Student Directions for Writing the Story

Student Directions for Writing the Story
You will be writing a story as if you are the organelle. You will pick an activity for that
organelle to be participating in with the rest its cell.
The teacher will read you a sample story so you understand what you will be doing. Be
1. Look at the organelle choices displayed on screen.
Write your top 3 choices on a piece of paper.
2. You will sign up randomly with the teacher for an organelle.
Look at the screen to see if your organelle choice has been taken.
When you name is called, tell the teacher the organelle that you
would like to choose. If someone has already selected it, choose
3. Writing your story:
Get a piece of notebook paper to plan your story.
Write the name of your organelle and its function.
In your story, is your organelle going to be in a plant or animal?
Write this on your paper.
In what kind of cell is your organelle: Ex heart, leaf, skin, etc. Write
it on your paper.
In what activity will your cell be participating? Ex: Chloroplast in a
passion plant winding around a trellis. Or mitochondria in a heart
muscle cell playing a football game.
Think of a story that goes along with what you have selected.
Write down some ideas that you want to include in the story.
Include the processes they go through, why they are doing that
activity, and how they are related to other organelles in the cell. Ex:
Chloroplast and the mitochondria or several chloroplasts.
List some of the science vocabulary words that you will include.
As you are working, think of a catchy title for your story.
The story will need to be one page, typed, double spaced.
You may use Google as you are working for any research you may
need. You can also refer to your book.
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