plate of finger food to share. HOME MISSION SUNDAY 20th September 2015 This year’s theme is PROCLAIM God’s Mercy - Home Mission Sunday is celebrated next weekend, and we are encouraged to pray for evangelisation work in England and Wales, remembering in our prayers especially those whom we know are distant from the life of faith. Commemorative prayer cards are at the back of the churches. More information can be found at www.catholicnews.org.uk/hms15. Please support the retiring collection which funds the Bishop’s national work of evangelisation and development of Proclaim ’15: Building Missionary Parishes initiative. Donations also ensures the Catholic Faith Centre is resourced to respond to those who have questions about the Catholic Faith. Donations can be made on line at www.catholicnews.org.uk/donations. Please support the work of Home Mission through your prayers and generosity, God bless and thank you. SUMMER RAFFLE! LAST CHANCE – the raffle is being drawn after 10:30am Mass during coffee time! ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT From this week the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at Our Lady Star of the Sea will be on FRIDAYS from 6:00pm to 7:00pm. Area Fieldworker for Parish Evangelisation Do you have a passion for evangelisation and a desire to help parishes further the Church’s mission? The Diocese of Plymouth is offering one paid part-time post (3 day week) as ‘Area Fieldworker’ to work in the Torbay and Exeter Deaneries to engage with parishes and help initiate, inspire, motivate and mentor parish evangelisation teams. These teams will endeavour to reach out to non-church going Catholics and also those outside the Church who may, as yet, have not encountered the love of the Lord Jesus Christ. If you are committed Catholic with a deep love of the Lord Jesus and his Church and would like information please contact Jan Holton on 01364 645383 or email recruitment@prcdtr.org.uk. The deadline for applications by CV and covering letter is Monday, 14th September, interviews will be held on Tuesday, 22nd September at St Boniface House, Ashburton. The first meeting for potential Pilgrims to the World Youth Day 2016 is on Saturday 3rd October, 11am-3pm, at Belmont Chapel, Western Way, Exeter EX1 2DB Be there if you are interested, curious or have already registered. Bring a packed lunch and a friend! Contact Debbie.beech@prcdtr.org.uk to let her know you are coming (with your name, age & parish). Check out Facebook – Plymouth Diocese World Youth Day 2016. A Day with St Benedict ‘Working towards Compassion: Meeting ourselves in the Parable of the Good Samaritan’ Saturday, 3rd October at Buckfast. See notice board for full details. ‘IN GOD ALONE’ Songs of Hope and Consolation - featuring Jo Boyce and Friends. Sat. 10th October, 7:30pm Holy Ghost Church, Raddenstile Lane, Exmouth A hope filled concert of music, faith and humour to mark the release of the debut solo EP See the notice board for full details. Torquay Celebrate Weekend 2015 th th 17 & 18 October St Cutherbert Mayne School, TORQUAY, TQ1 4RN See the notice board for full details WEEKLY OFFERING FOR THE WHOLE PARISH £485.85 Thank you – God Bless those who contributed & their families.