Los Angeles Unified School District Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and School Support Multilingual and Multicultural Education Department Academic English Mastery Program Overview of the CLR Secondary Teacher Fellowship-Fall 2014 The Multilingual and Multicultural Education Department is establishing The Culturally and Linguistically Responsive (CLR) Secondary Teacher Fellowship for teachers of SEL students, who are leaders, learners, and advocates. These teachers will work in partnership with the AEMP instructional team and Central instructional staff to deepen their knowledge about the needs of SEL students, the purpose of CLR theory and curriculum, and its connection to the CCSS. CLR Secondary Teacher Fellows will be provided in-depth professional development to build a strong foundation in the philosophy, development and implementation of CLR curricular units. Deadline-Monday October 20, 2014 Application-Due October 20, 2014: http://tinyurl.com/CLRFELLOWSHIPAPP Principal Recommendation Form-Due October 20, 2014: http://tinyurl.com/CLRPrincipalRecForm Secondary CLR Fellowship Goals Build teacher capacity around: The origin and nature of SEL language varieties Incorporating the 5 Pedagogical Areas of CLR into instruction Building Academic Language to meet CCSS Planning and development of CCSS-aligned CLR curriculum in English or Social Studies Create a cadre of exemplary CLR Secondary teachers who will participate in a professional learning network Secondary CLR Fellowship 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Presently teach in a Secondary (English or Social Science) Classroom Hold a Single Subject Credential in English or Social Science Successful Teaching Experience (principal verification required) Knowledgeable in the use of various technology platforms Strong critical thinking skills Strong written and oral communication skills Experience in working in collaborative groups 1 Secondary CLR Fellowship Components Fellowship training-60 hours: $1,500 stipend per semester Saturday Class Time: 30 hours of class time (5 Saturdays-10/25, 11/1, 11/8, 12/6, 12/13) Classroom Research and Formative Assessment Tasks: 6 hours Curriculum Unit Development, Implementation, and Reflection Tasks: 12 hours Professional Reading, Writing, and Presentation Tasks: 12 hours Workstream To maximize our time and resources, we will be piloting the use of My PLN (My Professional Learning Network). My PLN will be the learning management system to store all pertinent documents, turn in all assignments, and most importantly, will be used as a vehicle for collaboration. My PLN is available to all LAUSD certificated employees. Classroom Research and Formative Assessment (6 hours) The practice of culturally and linguistically responsive (CLR) pedagogy requires teachers to engage in research to continually improve instructionally practice. The purpose of the Classroom Research Tasks are to allow teachers to closely assess two SEL focal students as a basis from which to make data-driven pedagogical decisions and design CCSS-aligned CLR lessons in English or Social Studies. All written tasks must be typed and double-spaced All written tasks must be submitted by deadline Every CLR Secondary Fellow is required to: Interview 2 SEL focal students Implement: a SEL Linguistic Screener to the entire class Conduct Contextual Contrastive Analysis with 2 SEL focal students Examine academic and linguistic data to inform instruction Write a learning profile of 2 SEL focal students based on assessments and interviews CLR Curricular Unit Development, Implementation, and Reflection Tasks (12 hours) These tasks are intended to provide teachers with the opportunity to create a curricular unit that demonstrates how CLR pedagogy can be used to provide access to the CCSS. Develop and teach: A culminating task for SEL students that is aligned to the CCSS and CLR pedagogy Four CCSS-aligned CLR lessons based on formative assessments For each target lesson write an analysis of how it is designed to help the two SEL focal students in addition to the entire class Conduct a video capture of the culminating task and write a brief reflection on the culminating task 2 Professional Reading, Writing, and Presentation Tasks (12 hours) All CLR Secondary Teacher Fellows will read texts on the most current practices and approaches regarding the education of Standard English Learners. Additionally, Fellows will examine the kind of instruction necessary for these students to reach academic English mastery. CLR Secondary Teacher Fellows will have a minimum of 4 reading assignments that will consist of a written analysis of sections in the assigned texts. Total Time=60 hours Five 6 hour Saturday Sessions at Bret Harte Prep Middle School (30 hours) o Saturday, October 25th-Bret Harte MS o Saturday, November 1st –Bret Harte MS o *Saturday, November 8th –Special Event @ 74th St. Elementary o Saturday, December 6th –Bret Harte MS o Saturday, December 13th- Bret Harte MS Classroom Research and Formative Assessment (6 hours) o Interview 2 SEL focal students o Administer SEL Linguistic Screener to class o Conduct Contextual Contrastive Analysis with 2 SEL focal students o Examine linguistic and academic data to inform instruction o Write a learning profile of 2 SEL focal students based on assessments and interviews Curricular Unit Development, Implementation, and Reflection Tasks (12 hours) o Four CCSS-aligned CLR lessons o Four lesson reflections o Analysis of student work o Culminating task o Video Capture of culminating task o Reflection on culminating task Professional Reading, Writing, and Presentation Tasks (12 hours) o Foundational reading assignments prior to lesson design and homework assignments o Written analysis of sections in the assigned texts Location Brett Harte Preparatory Middle School 9301 S. Hoover St. Los Angeles, CA 90044 Dates: 10/25, 11/1, *11/8, 12/6, and 12/13 *November 8th class will be held at 74th St. Elementary 2112 W. 74th St., Los Angeles, CA 90047 Participants will attend the Teaching ELs and SELs in the Common Core Era Conference that will be held at that location on that date If you have any questions, please call the Academic English Mastery Program at 213-241-3340 and/or email Javier San Román at javier.sanroman@lausd.net or Isabel Aguirre at ixa8391@lausd.net 3