Name: ______________________ DATE:______________
1. Which organelle stores the DNA in the plant cell? Does the animal cell also contain this
2. Which types of cells have larger vacuoles? Why do you think that is?
3. What is the primary job of the ribosomes? In which cell(s) are they contained?
4. Name two of the three major differences between animal cells and plant cells.
5. The _______________________ acts as a packaging and processing center in the plant
and animal cells in order to process proteins.
6. Which type of cell does NOT have a cell wall, but does contain chloroplasts?
7. The organelle responsible for storing water in the plant cell is the___________________.
8. Which organelle is the energy supplier for the cell? In which type of cell does it have
more importance? Why?
EXTRA CREDIT (5points):
9. Describe the cell as a city (be sure to compare specific parts of cell to parts of the city).
1. Nucleus; yes.
2. Plant cells; due to the amount of water the cell must hold to maintain its shape.
3. To translate mRNA and make proteins; both plant and animal cells.
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4. Plant cells have chloroplasts, a cell wall, and a large central vacuole. Also, animal cells
generally smaller.
5. Golgi bodies (apparatus).
6. Plant cell.
7. Large central vacuole.
8. Mitochondria; animal cell; because plant cells can get energy through photosynthesis.
Cell wall (plant cell only) – would be represented by a city wall.
Cell membrane - would be represented by a city boundary line.
Mitochondria - would be represented by a power plant.
Chloroplast (plant cell only) - would be represented by a solar panel of solar generator.
Ribosomes - would be represented by cars, trucks, vans, etc.
Nucleus - would be represented by a city hall.
Cytoplasm – would be represented by grass, open areas.
Endoplasmic reticulum - would be represented by the roads.
Vacuole - would be represented by the water plant or water tower.
Lysosome - would be represented by a waste disposable plant or sewer plant.
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