Minutes of the Parish Advisory Council of Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Church
Held on Monday 20th January 2014
Mark Slane(Vice Chair), Celia Sharland, Phil King, Father Cenydd, Richard Maloney, Arthur Staton,
Andy Spanjers, Mary Merron, Paul Bennett.
Richard Seamarks, John McGowan.
Father Ceyndd gave the opening prayer.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and amended with an apology that was given from Arthur
Staton which was not in the minutes.
Appointing a new Secretary
The matter of appointing a new secretary, as James as stepped down. Phil said that Celia already did the
Gift Aid, and that there were vacancies on the PAC, that perhaps an item could be placed in the newsletter
requesting volunteers to the PAC. Father Cenydd, said that perhaps someone could be seconded. Celia
agreed to place an item in the newsletter.
Matters Arising.
The Fire Door in the Parish Rooms has now been completed. Celia has obtained quotes for replacing the
tables in the hall, Mark asked if it would be possible to get a sample. Celia agreed to approach the company,
Arthur said the tables in use at Belmont were very good, but Paul said that we would need 8ft tables.
As the company was not too far away it is a possibility that we may be able to see them in the showroom.
Phil gave a summary of the present financial situation, due to the payments being made, our total income is
running at 86% for the first 9 months of the year so are well ahead. Expenditure, is very high at present we
have now spent 133% of the budget, a new car was needed for Father Cenydd’s use. Payments have to
made to Belmont for Father Cenydd, (for clothes etc). and the payments made for Solar Panels. £393.00 in
the redecoration fund this can only be used for this. A further amount could be requested from the deposit
account. A vote of thanks was given to Phil for his work on finances
Church Lighting
A quote has been obtained from Monnow Electrics for the replacement of lighting for the church, this will
enable us to get the full return from thefeed in tariff as the church would then be compliant with energy
Mark to contact the electrician to go ahead with the lighting.
Richard suggested that the idea of asking parishioners to save the collection money for 6 weeks and put a
donation of £20 to £25 we will carry on with second collection for decoration. Celia agreed to compose a
paragraph for the newsletter.
Fund Raising
The Bingo and the Tote have now resumed, and the Jumble Sales are set for the next year. Paul informed
that the votive candles were now 10,000 per year, giving a yearly profit of around £2000.00. Paul suggested
removing the price from the front of the stand, and making it a donation.
Buildings/Grounds Maintenance
Arthur said that the statue of Our Lady still had her hand missing, this has been fixed a number of times, at
present Jim Meenaghan has it in his possession. It was decided to try one again to fix the hand.
Mark stated that the path to the church was very slippery. Power washing was suggested but Andy said the
water pressure was not very good. Mark then suggested a patio cleaner he has used which he said was a very
good. It was decided to try this in the first instance and to put warning sign.
The Solar Panels are now in places and also the Fire Door in now in place in the Parish Room.
Arthur said a lot of people are asking about a new carpet. Mark suggested a summary of work carried out in
the last 12 months, Arthur asked if the minutes were published and Mary asked if they could be on the Web
Site, these are already done.
Andy said the hall was decorated by volunteers, the edging was done in a couple of days, and the painting
was finished in a day. It was decided due to Health and Safety this would probably not be feasible as all the
volunteers would need to be trained and a method statement and risk assessment compiled.
Mary asked about collection for Freedom from Torture would make it a project for Lent. Maybe for next
lent. Second one for the coming or next Advent, twin your toilet charity.
Mary also said the window’s could do with cleaning, they are done about once a year, Father Cenydd
pointed out that the double glazing seals had gone on a couple of the windows and this would need to be
corrected when funds allow.
Father Cenydd said that this year will be the Diamond Jubilee of Our Lady’s, and asked if we should mark
the occasion in some way, it was agreed that we could come up with suggestions at the next meeting.
Date of next meeting
The date of the next meeting was fixed as Monday 10th March 2014
At 7.30pm in the Parish Room.
Father Cenydd closed the meeting with a prayer