groin strains

A groin strain is a stretch, tear, or complete rupture of the muscle that extends
from the pubic bone on pelvis to the inside of the thigh. It is the main group of
muscles that allows you to move the leg from an outside to an inside position
from the hip (initiating a crossover step or kick in soccer, for example).
Causes of Groin Strains
Like many sports injuries, groin strains happen from overuse of the inner thigh
muscle, or by a sudden contraction of that muscle, or by both.
Factors that may contribute include:
Inadequate warm-up.
Poor technique.
Inadequate strength.
Insufficient pre- season training.
A pulling/tearing/stabbing pain in the groin area.
Swelling and/or bruising that may develop several days after the injury.
Inability to move the leg inward or across the front of your body.
Inability to run in early stages of acute injury.
In ability to play or move sideways in early stages of acute injury.
Muscle spasms in early stages.
Initial treatment
Rest and apply ice packs to the area for 15-20 minutes, 3- 4 times a day
to minimize swelling and pain.
Use an elastic wrap or bandage to apply pressure and limit swelling, or
wear tight compression shorts.
Do not stretch in initial stages, as muscle needs to heal.
See physiotherapist as soon as possible for guidance about what to do,
treatment and rehabilitation plan and guidance for return to sport.
Strengthening is a key aspect to rehabilitation and needs to be started
within first week of injury generally.
Length of time of injury is determined by injury grade. Bad tears/sprains
can be at least 12 weeks before returning to sport. Your physiotherapist
will guide you on this.
How to avoid this injury
Warm up well – make sure warm up is dynamic and at least ten minutes.
Ensure you keep hydrated before, during and after the game. This
involves fluid intake, as well as electrolyte intake.
Ensure your body has time to recover (48 hours) between strenuous
training sessions.
Do not have a sudden increase the intensity, frequency, or duration of
your exercise routine in a short time frame.
Make sure you do adequate strength work of muscles to fulfill the
requirements of your chosen sport. This includes adequate preseason