Mini-project: Why are proteins so important? 1. Select 2 proteins from the list below that are of interest to you. If you need help deciding or don’t know what they are, google them or use the website to help you. 2. Using the template below, research the following information for each of the proteins you have chosen. Do not write (type) anything that you do not understand. This may mean that you need to search multiple sources (all sources you use must be cited appropriately). 3. You need to present your research in a Word or Google Doc document to share with me. Your project needs to be submitted to me via email ( by the start of class Monday, January 11). Name of Protein (picture to represent this protein) NOT A PICTURE OF THE PROTEIN STRUCTURE Where is the protein made in the human body? What type of cell(s) are responsible for making this protein? What is the function(s) or purpose(s) of the protein in the human body? What would happen if this protein did not function correctly? Is there a disease related to this protein? If so, describe the disease and how it is related to the protein. Can this protein be found in other organisms? If so, provide examples. (appropriately cite all sources used) Various proteins important to humans: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Actin Amylin Antibodies Anticoagulant Antidiuretic hormone Antigens ATPase Calcitonin Collagen Dopamine Dystrophin Elastin Factor VIII Ferritin Follicle stimulating hormone 16. Glucagon 17. Glucose transporter 18. Hemoglobin 19. Homeodomain proteins 20. Human growth hormone (hGH) 21. Insulin 22. Keratin 23. Lactase 24. Leptin 25. Melatonin 26. Myosin 27. Orexin 28. Oxytoxin 29. Parathyroid hormone 30. Prolactin 31. Protease 32. Receptor proteins 33. Rhodopsin 34. Serotonin 35. Serum albumin