9-12 World History Unit 3: Medieval Era CCSS: WH.H .1.1-4.4 Proficiency Levels MPIs (I can…) function + content + support (L) Listening (R) Reading (S) Speaking (W) Writing Level 1 (Entering) Level 2 (Emerging) Level 3(Developing) I can organize attributes of the government, economy, and culture of the early, high and late Middle Ages using a graphic organizer (W/R). I can compare and contrast the government, economics, and culture of the early, high and late Middle Ages using a Venn Diagram (W/R). I can analyze the attributes of the government, economy and culture of the early, high and late Middle Ages with a partner (S/L/W/R). I can identify the factors that caused the end of the Middle Ages and the collapse of the feudal system in small groups (S/L/W). I can summarize the factors that caused the end of the Middle Ages and the collapse of the feudal system with a partner (S/L). I can synthesize the factors that caused the end of the Middle Ages and the collapse of the feudal system using pictures and/or photographs (W). I can evaluate the factors that caused the end of the Middle Ages and the collapse of the feudal system (W). I can describe European, African, Asian and Muslim societies from Middle Ages in a whole group (S/L/W). I can hypothesize how European, Asian and Muslim societies from the Middle Ages interacted with each other using illustrations, diagrams and drawings (S). I can critique the impact of European, African, Asian and Muslim societies from Middle Ages on modern society (W/S). I can label European, African, Asian and Muslim societies from Middle Ages using a map (R/W). Resources Middle Ages Government Middle Ages History Middle Ages ESL Vocab Middle Ages Video Quiz Knights and Castles Worksheets and Teaching Activities Level 4/5 (Expanding/Bridging) I can evaluate the importance of the attributes of the government, economy and culture of the early, high and late Middle Ages (R/W). Functional Vocabulary Predict (maybe, perhaps, obviously, evidently), Sequence (First, next, then, finally), Ordinal numbers (first, second, third, etc.), Structure, Chronologically, Organize, Identify, Label, B.C.E./A.D., Timeline, plotting, For, and, nor, but, or, yet, so, although, however, since, because, evidently, generally, typically, obviously, Classify, associate, match, similarly, likewise, in contrast, instead, despite this, conversely, although, while, thus, therefore