VoidSecure - Simpson Security Papers

VoidSecure® is our most technically advanced security paper. This product combines the features of our traditional security
paper with a hidden pantograph to provide an extra layer of security. When this product is photocopied the words “Void”
and “VoidSecure will appear of the photocopy leaving the copied document null/void.* Our pantograph also provides 3D
imaging. By placing a Verilens™ on top of the sheet the words “Void” and “VoidSecure” will appear into view to validate
the document.
This product contains invisible fluorescent security fibers that can be seen with an ultra violet light source (black light).
These fibers cannot be copied or scanned and will not appear on the copied document providing covert protection.
VoidSecure® is engineered to be UV dull to enhance the appearance of the invisible fluorescent security fibers as well as
providing optimum contrast for the printer’s use of specialty inks.
VoidSecure® is chemically sensitive to a variety of document altering chemicals including bleach, ink eradicators, polar
solvents and non-polar solvents. This feature provides a visible stain or starburst reaction on the paper when document
altering chemicals are applied.
TonerSecure™ is yet another standard feature included in VoidSecure®. This feature enhances the bond between the paper
and toner; attempts to remove printed images will damage the paper surface, revealing the alteration. This covert security
feature will not impact the visible appearance of the paper.
VoidSecure® is manufactured with an artificial watermark on the back of the sheet. This watermark can be seen by holding
the sheet at an angle where you can see a stamp mark image of VoidSecure®. This artificial watermark can also be validated
by rubbing a coin along the back of the sheet for the image to appear. This feature can be customized to use company logo’s
or custom images.
VoidSecure® meets the requirements for Tamper Resistant Prescriptions set by CMS Guidelines. To meet these guidelines
VoidSecure® provides one or more features designed to prevent unauthorized copy, prevent erasure or modifications of
information, and to prevent the use of counterfeit prescription forms.** VoidSecure® provides excellent performance in a
variety of printing applications including MICR/OCR, digital, laser, web and sheet fed offset, intaglio, foil stamping and
Product Features
(scissor) TonerSecure™
(magnify glass) Invisible Fluorescent Fibers
(magnify glass) UV Dull
(magnify glass) Coin Rub Authentication
Product Specifications
Basis Weight (17x22x500)
24 lb.
(beaker) Bleach Stain
(beaker) Polar & Non-Polar Solvent
(magnify glass) Artificial Watermark
*Image may vary per copier. **Check State Guidelines