Key Stage 3 Curriculum Map YEAR 7 Department: Department Name Term 1 Term 2 TERM 3 TERM 4 TERM 5 TERM 6 Term Focus Term Focus Term Focus Term Focus Term Focus Term Focus Medieval Realms Geography Skills The Tudors Economic Activities Religious Worship The London Olympics Content Content Content Content Content Content Students will learn about the contest for the throne of England in 1066, looking at the 4 different claimants and how this led to the Battle of Hastings. The focus will then move on to life and political systems during the time. Students will interpret maps, getting to know the UK and the continents of the world. They will then apply a range of map skills from 6 figure grid refences to scale. Students will investigate how Henry VIII's problems led to the refromation of the church within England and the problems that developed from this. They will then investigate life in Engalnd under the rule of each of Henry's children. Students will investigate the different employment sectors, looking at the factors which influence their locationa nd they could cahnge in the futrue. They will also look at the benfits and negatives that different industries can bring both locally and globally. Studnets will investigate how different religious communities worship and look at why they believe this is important. Students will also investigate how this impacts upon people's lives in the UK. Students will investigate the problems which existed in East London before the olympics and how the Olympics could lead to regenration of the area. Stduents will then investigate the legacy left by other Olympics and the compare this to the 2012 London Olympic site. Skills Interpreting / analysing / reporting / explaining / literacy Assessment Stduents will write a levelled essay on 'Who Should be King' and complete an end of unit assessment. Students will then complete their first Geography enquiry, looking at litter around the school. Skills Map interpretation / numeracy / investigating / evaluating / concluding / literacy Assessment This will take the form of a levellled enquiry titled 'Does SQES have a litter problem' and an end of unit assessment. Skills Analysing / reporting / extracting / prioritising / ordering / explaining / decsion making / investigating / literacy Assessment Students will write an essay on 'How successful Elizabeth's reign was' and an end of unit assessment. Skills Interpretation / numeracy / decision making / problem solving / evaluating / ordering / prioritising / investigation / literacy Skills Skills Empathy / investigating Decision making / / extracting / evaluating / debating / interpretation / extracting / problem prioritising / literacy solving / priortising / investigating / literacy Assessment Assessment Stduents will complete a report on 'Where should Stamford AFC's football stadium be loacted' and and end of unit assessment. Students will write a levelled letter on 'how and why a Hindu worships' and then complete an end of unit assessment. Assessment Students will do a levelled presentation on why London needs the Olympics and then complete a levlled decsion making activity on what should happen to the main stadium. 8 Term Focus Term Focus Term Focus Term Focus Term Focus Term Focus The Stuarts Raging Rivers The Industrial Revolution Changing Coast Lines Religious Ceremonies Shopping in the UK Content Content Content and pleaces of worship Content Students will investigate how the continued tension between the Protestants and Catholics, looking at the Gun Powder plot and wether the plotters were framed. The outbreak of Civil War and the growing struggles for power between the King and Parliament. Students will look at the different features in a drainage basin, the processes of erosion that shape river landforms and how these change overtime. They will then move on to investigate the cause of floods, the effects and how people can respond to these. Students will investaigate how life changed through this important period of history, focussing on health, education and work. Students will also look at the impact of the railways on Britain and how this helped to improve life across the country. The unit will conclude by looking at the Slave trade and the impacts of this. Content Interpretation / numeracy / decision making / problem solving / evaluating / ordering / prioritising / investigation / literacy Skills Interpretation / numeracy / decision making / problem solving / evaluating / ordering / prioritising / investigation / literacy Assessment Assessment Students will write a levelled report on the Boscastle flood of 2004, and then complete an end of unit assessment. Students wil complete an essay on 'How did the Railways change life in Britain?' They will then complete an end of unit assessment. Skills Analysing / reporting / extracting / prioritising / ordering / explaining / decsion making / investigating / literacy / making inferences Assessment Students will complete an essay on 'Was King Charles to blame for the outbreak of war?' Then complete an end Skills Analysing / reporting / extracting / prioritising / ordering / explaining / decsion making / investigating / literacy / making inferences Students will investigate the differnet landforms and procresses that take place across coastlines. Students will look at the impacts that erosion can have on people living by the coast, how we can respond to this threat and how Government policy is changing. Skills Stduents will look at the imporatnce of Students will shopping as an ecomoic investigate the features activity. How shopping of different religious patterns have changed buildings, the meaning and what can be done of these features and to regenrate the CBD. how the buildings are used. They will also Skills investiaget the Interpretation / different religios numeracy / decision ceremonies that may making / problem take place within the solving / evaluating / buildings and the ordering / prioritising / meaning of these. investigation / literacy Skills Content Empathy / investigating / extracting / Assessment evaluating / debating / Students will complete prioritising / literacy / explaining / comparing a levelled ssustianble shopping development plan. Assessment t Assessment Students will complete a levelled postcard from a religious building of their choice expalining the features of unit assessment. 9 and impoartnace of the building. They will also complete an end of unit assessment. Term Focus Term Focus Term Focus Term Focus Term Focus Term Focus World War 1 Population and the World War 2 Tectonics Looking for God Content changing world Unfair world development Content Content Content Content Students will investigate the problems created from the Treaty of Versailles and how this helped lead to the rise of Hitler. They will study what life was like in Hitlewr's Germany and how he prepared for war. They will also study what life was like in Britain and key events at the time, such as the Blitz, the Battle of Britain and D-day. Students will also investigate th Holocaust and the very sad impact of this. Studnets will investigate the cause and processes of plate tectonics, investigating the processes which happen at different plate boundaries. They will then look at real life case studeis, investigating the effects and response methods to these. Students will look at the reasons why people believe in God and if having a faith means that you will conduct your life in the correct way. They will look at the growth of athesium and the reasosn for this. Students will investigate the causes of the war and the complex nature of these. They will then look at life in the trenches and the propaganda machine that operated at the time. Key battles will be studied including the Somme. Concluding with the problems of the peace makers. Skills Analysing / reporting / extracting / prioritising / ordering / explaining / decsion making / investigating / literacy / making inferences / empathy Content Students will look at the Stduents will investigate location of MEDCs and the factors wghich LEDCs and the ways to influence population measure how developed location, the problems countries are. They will asscoiated with population then look at the impacts growth and of Multi National oevrpopulation. They will Companies and Aid as study population oyramids ways of helping countries and how these may change develop. Finally they will overtime. As well as look at life within a shanty looking at the Chinese One settlement (Kibera) and Child Policy and the the problems that consequences of residents face here. migration. Skills Skills Interpretation / numeracy Interpretation / numeracy / decision making / / decision making / problem solving / problem solving / evaluating / ordering / evaluating / ordering / prioritising / investigation prioritising / investigation / / literacy literacy Assessment Students will produce Assessment Skills Analysing / reporting / extracting / prioritising / ordering / explaining / decsion making / investigating / literacy / making inferences / empathy Assessment Students will complete a Assessment Skills Interpretation / numeracy / decision making / problem solving / evaluating / ordering / prioritising / investigation / literacy Skills Empathy / investigating / extracting / evaluating / debating / prioritising / literacy / explaining / comparing Assessment Students will complete a levelled presentation on 'whether having a Assessment religion means you are A levelled report on a a better person.' They tectonic hazard. As well will then complete an as an end of unit end of unit assessment. a levelled letter explaining what life is like in the trenches. Then they will complete an end of unit assessment. Students will complete a decsion making activity on how to control population growth. They will also complete an end of unit assessment. levelled reprot on life in Kibera. They will also do an end of unit assessment. Key Stage 4 Curriculum Map Students will produce a levelled essay answering the question 'Was there really a Blitz Spirit?' They will then complete an end of unit assessment assessment. Department: Department Name YEAR TERM 1 TERM 2 TERM 3 TERM 4 TERM 5 TERM 6 10 Term Focus Term Focus Term Focus Term Focus Term Focus Term Focus Economic Activities Development and Aid Population Settlement Tropical Stroms Droughts Content Content Content Content Content Content Students will investigate the different employment sectors, looking at the factors which influence their locations and how they could cahnge in the futrue. They will look at the benfits and negatives that different industries can bring both locally and globally and how the problems can be overcome. As well as investigating the impacts of Multi National Companies on the countries which they operate within. Case studies include Talk Talk, Ketton Cement, Students will look at the location of MEDCs and LEDCs and the ways to measure how developed countries are. They will then look at the impacts of Aid as a way of helping countries develop, investigating the sustainability and impact of this. Finally they will look at Tree Aid as a case study of a sustainable aid project. Students will investigate the factors which influence population location, the problems asscoiated with population growth and oevrpopulation. They will study population pyramids and how these may change overtime. They will look at Britain's own population crisis - the aging population. As well as looking at the Chinese One Child Policy and the consequences of migration. Students will look at the factors which influence settlement location, the shape of settlements and how their functions vary. They will look at urban landuse madels and the different features of urban areas. They will investigate the problems of urban decay and methiods used to regenrate cities. They will alos look at changing shopping patterns and impacts of these. Then compare this knowledge with settlements in LEDCs, with a focus on life in Kebra, a shanty settlement in Kenya. Students will investigate the location of different tropical storms and the processes that lead to their formation. They will investigate methiods used to predict and respond to such hazards. Then compare information from Hurricane Katrina and Typhoon Haiyan, to see how economic development affects the impacts of such hazards. Students will investigate the location of drought prone areas and the processes that lead todcrought and desrtification. They will investigate methiods used to predict and respond to such hazards. Then compare information from 2 case studies to see how drought affcets countries at deiffering levels of economic development. Skills Population Interpretation / numeracy / decision making / problem Skills Interpretation / numeracy / decision making / Skills Interpretation / numeracy / decision making / problem solving / evaluating / Skills Interpretation / numeracy / decision Microsoft at Silicon Fen and Nike in Vietnam. solving / evaluating / ordering / prioritising / investigation / literacy Skills Interpretation / numeracy / decision making / problem solving / evaluating / ordering / prioritising / investigation / literacy Assessment Descion Making activity and end of unit assessment problem solving / Skills evaluating / ordering / prioritising / investigation / Interpretation / numeracy / decision literacy making / problem solving / evaluating / ordering / prioritising / investigation / literacy Assessment Descion Making activity and end of unit assessment ordering / prioritising / investigation / literacy making / problem solving / evaluating / ordering / prioritising / investigation / literacy Assessment Descion Making activity and end of unit assessment Assessment Assessment Descion Making activity and end of unit assessment Descion Making activity and end of unit assessment Assessment Descion Making activity and end of unit assessment 11 Term Focus Term Focus Term Focus Term Focus Ciontrolled Assessment Content Content Making Prep Content Skills Tectonics Content Worth 25% of finla grade. Collecting information and reaching conclusions based on a title released from the exam board. Assessment Content To prepare for Decision Making activity on Rivers or Coasts. Looking at how we can defend against floods or coastal erosion and how sustainable these methods are. Skills Assessment Studnets will investigate the cause and processes of plate tectonics, investigating the processes which happen at different plate boundaries and how this links to patterns in location. They will then look at real life case studies, investigating the effects and response methods to these. Decision Skills Decision making / interpretation / explain / prioritising Term Focus Term Focus Revision for Terminal Exam Content Content Assessment To revise the course Skills Assessment Skills Investigating how sustainable it is to repsond to such hazards. Skills Interpretation / numeracy / decision making / problem solving / evaluating / ordering / prioritising / investigation / literacy Assessment t Assessment Practice tests