BINGO – MUSCLE TEST Raises eyebrows (as in surprise

1. Raises eyebrows (as in surprise) – frontalis
2. Closes eyes (blinking) – orbic.oculi
3. Closes & puckers lips (Kissing muscle) – orbic. oris
4. Compresses cheeks – buccinator
5. Attached to corners of mouth & draws mouth upward (smiling muscle) – zygomaticus
6. Muscle in the cheek just in front of the ear; elevate mandibles – masseter
7. Draws mouth downward (as in pouting) - platysma
8. Long muscle on the side of the neck (Pulls head to one side) – scm
9. Triangular muscle on the upper back; raises & lowers scapula & shoulder – trapezius
10. A deep muscle that elevates scapula – rhomboids
11. Lies under the pec. major; pulls scapula forward & down – pec. minor
12. Fan-shaped muscle in upper chest; pulls arm forward across chest – pec. major
13. Wide muscle on the outer areas of the lower back; extends & adducts arm – lats
14. Triangular muscle on shoulder; abducts & extends arm – deltoid
15. Lies beneath the biceps brachii; strongest flexor of the elbow – brachialis
16. Lies on the ant. surface of the upper arm; flexes elbow & rotates arm laterally – biceps
17. Has 3 heads; only muscle on backside of upper arm; extends elbow – triceps
18. Works with the flexor carpi radialis to flex the wrist – f. c. ulnaris
19. Located on the medial side of the forearm b/t f. c. ulnaris & f. c. radialis; flexes wrist –
palmaris longus
20. Lies under the f. c. ulnaris; flexes the fingers – f. digitorum superficialis
21. Works with e. carpi ulnaris to extend the wrist – e. c. radialis longus
22. Outermost layer of abdominal muscles whose fibers run on an angle – ext. oblique
23. Innermost layer of abdominal muscles whose fibers run horizontally – transversus ab.
24. Long abdominal muscle that connects the pubic bones to the ribs & sternum – rectus
25. Largest muscle in the body; extends thigh at hip – gluteus max.
26. lies under gluteus max. ; abducts thigh – gluteus medius
27. The hamstring muscles on the lateral side of the thigh ; flexes thigh – biceps femoris
28. The hamstring muscle on the medial side of the thigh; flexes thigh – semimembranosus
29. The hamstring muscle located in the middle of the thigh; flexes thigh – semitendinosus
30. Long, straplike muscle that attaches to the hip, runs over the front of the thigh &
attaches to the medial side of the knee; flexes leg & thigh – sartorius
31. The quadriceps muscle on the lateral side of the thigh; extends knee – vastus lateralis
32. The quadriceps muscle on the medial side of the thigh – vastus medialis
33. The quadriceps muscle in the middle of the thigh – rectus femoris
34. Movement of the foot upward as in pulling the toes toward the knee – dorsiflexion
35. Movement of the foot downward as in pointing the toes – plantar flexion
36. Movement of the foot so the toes point inward – inversion
37. Movement of the foot so the toes point outward – eversion
38. Located on the side of the skull; raises the jaw – temporalis
39. Straplike muscle that extends from the pubic bone to the tibia on the medial surface of
the thigh; adducts thigh & flexes knee – gracilis
40. Elongated muscle that runs over the front of the lower leg; causes dorsiflexion &
inversion of foot - tibialis anterior
41. Calf muscle; causes plantar flexion – gastrocnemius
42. Under the gastrocnemius of the lower leg; causes plantar flexion – soleus