PROJECT FAIR 2012 ___________________________________________________________ METHODS OF RECYCLING ASPHALT PAVEMENTS AND HOT RECYCLING MIXTURE DESIGN Abdullah ÖZTÜRK Supervisor: Assist. Prof. Altan ÇETİN Anadolu University Faculty of Engineering and Architecture Civil Engineering Department Asphalt pavement based on 1930’s widely. The occurring of petroleum crisis has made it difficult finding the source of bitumen since 1970. Also, due to increasing traffic volume and axle loads asphalt pavement to as deterioration has occurred over time, and therefore user life was cycled. Completed its useful life due to the economic and environmental issues have been raised and recover of the asphalt pavement milled in recent years has gained an acceleration. Studies using various methods, the result has been an extremely important environmental and economics savings. In this work, hot recycling methods are discussed, and mixture design was conducted in the laboratory. The RAP materials obtained from Eskişehir Metropolitan Municipality of bitumen content determined by extraction experiment, and a new asphalt mixture is made using the Marshall method for design. In this marshall design, by changing the rates of RAP materials with the virgin aggregates and bitumen optimal results were aimed. PROJECT FAIR 2012 ___________________________________________________________ RECYCLED CONCRETE AGGREGATE FOR UNBOUND PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION Adem Gökhan KURTULUŞ Supervisor : Assist.Prof.Dr. Altan ÇETİN Civil Engineering Engineering-Architecture Faculty, Anadolu University İki Eylül Campus, 26555, Eskişehir With recycling used materials become new products to avoid waste of potentially useful materials, reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials, reduce energy usage, reduce air pollution and water pollution by reducing the need for conventional waste disposal, and lower greenhouse gas emissions as compared to natural production. Also in recent years the wisdom of continued wholesale extraction and use of aggregates from natural resources has been questioned at an international level. This is mainly because of the demolition of quality primary aggregates and greater awareness of environmental protection. Concrete, being 100% recyclable, is often crushed and reused in new concrete structures, such as new concrete pavements or engineered sub-bases. In this study RCA and natural crushed aggregate as used as base and sub-base layers compared in terms of mechanical, environmental and economical. The benefits of using recycled concrete aggregate in a new sub-base are typically realized in the form of improved performance, cost savings, and reduction of wastes. PROJE FUARI 2012 ___________________________________________________________ FLOODING ANALYSIS IN MIDDLE PORSUK BASIN USING GIS (ARCGIS), HYDROLOGICAL (HEC-HMS) AND HYDRAULIC (HEC-RAS) MODELLING Ahmet Ali MERT Advisor : Assist. Prof. Dr. A. Arda Şorman Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Anadolu University İki Eylül Campus, 26555, Eskişehir Inundation events, causing significant loss of life and property, occur almost every year worldwide as a result of instantaneous and excessive precipitations. In Turkey, floods are one of the most causing loss of life and property disasters after earthquakes. In the last 20 years 288 inundation events have occured and 436 people died in Turkey. Expected annual flooding damage in Turkey can be decreased by a considerable amount using modern technology giving emergency warnings, organized inundation management and stream remediation. In this study, Lower Porsuk, Middle Porsuk and Upper Porsuk creating Porsuk Basin as parts which are the subbranches of Sakarya Basin are studied. Especially to determine the impacts on Eskişehir city center, Geographical Information System (ArcGIS) is used on Middle Porsuk performing topographical analyses to identify the basin characteristics. Then hydrological modelling (HEC-HMS) is applied to generate hydrographs depending on precipitation-runoff relationship using GIS and precipitation data. Finally hydraulic modelling (HEC-RAS) is carried out using different scenarios in order to create inundation maps in Middle Porsuk Basin including the city of Eskişehir. PROJECT FAIR 2012 ___________________________________________________________ APPLICATION OF ASPHALT LAYER AS SUBBALLAST LAYER IN RAILWAYS Ahmet BAYRAKTAR Supervisor : Assist. Prof. Dr. Altan ÇETİN Civil Engineering Engineering-Architecture Faculty, Anadolu University İki Eylül Campus, 26555, Eskişehir Railways have been in existence for over 170 years and during the period, train speeds, annual gross ton-miles, and axle loads have increased significantly. The increasing axle load is undergoing extensive researchs. Development of new methods and the methods used have become necessary. Increasing rail properties, pre-stressed sleepers, changing ballast and subballast layers' thickness and using new materials instead of ballast and subballast layers. One of the alternative method instead of the ballast and subballast layer is Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA), the other one is slab track uses instead of ballast layer. In this senior project, we gave informations about superstructure of railraod and compared ballasted and unballasted (HMA) superstructures in railway. The main issues comparing mechanical performance of them. In this comprasion we used Kentrack software. Kentrack's main aim is calculate the mechanical performance of railway superstructure by using finite methods. And also, we compare economical performance of them. PROJECT FAIR 2012 ___________________________________________________________ 1999 DÜZCE EARTHQUAKES HEAVILY DAMAGED OF STRUCTURE DETERMİNE OF THE DAMAGE LEVEL WİTH LINEAR AND NONLINEAR ELASTIC PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS BY USED STA4CAD,PROBINA,AND X-TRACT PACKAGE PRAGRAMS Ahmet Hakan AKTAŞ SUPERVISOR : Ass. Prof. Dr. Özgür AVŞAR Civil Engineering Engineering-Architecture Faculty , Anadolu University İki Eylül Campus, 26555, Eskişehir BUILDING HEAVILY DAMAGED AFTER DUZCE EARTHQUAKE Regional Directorate Ministry of Public Works and Settlement building in Bolu occured on 12 November 1999 Mw=7.2 magnitude earthquake in Düzce is located approximately 39 km away. Building floor plan area of approximately 230 m 2 with a 5-story concrete building was constructed. Typical floor plan of the building shown on the ground floor height 3.8 m,and in normal floor height 3.2 m.The average concrete strength of building 20MPa and then steel yielding strength 220 MPa was determined (Erduran, 2005).Although there are a lot of building infilled wall usually not fill fully frame among the column, its effect were negligible.Düzce earthquake recording stations taken is located in the garden this building.East-West component of this record the peak ground accelearation value was calculated as 0.512g.Assessed heavily damaged the building after the earthquake.Especially the diagonal shear cracks were observed on the first floor most of the columns. Inaddition the diagonal shear cracks were observed on the second storey columns.In a column longitudinal reinforcement was observed in severly level of buckling.Flexural cracks were observed throughout the first floor beams, all of the these beams are classified as severely damaged.Then the structure made the evaluation of performance analysis compared to DBYBHY-2007 by used Probina, Sta4cad, and X-Tract package programs.As a result of in the performance analysis of three programs implemented life safety and the preventation of immigrant situation. PROJECT FAIR 2012 ___________________________________________________________ PILE FOUNDATION AND DEEP EXCAVATION SUPPORT SYSTEM Ali Baransel CANBEY Advisor : Prof.Dr.Mustafa TUNCAN Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Anadolu University İki Eylül Campus, 26555, Eskisehir Today, the human population has increased considerably with changing and developing world. Amount of structural needs also increased depending on accretion of population. So high-rise buildings began to be more popular. Foundation systems are being developed to carry loads of high-rise building and to build safer structures against the earthquake. Aim of this study is to transfer loads of structure, which is intended to be build on unsuitable soil , to soil with foundation system. Within this study, foundation system was chosen according to soil investigation report, system was resized and bearing capacities of piles and mat was calculated, piles were examined as a group and settlement of piles was calculated. Furthermore, sheet pile system is used for deep excavation support. Behaviour of piles under static and dynamic loads were analyzed and controlled with Plaxis 2D, STA4-CAD, SAP2000 that use 2D and 3D finite element method and results were compared. PROJE FUARI 2012 ___________________________________________________________ GÜNEYDOĞU ANADOLU PROJESİ’NİN DÜNÜ, BUGÜNÜ VE YARINI ENERJİ Alp ÖZTÜRK Danışman: Yrd. Doç. Dr. Hakan Şirin İnşaat Mühendisliği Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi, Anadolu Üniversitesi İki Eylül Kampusu, 26555, Eskişehir Türkiye Güneydoğu Anadolu Projesi Türkiye’nin en önemli projelerinden birisidir. Güneydoğu Anadolu Projesi 1970’lerde sulama ve hidroelektrik amaçlı projeler olarak başlamıştır. 1980’lerde çok sektörlü, sosyo-ekonomik bir bölge kalkındırma programına dönüştürülmüştür. Proje kapsamında 22 baraj ve 19 adet hidroelektrik santrali bulunmaktadır. Bu santraller Türkiye’nin enerji ihtiyacında önemli bir rol üstlenmektedir. Projenin geliştirilmesi ülkemiz için büyük bir önem arz etmektedir. Yenilenebilir bir enerji kaynağı olan hidroelektrik enerji, güneydoğu bölgesinde kullanılmaya müsaittir. Ülkemizin gelişen ekonomisi ve nüfusu göz önüne alındığında gelecekteki enerji tüketimi artacaktır. Bu talebin karşılanabilmesi için ülkemizde enerji santralleri kurulmalıdır. Güneydoğu Anadolu Projesinin geliştirilmesi ve bu projeye yatırım yapılması, ülkemizin enerji ihtiyacını karşılamada önemli bir rol oynayacaktır. PROJECT FAIR 2012 ___________________________________________________________ Rapid Visual Screening of Buildings for Potential Seismic Hazards in Eskişehir Ayfer KARAALP Consultant : Assoc.Prof.Dr. YÜCEL GÜNEY Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering-Architecture, Anadolu Üniversity İki Eylül Campus, 26555, Eskişehir Eartquake is the one of the most important reality for Turkey. Especially,unqualified constructions increase day by day so the significant seismic risk threats all of the cities. An effective risk assessment measure in urban areas under seismic risk is to identify the most vulnerable buildings,which may collapse,or damage severely during a future earthquake.Many methods are used for measure seismic risk .One of them is ,street survey according to FEMA 154 ,ATC 21 and Haluk Sucuoğlu methods.In these methods, building parameters (short columns,irregularities, pounding, number of story, earthquake zone,soft story,big chimney etc.) are observed and recorded from the out of the building..According the all off the parameters of structure,the score point is calculated ,degree of vulnerability is specified and the data base is formed.This provide strong guidance for identifying those buildings that jeopardize the life safety of their occupants.Therefore,the cities becoming more cautious and the earthquakes becoming innocuous for the people and Turkey. PROJECT FAIR 2012 ___________________________________________________________ 7 FLOORS REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURE DESIGN AND LINEAR ELASTIC PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS EVALUATION Buğra ÖZYURT Advisor : İnş.Yük. Müh. Kemal GÜNDOĞAN Civil Engineering Engineering - Architecture Faculty, Anadolu University İki Eylül Kampüsü, 26555, Eskişehir My project building, that is projected as a reinforced concrete structure in 2012 and is currently under construction in Eskişehir. The building, it’s foundation construction plan area is approximately 176 m2 and normal floors plan area is 186 m2, was projected 7-Story reinforced concrete structure. The structure floor height is same for all floors and it is 2.85 m. Design concrete strength 25 MPa (C25), the design tensile strength of steel was used 420 MPa(S420) for structure. The size of used bricks was 20 cm for exterior walls, while 10 cm bricks were used for interior walls for the design of building. The structure was designed with using Sta4cad and Probina packages programs according to Turkish Earthquake Code – 2007. Design result of packages programs was controlled by hand calculations. Also, the irregularities of structure were determined by packages programs and hand calculations. According to design results, the structure linear elastic performance analysis evaluation was done with using same packages programs. Due to the results of performance analysis of structure, the safety of life was provided with the results of Sta4cad, on the other hand according to Probina Orion result, the safety of life performance was not provided by structure. PROJE FUARI 2012 ___________________________________________________________ IMPROVING ENERGY MANAGEMENT USING HEC-RESSIM FOR A WATER SUPPLY RESERVOIR Bulut Akkol Advisor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Aynur ŞENSOY ŞORMAN Civil Engineering Department Engineering & Architecture Faculty, Anadolu University İki Eylül Campus, 26555, Eskişehir The electrical energy is a very important resource for the last century. On the other hand, generating clean energy is very popular and vital for global warming. Generating hydropower energy is clean and powerful for the limited energy resources in the world. In this study, a dam reservoir with a power plant and a water supply system is analyzed. The dam reservoir supplies water to a city to provide a constant annual demand. A power plant is planned to be built to generate electricity with water released from the spillway during the flood periods. The power plant system is managed for generating maximum electrical energy. HEC-ResSim program is used to simulate the reservoir releases and levels together with the power generation. The results are analyzed and compared with the actual observations. PROJE FUARI 2012 ___________________________________________________________ ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE OF THE TURKISH CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES Çağlar YILMAZ Supervisor : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gökhan ARSLAN Civil ENGINEERING Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Anadolu University İki Eylül Campus, 26555, Eskişehir Organizational culture is termed as a share of beliefs, norms and assumptions in the organizations. In recent researches, it is observed that organizational culture has a very powerful effect on the performance and long-term effectiveness of organizations. In this study, the aim is to determine the organizational culture which is common in Turkish Construction Firms and to examine the effects on work. Collecting data examinatorial and method is carried out through a survey. The questions on the survey has been selected from The Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OACI) and the survey has been answered by 30 Turkish Construction Firms. Analysing within SPSS 20.0, the datas evaluated and the results have been reached. PROJECT FAIR 2012 ___________________________________________________________ INVESTIGATION OF HYDROELECTRIC ENERGY POTENTIAL OF THE SEYDISUYU BASIN Cengiz Buğra AKSAKAL Uğur POLAT Advisor : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Recep BAKIŞ Civil Engineering Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi, Anadolu Üniversitesi İki Eylül Kampusu, 26555, Eskişehir Turkey’s energy need is increasing day by day. The required energy is being imported from foreign countries since it cannot be met by the country’s own resources. Whereas Turkey has rich renewable water resources to produce energy. In this paper, in order to close the existing energy gap and to use the country’s water resources efficiently, the hydropower potential of the Seydisuyu Basin is investigated. For this purpose, Seydisuyu Basin is selected as the research area. The objective is to evaluate the hydropower potential of the Seydisuyu Basin and to use this potential for the development of the economy of our country. In this project, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software was used. According to this investigation, a dam has been planned to be installed on Seydisuyu Basin. The cost of the planned dam and the amount of annual electric energy that can be obtained from the dam was calculated. According to these calculations, the total cost and total installed power capacity of the dam was solved by using the Simahpp software. According to the Simahpp software, the total cost and installed power capacity of the dam was found as 0.88023x106 US$ and 0.212 MW, respectively. The annual electricity to be produced by the dam was found as 0.742545GWh. PROJECT EXPOSITION 2012 ___________________________________________________________ THE DESIGN OF PILE FOUNDATION Doğukan YORULMAZ Advisor : Prof. Dr. Mustafa TUNCAN Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Anadolu University İki Eylül Kampusu, 26555, Eskişehir The improvement of the soil comes out as an important factor by understanding the effect of it on durability of the buildings against all negative conditions. The pile foundation is used to connect the foundation to a more safe layer, when the soil bearing capacity can not satisfy the load that comes from the structure. In this project, firstly all necessary literature researches are made and, type of piles, the behaviour of the piles under the different loads, bearing capacities, settlement degrees are determined. For design of the foundation, soil samples are tested at laboratory, and soil investigation report is written with a conclusion and recommendation part. The most suitable foundation type is determined based on that investigation report. The bearing capacity of piles, distributions of the piles, settlement analysis are satisfied and the behaviour of the piles under the static and dynamic loads are determined. The results of these calculations are compared with the results which are modelled in Plaxsis 2D, SAP2000 and STA-4-CAD. PROJECT FAIR 2012 ___________________________________________________________ PILE FOUNDATION AND DEEP EXCAVATION SUPPORT SYSTEM Eren BAYRAKCI Advisor : Prof.Dr. Ahmet TUNCAN Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Anadolu University İki Eylül Campus, 26555, Eskisehir Pile foundations are a foundation type that used when the soil cannot afford the loads of the upper structure to transfer the loads to the soil safely. In this project firstly the field and lab tests were done in order to determine the soil parameters. With these test results a soil investigation report were prepared. Afterwards the pile foundation system was chosen. The bearing capacity of the mat foundation and the piles were calculated and the group settlement of piles were calculated. Price analysis of the pile foundation systems were done. And the piles are sized due to their prices and bearing capacities. For deep excavation supporting ; anchored pile system were chosen. The chosen systems analyzed with STA4 CAD , PLAXİS 2D and SAP2000 computer programs and the results were compared. PROJECT FAIR 2012 ___________________________________________________________ COMPRASION OF THE STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS PROGRAMS ACCORDING TO THE RESULT OF MODELİNG TECHNICHS Erhan ÇINAROĞLU Advisor: Yrd. Doç. Dr. Özgür AVŞAR Civil Engineering Departmant Architecture-Engineering Faculty , Anadolu Univercity İki Eylül Campus 26555, Eskişehir This paper presents an assessments of comparison of three programs which are IDESTATIK 5.14, PROBINA and STA4CAD. Especially, irregularities of building in Turkish Earthquake Code is examined. Differences, similarities and errors at this programs, are tried to identify. The building at comparison has six stories and it is being at first degree earthquake zone. Soil class which is chosen Z₃ type. Examination of the building occurs in three steps. The first one is analyzing without any changing, then the second one is removing of the shear walls at ground floor and the third one is removing the beams which is connected to consoles. In the lights of research in order to obtain the results at which program is safer and more applicable. PROJECT EXPOSITION 2012 ___________________________________________________________ SPECIFY THE CONSTRUCTION STOCK BY USING RAPID VISUAL SCREENING Ertuğrul AKTAŞ Consultant : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yücel GÜNEY Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering & Architecture, ANADOLU UNIVERSITY İki Eylül Campus, 26555, Eskişehir Earthquakes are the biggest reality in Turkey ; more then %90 of total land is in earthquake zone. In this study I examined Eskisehir which is in 2nd earthquake zone. The possible earthquake can happen till 6.4 in Eskişehir. In order to estimate any harms of earthquakes which may happen in Eskisehir city center (at Hosnudiye, Cumhuriye, Hayriye, Mustafa Kemal Paşa), construction stocks has to be defined. While estimating the construction stocks two different methods can be use which are named as FEMA, Haluk Sucuoğlu, ATC21 methods. The methods are mainly gives scores to soft story, heavy overhang, short coloumn, pounding , entresol, irregularity in plan, number of story, earthquake zone. Total score and notes gives a specific idea about the behavior of construction during earthquake which are defines the damage of building after earthquake. PROJECT FAIR 2012 ___________________________________________________________ COMPARISION OF SHEAR WALLS MODELING IN STA4CAD Faik CÜCEOĞLU Danışman : İnş. Yük. Müh. Volkan KARUK Civil Engineering Architecture and Engineering Faculty, Anadolu University İki Eylül Campus, 26555, Eskişehir There are three ways to model shear walls in Sta4CAD program V13 version which are rectangular columns, panel elements and poligonal columns. Except for rectangular column types which is created for shear walls, we do not know sufficient information about the behaviour of poligonal columns and panel elements preferences in Sta4CAD program so we notably elaborate on polygonal columns and panel elements. This paper presents an assessment of comparison of effects and results of different size and type polygonal columns and panel elements which is on applied 15 story office building. The reason of using 15 story office building at 1st degree earthquake region to obtain sharply outcomes in comparison. Structure period and story displacement having priority in comparison point. In the lights of comparison results, in order to understand which method of modeling is safe and applicable. PROJECT FAIR 2012 ___________________________________________________________ FIVE-STORY REINFORCED CONCRETE BUILDING DESIGN AND STATIC ANALYSIS Hakan ÖTEGEN Supervisor : Volkan KARUK Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Anadolu University İki Eylül Campus, 26555, Eskişehir As is known, our country is earthquake-prone country. The sensitivity about earthquake resistance buildings became more important by the number of buildings demolished and the number of people died in 17th of August Earthquake. The building will be constructed in earthquake zone should be constructed according to the regulations and elaborated to supervision. In this argument, a five-story building was selected to design reinforced concrete. The project was designed according to TS 500 and 2007 earthquake regulations. The centre of gravity of the building and the centre of rigidity were tried to cross by hardly adjusting on its architectural. Shear walls were placed on the direction of X and Y to eliminate the earthquake forces. STA4CAD programme was used for analysis and according to results, analysises were repeated by changing the cross section for optimum solution and analysis duration was ended. Raft foundation was selected as type of foundation depends upon the total load of the structure and soil properties. Finally, reports and drawings were obtained. PROJECT FAIR 2012 ___________________________________________________________ MULTI-STORY STEEL FRAMED BUILDING PROJECT Halil Cihan APAK Advisor : Res. Asst. Dr. Kıvanç TAŞKIN Civil Engineering Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi, Anadolu Üniversitesi İki Eylül Kampusu, 26555, Eskişehir Nowadays most of multistory buildings are made of steel. Since steel is much better in strength. Also steel is easy and fast to construct. In steel structures lateral loads are carried by either braces or moment connected frames. Likewise concrete buildings, shear wall may use in steel framed buildings. But in our project we used braced frames. There are many types of braces; these ones are available Turkish Standards. Each one has different calculations and different requirements. Also the location of brace is important for calculation of load collector and load transfer beams. Dead and live loads are not that important in comparison to lateral loads also load combos and ASD (allowable stress design) help us to find most critical loads, moments, deflections, etc. In short, this project is about 40 story steel framed building and lateral loads are carried by braced frames in which load combos and section moments, shear forces, normal forces are calculated by SAP2000. PROJECT FAIR 2012 ___________________________________________________________ E-MARKETING APPLICATIONS IN CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES Harun MERCAN Supervisor : Assist. Prof. Dr. Serkan KIVRAK Civil Engineering Faculty of Architecture & Engineering, Anadolu University İki Eylül Campus, 26555, Eskişehir This thesis focuses on an e-marketing applications in construction companies. Construction is extremely big sector in the world. Globalization and competition as factors that increase the importance of e-marketing applications in construction projects. Hence, e-marketing applications have become one of the critical factor to achieve success in companies. The relationship evaluated between e-marketing and construction companies. Questionnaires were prepared by myself for construction companies on internet marketing. 30 companies were interviewed for this thesis. Results were obtained using SPSS software. PROJECT EXPOSITION 2012 ___________________________________________________________ IDENTIFYING THE BUILDING INVENTORY BY USING RAPID VISUAL SCREENING Hasan Hüseyin AYDOĞDU Consultant : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yücel GÜNEY Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering & Architecture, ANADOLU UNIVERSITY İki Eylül Campus, 26555, Eskişehir In last century, more than 80000 people had died in Turkey, because of earthquake disasters. Statistics clearly say that at least one earthquake, having more than 7.0 magnitude, occurs in Turkey per 10 years. Seismic hazards are the most important fact for Turkey and almost all of the population is under seismic hazards. In this study, Eskişehir, which is in second seismic zone, was investigated. Magnitude of 6.4 earthquake strucked Eskişehir in 1956, but more than magnitude of 6.4 earthquake could occur in this fault zone. For preventing this hazard, Eskişehir’s building inventory was identified at Hosnudiye, Cumhuriye, Hayriye, İhsaniye, Mustafa Kemal Paşa, Hacı Ali Bey, Hacı Seyit, Mamure districts. FEMA154 and Haluk Sucuoğlu’s methods were used in this study, which give score soft story, heavy overhang, short coloumn, pounding , irregularity in plan, number of story. Total score gives an idea about building’s behaviour under seismic loads. PROJECT FAIR 2012 ___________________________________________________________ GÜNEYDOĞU ANADOLU PROJECT’s PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE IRRIGATION İlker Emin EREN Assist.Prof.Dr. Hakan Şirin Civil Enginnering Faculty of Enginnering and Architecture, Anadolu University İki Eylül Kampusu, 26555, Eskişehir Turkey is separated 25 basins.These basins’ annual total flow amout and irrigable agriculture land 186 billion m3 and 8.5 million ha.Güneydoğu Anadolu has boundry with Syria at the South and Iraq at the Southeastern is a region.This region has 30% of annual total flow and 20% of irrigable agriculture land.Turkey’ two important basins Fırat and Dicle Basins located on this region.Güneydoğu Anadolu project’s main aim is that incerease level of income of region and provide sustainable a employment by using this valuable sources. For sustainable employment of GAP region,irrigated agriculture is basis.Available water resources must be developed and irrigated agriculture expanded.Furthermore,water resources, irrigation systems and irrigated agriculture’s continuity must be provided .GAP Master Plan and other works show sustainable requirement of irrigation systems and others.. For this purpose,total 13 big main projects are planned in GAP.7 of these projects are decided to make on Fırat River and other 6 projects on Dicle River.Separately,on the Fırat and Dicle river,22 dams and 19 hydroelectric power plants are planned.End of the project,1.822 thousand ha land will opened to irrigate. PROJECT FAIR 2012 ___________________________________________________________ REINFORCED CONCRETE BUILDING DESIGN , STATICAL AND COST ANALYSIS İrem BAYRAM Advisor : İnş. Yük. Müh. Volkan KARUK Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Anadolu University İki Eylül Campus, 26555, Eskisehir Since Turkey is located on seismic zone , the major factor of a structural design stage is to chose the structural carrying system of the structure properly. After the 17th august 1999 earthquake’s terrible results , structures safety against earthquake became more essential. In order to provide the safety buildings against earthquake , Turkish Earthquake Code and Turkish Standarts (TS500 , TS 498) are revised for this purpose. In this thesis , an eight story building’s structural carrying system is chosen without making any changes in the architectural plan. In structural carrying system , both ways of shear walls chosen in order to resist the earthquake loads , center of mass and center of rigidity are intercepted as possible it can , continuous frames are made as much as possible and avoided from anchorage beams. Reinforced concrete design and the statically analyze of the building is made by using the STA4 CAD computer program. Analyze results are examined and due to these results , the required changes are made in structural carrying system for chosing the most proper system which can resist the horizontal and vertical loads safely and economically. PROJECT FAIR 2012 ___________________________________________________________ EXAMINE OF A MULTI STORY BUILDING UNDER HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOADS Kadri KAPTAN Onur ŞAHİN Supervisor : Assist. Prof. Dr. Muhsin YALÇIN (Dr. Kıvanç Taşkın) Civil Engineering Engineering-Architecture Faculty, Anadolu University İki Eylül Campus, 26555, Eskişehir In this thesis, a multi story building, which has an unusual architectural plan, was examined. The examined building has a structural steel system. TS648 ( for vertical load values) and National Building Code of Canada ( for wind load value) were used to determine magnitudes of effecting forces on the building. NBCC regulations was prefered for wind force because of its detailed analysis depend on the structures geometry, dimensions, damping ratio, rigidity and etc. For earthquake force acting on structure two different calculation method were used; Modal Analysis method and Equivalent Static Analysis method are calculated separetly and design was made according to worst senario. In addition these analysis all necessary controls were made to have a structure which has a high energy absorption capacity. The structure has fortyfive stories; a basement, one entrance, fortythree regular stories and one roof. All stories are four meters height. For the floor system composite members ares designed to create an economical solution. All structural members’s and connection’s ductility properties are checked to bring to the structure a high level of energy absorbtion capability. Basement story is also designed according to Turkish Earthquake Regulation to support structure’s energy absorption level. PROJECT FAIR 2012 ___________________________________________________________ ATTITUDE TOWARDS BUSINESS ETHICS IN ENGINEERING Kenan KILINÇ Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Gökhan ARSLAN Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Anadolu University İki Eylül Campus, 26555, Eskişehir The aim of this paper is to present attitudes and behaviors related to business ethics of employees working in public and private engineering attempts according to basic concepts, making a literature study related to ethics and business ethics initially. The question scale used in the main survey are Attitude Towards Business Ethics Questionnaire (ATBEQ) and Code of Engineering Ethics. Data collected by the survey were analyzed by SPSS statistical software. Significant differences were determined between attitudes and behaviors related to business ethics and Engineering ethics; and gender, age, educational level, marital status, and current sector seperately. In this paper, first, a literature study related to business ethics is conducted and hereby the subject of business ethics are elaborately analyzed and then, findings derived from surveys are evaluated by statistical analysis. PROJE FUARI 2012 ___________________________________________________________ Steel Residence Project Kerim Nadir AKTAŞ, İsa ŞEN This structure is a residence project consisting of 10 floors. Construction region is in Eskişehir. The area of structure is 750 m2.(25m*30m).The soil type of region is Z1(TA=0,1s , TB=0,3 s).(Taken from Turkish Earth Code) Coefficient of carrying system behavior (Earthquake loads in buildings are fully carried by frames) is R=5. IPBv300 profile is used for columns up to 6 floor.After 6 floors, IPBv260 profile is used.I300 profile is used for all beams.Composite slab is chosen for the floors. The carrier system is designed in 3 types.(Moment Frames,Braced Frames and Eccentrically Braced Frames).Load combinations are defined. 1-) Fd=1.4G + 1.6Q 2-) Fd=1.0G + 1.0Q + 1.0E 3-) Fd=1.0G + 1.3Q +1.3W Moment diagrams of frames are checked and is decided which one is superior.Depends on moment diagrams , Eccentrically Braced Frames is chosen. PROJECT FAIR 2012 ___________________________________________________________ BETONARME VE ÇELİK ENDÜSTRİ YAPILARINDA EŞ DEĞER DEPREM KUVVETİ VE MOD BİRLEŞTİRME YÖNTEMİNİN KARŞILAŞTIRILMASI KÜRŞAT TOSUN Danışman : İnş.Yük. Müh. Kemal GÜNDOĞAN İnşaat Mühendisliği Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi, Anadolu Üniversitesi İki Eylül Kampusu, 26555, Eskişehir Lengths of columns , distances of columns, roof beams , distances and lengths of beams are same; comparison earthquake force found at reinforced concrete prefabricated and steel industrial structure according to equivalent earthquake method and modal analysis method. Also these forces analysis by Sap2000 programme. Length of column is 7,5 m. length of beam 6 m. distance of beam is 1,53 m. distances of roof beam is 18,45 m., concrete class is C30, steel class is ST37. . The structure was designed with using programs according to Turkish Earthquake Code – 2007. In last, there is %24 differences modal analysis method and equivalent earthquake method at prefabricated according to shear force and moment, also steel %18 . Also, prefabricated reinforcement concrete industrial structure PROJECT FAIR 2012 ___________________________________________________________ KARASU NEHRİNİN TAŞKIN SEVİYELERİNİN BELİRLENMESİ M.Emin AKSOY – İlyas AYDOĞAN Danışman : Doç.Dr. Mustafa TOMBUL İnşaat Mühendisliği Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi, Anadolu Üniversitesi İki Eylül Kampusu, 26555, Eskişehir Over the years, people has faced many natural events and disasters. The continuously loss of lives and property occurred with these events, and that worked to find solutions to prevent these losses. One of the most effective of this natural events in the floods of water. A flood is a disaster that can cause to huge losses and most frequent in nature. For this reason, with variety of risk scenarios produced and fine calculation, you must take control of rivers. Structure can built on rivers. For example, dams, regulator or bridge. For that can design project of these structure, must find the flood peak values for the place of related project. There are many ways to create a profile of water surface. Direct-step method, the standard-step method, graphic integration method, the leach method Some of the methods used in the literature. But more efficiently results can be obtained in a short time with using package program. HEC-RAS software was used in this study. In this study, flood elevation of Karasu River near the Kamışlar Region of Hatay city was investigated. Necessary data for study was obtained from 3. Regional Directorate of State Hydraulic Works archives. For analyses, the cross section of Karasu river was defined in the HEC-RAS software. After that, return period of 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 years discharge of Karasu River was inputted in the software. Obtained results from the present study and topographic data were compared and interpreted. As a result, elevation of flood and that’s risk for urban region was studied and presented as detailed. PROJECT FAIR 2012 ___________________________________________________________ USING RAPID VISUAL SCREENING METHOD IN ESKİŞEHİR Merve Nilay TOKGÖZ Consultant : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yücel GÜNEY Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering-Architecture, Anadolu University İki Eylül Campus, 26555, Eskişehir Disaster for the people physical, economic and social losses to the cause, stopping, or interferes with normal life and human activities. Earthquake is a disaster too, that is most destructive. In our country since 1900, 90 major earthquakes recorded in the most severe of 7.9,according to official figures 82 thousand 372 people lost their lives. For newly constructed buildings need to increase the quality of the structure to decrease the number of dead in earthquakes. But for previously made buildings, with rapid screening method for building quality should be checked, to restructure in light of the information collected should be arranged regions. we conducted this study in Eskişehir. Rapid screening method developed and created according to FEMA 154, atc 21 and Haluk Sucuoğlu methods. This method is give scores to construction types which are called as plan irregularity, soft story, short column , vertical irregularities, pounding, number of story, earthquake zone. A study of rapid screening method that could save people's lives. PROJE FUARI 2012 ___________________________________________________________ 5 FLOOR REINFORCED CONCRETE BUILDING DESIGN AND STATIC CALCULATIONS Mohamed NASSRELDIN Danışman : Doç. Dr. Yücel GÜNEY Civil Engineering Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi, Anadolu Üniversitesi İki Eylül Campus, 26555, Eskişehir This is a project of a building have been collapsed by GÖLCÜK Earthquake (1999) in izmit city which it left thousands of people dead, The building collapsed due to the inadequate design of the carrier system and application errors. The aim of this project is to Redesign and build it according to the earthquake codes and make comparisons between the inadequate and new carrier systems in terms of moments, shear forces, Earthquake forces, displacement, Reinforcement bars, shear walls, columns, Economy.....etc. The collapsing of the building was due to the false design of the carrier system, though the carrier system is being investigated and we designed new carrier system of the same archetectural plan of the building, and we made those comparisons mentioned above between the new designed carrier system and the older one. PROJECT FAIR 2012 ___________________________________________________________ SPECIFY THE CONSTRUCTION STOCK BY USING RAPID VISUAL SCREENING IN ESKİŞEHİR Mustafa ALTINBAY Consultant: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yücel GÜNEY Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering & Architecture, ANADOLU UNIVERSITY İki Eylül Campus, 26555, Eskişehir Nearly 96% of Türkiye’s lands are in the earthquake zone. Most of the big and industrial cities are in earthquake risk. Nevertheless, most of our buildings in those cities are so vulnerable to earthquake. Eskişehir is the one of those industrial and big cities also. An earthquake that can be happen in Eskişehir may cause lots of life and economical loss. To prevent those loses; vulnerable buildings in earthquake risk have to be determined. In this study, construction stocks in Eskişehir city center (İhsaniye, Mahmure, Mustafa Kemal Paşa) have been defined. Different methods have been used while defining construction stocks like FEMA, Haluk Sucuoğlu Method and ATC21. Those methods’ common purpose is gives scores to building according to characteristic of buildings like short column, soft story, heavy overhang, pounding, irregularity in plan etc. The final scores give specific idea about behavior of building after earthquake about damaged or collapsed. PROJE FUARI 2012 ___________________________________________________________ MULTI-STORY REINFORCED CONCRETE BUILDING PROJECT AND STRENGTHENING OF AN EXISTING BUILDING Oğuzhan ALKAN Advisor : İnş. Yük. Müh. Kemal GÜNDOĞAN Civil Engineering Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi, Anadolu Üniversitesi İki Eylül Kampusu, 26555, Eskişehir The need to improve the ability of an existing building to withstand seismic forces arises usually from the evidence of damage and poor behaviour during a recent earthquake. It can arise also from calculations or by comparisons with similar buildings that have been damaged in other places. Before the occurrence of the probable earthquake, the required strengthening of seismically weak buildings is to be determined by a survey and analysis of the structures. I have learned hoe to analyse a structure with programs such as SAP2000, Sta4CAD. Firstly, first semester I analyze a structure which is a shopping centre with SAP2000. Then second semester I analyze a structure which is a multi-story and exist in Eskişehir with Sta4CAD. However, I do some calculations and campare the results with programs's. The seismic behaviour of old existing buildings is affected by their original structural inadequacies, material degradation due to time, and alterations carried out during use over the years such as making new openings, addition of new parts inducing dissymmetry in plan and elevation, etc. The problem of my structure is about material. The concrete of a floor of my structure is lower strength. So that my building needs strengthening. PROJECT FAIR 2012 ___________________________________________________________ PILE FOUNDATION AND DEEP EXCAVATION SUPPORT SYSTEM Onur KARGIOĞLU Advisor : Prof.Dr. Ahmet TUNCAN Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Anadolu University İki Eylül Campus, 26555, Eskisehir Soil is one of the most important elements of a structure. In Turkey, according to the results obtained by analyzing the structures which severely damaged or collapsed in 17 August 1999 earthquake, most of these structures main problem was soil problem. A structure that will be built on a poor soil can be carried safely by soil with soil improvement methods or deep excavations. Within this thesis work, firstly field tests and laboratory tests are done with the samples taken in boring wells and a soil investigation report has prepared. İn addition to these ; the pile foundation system that can safely transfer the loads to the soil was chosen according to the allowable bearing capacity and the settlement values of soil , bearing capacity of mat and piles are calculated , the settlement of the piles are calculated and the piles are examined as group. Anchored pile system was chosen as deep excavation system. The chosen systems are analyzed with SAP 2000 , STA4 CAD and Plaxis 2D programs and the comparison of the results are done. PROJECT FAIR 2012 ___________________________________________________________ PILE FOUNDATION and DEEP EXCAVATION Onur YAVAN Adviser : Prof. Dr. Ahmet TUNCAN Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Anadolu University Campus of İki Eylül, 26555, Eskişehir After the analysis of heavy damaged and destroyed buildings, soil problems were identified in major of these buildings in the earthquake of 17 August 1999. Thus, one of the most important fact is ground. A structure which is wanted to build on inconveniently soil can be moved safely with deep excavation and improved soil with methods of ground improvement. With this study of thesis, according to the boring experiments at the field, the soil investigation report was prepared. While the soil investigation report was preparing, at the field experiment about soil mechanic was done such as SPT, at the lab experiments of soil mechanic were done such as unconfined compression-three axial compression-sieve analysis and hydrometerAtterberg limits (LL-PL-PI) – consolidation - specific gravity - moisture content tests. In addition to these , suitable foundation of our construction was selected by using packet programs of Plaxsis 2D, STA4 CAD, SAP2000. PROJECT FAIR 2012 ___________________________________________________________ DETERMINING OF DAMAGE LEVEL OF THE MODERATELY DAMAGED BUILDING IN THE 1995 DINAR EARTHQUAKE BY METHODS OF LINEAR ELASTIC AND NONLINEAR ELASTIC BY USING STA4CAD, PROBINA AND XTRACT PROGRAMS Özgür Topçu Lecturer : Ass. Prof. Dr. Özgür Avşar Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering and Architectural, Anadolu University İki Eylül Campus, 26555, Eskişehir CASE STUDIES ON BUILDING MODERATELY DAMAGED IN THE 1995 DINAR EARTHQUAKE THAT OCCURRED IN TURKEY The case study building is a four story commercial building in the center of the city of Dinar, which is owned by the municipality. The typical plan area is 310 m2. The height of the ground floor was 3.8 m and the heights of the remaining stories were 3.5 m. The mean compressive strength of concrete was determined as 12 MPa from the core samples taken from the building. The yield strength of longitudinal reinforcement is 280 MPa. The building was moderately damaged in the Dinar Earthquake which occurred on October 1, 1995 (ML=5.9). The recorded peak ground acceleration of the ground motion was 0.293g. The major damage in the building was reported to be concentrated at the ground floor level. There were 1 severely damaged, 3 moderately damaged and 1 lightly damaged columns at this floor. Of the 20 beams in the analyzed direction of the building, one was moderately damaged and another one was lightly damaged. Assesment of this building is evaluated from one direction that is +x direction, from west to east direction.According to inelastic linear performans analysis of structure by using packages program ‘Xtract’ life safety is not provided due to Turkish Earthquake Code 2007. According to linear elastic performance analysis of structure by using Sta4cad and Probina which are suitable for the Turkish Earthquake Code 2007 , life safety is provided. PROJECT FAIR 2012 ___________________________________________________________ THE PILED RAFT FOUNDATION AND DEWATIRING APPLICATION Ramazan Saygın YOLGÖRMEZ Advisor : Prof. Dr. Mustafa TUNCAN Civil Engineering Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi, Anadolu Üniversitesi İki Eylül Kampusu, 26555, Eskişehir The construction industry as a result investigations of examination,the structures which were destroyed or damaged was determined that the majority of the soil problems.For this reason,the structure which is built on weak soil can be carried by soil with deep foundation or soil improvement methods safely. As a result of experiments taken from the field samples, soil profile was determined.According to this soil profile calculation, the bearing capasity was determined.The amount of gruond seating was examined.(46 cm) Foundation type has been chosen raft foundation due to seatig is higher than permitted value (Smax =10 cm) the piled raft foundation(D=1 m L=16 m) and -12 m jet grout application was applied. There is -3 m water level and depth of excavation is -6 m.For this reason;to remove the water from excavation area was applied dewatering application.In this regard,at the points of specified in project have been located total of 3 pump which capacity is1500 kW/engine. PROJE FUARI 2012 ___________________________________________________________ HIGH RISE STEEL STRUCTURE DESIGN OF METROCITY ISTANBUL Şafak HACIMİRZAOĞLU Adviser: Res.Assis. Kıvanç TAŞKIN Civil Engineering Architecture-Engineering Faculty, Anadolu University İki Eylül Campus, 26555, Eskişehir SUMMARY In this study, a reinforced concrete building located in _stanbul 1. Levent, Metrocity is designed as a steel structure with eccentrically braced steel frames. The building has a rectangular base in plan view having the area of 835 m2 and consisting of 8 basement, 28 normal and 3 attic, totally 40 stories. Basement stories which are located in first 4 stories are used for car parking, shopping centers, stores and restaurants and the upper 24 stories are used residentially. The total usage area is 30.033 m2 and the total height is 134.4 m. The building is in the first earthquake zone. Soil type is assumed as Z1 and thus allowable soil stress is 5 kg/cm2. Current building is constructed as reinforced concrete building having the quality of concrete as BS 35 concrete and BÇ I, BÇ III are used for reinforced concrete rebars. These materials are chosen the same with the current building in the new designed building and for the steel parts; St52 steel material is used for columns, beams and braces and St37 steel quality is used for plates. High strength bolts are chosen for steel connections. General dimensions of the building are taken the same in the designed building. Axis spacing is taken 8 m as in the current building and totally 20 columns are placed in each storey. Beams having 8 m span length are supported by columns and, for supporting the floor slab secondary beams are placed in the centre of beams in x direction. Floor slabs are formed with folded steel plate and reinforced concrete materials compositely and by joining them to the beams with shearing elements, so that these beams are designed as composite beams. Foundation of the building is spread foundation as the current building with 2 m height. For calculating the dimensions of the steel members TS 498-1997, Turkish Earthquake Code called “Regulations for Buildings of Disasters Regions”, TS 648Study 2006,TS 4561-1985 is used. The foundation and floor slab is calculated by using TS500-2000. The model of the structure and its analysis are created using Etabs v8.11 computer program. The parts of the structure are designed and connection calculations are made using the results taken from this computer software and the above mentioned specifications. Tekla Xsteel v8.0 and Autocad 2005 programs are used for the manufacturing drawings. Based on the results obtained, the total cost and the weight of the building are calculated and compared with the findings from the data base of the current reinforced concrete building. PROJECT FAIR 2012 ___________________________________________________________ ESTIMATION OF AREAL MEAN PRECIPITATION WITH GIS TOOLS IN YUVACIK DAM BASIN Sait Sefa AYAN Supervisor : Assist. Prof. Dr. Aynur ŞENSOY ŞORMAN Civil Engineering Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi, Anadolu Üniversitesi İki Eylül Kampusu, 26555, Eskişehir In this study , Yuvacık Dam Basin,which is located in the southeastern part of Marmara Region of Türkiye,is selected as the application basin and areal mean precipitation calculations are performed for the basin. The basin is in between 40º 30’ - 40º 41’ northern latitudes and 29º 48’ - 30º 08’ eastern longitudes.The basin, which has a drainage are 257.86km², there are 11 raingage stations in and around the basin. GIS tools are used with the new version ArcGIS 10 for the areal mean precipitation computations. Four different methods are used in this study to find the areal mean precipitation values for the basin, these are: Arithmetic Mean Method, Thiessen Polygons Method, Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) Method and Kriging Method. The results are presented both with numbers and maps. 15 days precipitation data are used in the analysis. Areal mean precipitation values are calculated using four different methods Arithmetic Mean, Thiessen Polygons, IDW, Kriging.The results are compared with numbers. IDW and Kriging Method applications are compared with maps. PROJE FUARI 2012 ___________________________________________________________ MULTI-STORY STEEL FRAMED BUILDING PROJECT Seyfettin BİLGİN Supervisor : Res. Asst. Dr. Kıvanç TAŞKIN Civil Engineering Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi, Anadolu Üniversitesi İki Eylül Kampusu, 26555, Eskişehir Steel framed structure technique is widely using for multistory buildings; most of multistory buildings are made of steel. Since steel is much better in strength. Also steel is easy and fast to construct. In steel structures lateral loads are carried by either braces or moment resisting connection frames. Likewise shear wall made of steel or reinforcement concrete may use in steel framed buildings. But in our project we used braced frames. There are several types of braces; these ones are available Turkish Standards. Each one has different calculations and different requirements. Also the location of brace is important for calculation of load collector and load transfer beams. Dead and live loads are not that important in comparison to lateral loads also load combos and ASD (allowable stress design) help us to find most critical loads, moments, deflections, etc. In short, this project is about 40 story steel framed building and lateral loads are carried by braced frames in which load combos and section moments, shear forces, normal forces are calculated by SAP2000. PROJECT FAIR 2012 ___________________________________________________________ DETERMINING OF DAMAGE LEVEL OF THE LIGHT DAMAGED BUILDING IN THE 1998 CEYHAN EARTHQUAKE BY METHODS OF LINEAR ELASTIC AND NONLINEAR ELASTIC BY USING STA4CAD, PROBINA AND XTRACT PROGRAMS Suat Akyar Danışman : Yard. Doç. Dr. Özgür Avşar Civil Engineering Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi, Anadolu Üniversitesi İki Eylül Kampusu, 26555, Eskişehir PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT OF A LIGHTLY DAMAGED BUILDING DURING THE 1998 CEYHAN EARTHQUAKE IN TURKEY The case study building is a five story building located in the city of Ceyhan. It had experienced the Ceyhan Earthquake, which occurred in 1998. The moment magnitude of this earthquake was Mw=6.2 and the recorded peak ground acceleration in Ceyhan was 0.273g. The floor plan area of the building is 250 m2 and the lateral load resisting system is a moment resisting reinforced concrete frame with brick infills in certain bays of the frame. The floor system of the building is joist floor. The mean compressive strength of concrete was found to be 14 MPa and the yield strength of the reinforcement was reported to be 220 MPa.The building had been investigated by the experts and the damage sustained by the building was reported to be “light”. According to the reports, damage was concentrated at the groundfloor level. Seven columns and seven beams of the ground floor were lightlydamaged, whereas only one column was moderately damaged. There were also 5 heavily and 12 moderately damaged brick infills.Assesment of this building is evaluated from one direction that is +x direction, from west to east direction.According to non-linear elastic performans analysis of structure by using the SAP2000 nonlinear analysis results and section analysis packages program ‘Xtract’ and linear elastic performance analysis of structure by using Sta4cad and Probina which are suitable for the Turkish Earthquake Code 2007. According to the analysis results of each method and program, it is found out that life safety is satisfied under the given earthquake ground motion data. PROJE FUARI 2012 ___________________________________________________________ PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT OF EXISTING STRUCTURES Uğur Burak HAN Danışman : Yard. Doç. Dr. Özgür AVŞAR Civil Engineering Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi, Anadolu Üniversitesi İki Eylül Kampusu, 26555, Eskişehir Performance assessment of existing structures is a method which is used in our country where is surrounded by seismic zones, to determine the performance levels of structures. On this project, performance analysis of a building, which is located in Bingol/Turkey, was done. The building had experienced the Bingol earthquake which the magnitude is 6.1, on 1st of May 2003. The building has 3 stories without basement floor by the way in the building, C14 type of concrete and S220 type of steel were used. During taking information from building, it was recognized that there was no special confinement zones in load-bearing members. On the earthquake report of building, it was defining the building “slightly damaged”. Linear elastic method and linear inelastic method was used in this project and the life safety performance was determined according to these methods. For linear elastic method, the building was determined in Collapse Prevention performance level. For linear inelastic method, the building was determined in Life Safety performance level. PROJE FUARI 2012 ___________________________________________________________ DETERMINING SNOW DEPLETION CURVES IN SEYHAN BASIN USING SATELLITE IMAGES Ünal GÖKBULUT Advisor: Asst. Prof. Aynur ŞENSOY ŞORMAN Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Anadolu University İki Eylül Campus, 26555, Eskişehir Snowmelt runoff in the mountainous regions of Turkey is great importance as it is constitutes most of volume of the total yearly runoff during spring and early summer months. Therefore, determining the amount and timing of snowmelt runoff in the Seyhan Basin, where lots of dams are located, is an important task in order to use water resources of the country in an optimum manner. In this study, Seyhan River Basin is selected as the application area. For the hydrologic modeling studies conducted in the basin, snow covered areas are determined using MODIS optical satellite images. But optical satellites are hindered by cloud cover where at times when cloud is present, land cover can not be determined. In this study, daily MODIS satellite images on Terra and Aqua platform are combined and modified in order to decrease the cloud cover. Modified satellite images are used to generate snow depletion curves for 2010, 2011 and 2012 years. As a result, it is seen that modifying the satellite products has a significantly positive impact on snow covered area in the basin by decreasing cloud effect. PROJECT FAIR 2012 ___________________________________________________________ B SEVEN-STOREY REINFORCED CONCRETE BUILDING DESIGN, STATIC CALCULATIONS AND COST ANALYSIS Yasemin VARDAR Supervisor : Volkan KARUK Department of Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Anadolu University İki Eylül Campus, 26555, Eskişehir In this thesis, seven-storey reinforced concrete dormitory building situated in Kars, is statically analyzed in the computer program called STA4CAD(Structural Analysis for Computer Aided Design) in accordance with Turkish Standards 498 , Turkish Standards 500 and 2007 Turkish Earthquake Design Code. Safety of the structural conveyor system being taken into account, also economical of the building is being taken into account whereas in the stage of calculation of the cross-section of the system components. I try to not to change the architectural plan because of the client gladness. Design of the structure has been taken care as earthquake-resistant. Conveyor system elements of the structure resized as required by codes. To provide the safety of the building, (especially for earthquake) shear wall used instead of the colon. Center of gravity and center of stiffness of the structure kept as close as possible. In conveyor system and each of the elements of the earthquake-resistant structure, earthquake loads transferred until foundation continuously and safely. Irregular situations avoided as possible. PROJECT FAIR 2012 ___________________________________________________________ POROUS ASPHALT MIXTURE DESIGN Yasin SAĞLAM Supervisor: Assist. Prof. Dr. Altan ÇETİN Civil Engineering Engineering-Architecture Faculty, Anadolu University İki Eylül Campus, 26555, Eskişehir There is no doubt about safety is the most important one of all criteria that taken into account at the beginning of construction of highways. For this purpose both the pavement properties and geometric characteristics of the highway should have the necessary features of safety required. After fulfillment of geometric features, studies around improvement of pavement and its safety features have accelerated all around the world. In this scope, permeable asphalt pavement experiments were carried out and began to be used particularly in the United States and European countries. In this study, in order to determine porous asphalt design values, laboratory experiments are carried out such as sieve analysis for aggregates, determination of volumetric properties of compacted Marshall specimens, Cantabro abrasion loss test, permeability test and indirect tensile stiffness modulus test, as a part of whole experiments being done in the world. Determined aggregate gradation and polymer modified bitumen were used in the experiments and comparison have made between results of experiments done before with same aggregate gradation and conventional bitumen, in order to exhibit polymer modified bitumen difference. PROJE FUARI 2012 ___________________________________________________________ FLOOD MAPPING in MIDDLE PORSUK BASIN USING GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS, HYDROLOGIC and HYDRAULIC MODELLING Yavuz AYDOĞAN Bayram KÜÇÜKKAYA Advisor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Ali Arda ŞORMAN Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Anadolu University İki Eylül Campus, 26555, Eskişehir Floods and inundations as a result of sudden excessive rainfall around the globe have caused disasters almost every year resulting heavy losses on human lives and property. Floods, following earthquakes, are the second most cause of loss of lives and property in Turkey. There have been 288 floods reported in Turkey over the last 20 years causing 436 deaths. In this study, Porsuk Basin as a branch of Sakarya Basin which is divided into three subbasins as Upper, Middle and Lower Porsuk has been discussed. Basin characteristics are obtained using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) as a first step in the study. Using this data and precipitation-runoff data taken from governmental offices, hydrologic modeling is conducted for Middle Porsuk Basin using HEC-HMS. Topographic data derived from GIS and runoff data generated from hydrologic modeling is input to HEC-RAS for hydraulic modeling. Finally, flood inundation maps for various scenarios in Middle Porsuk Basin including the city of Eskişehir are created. PROJECT FAIR 2012 ___________________________________________________________ SOUTHEASTERN ANATOLIA PROJECT AND ITS SOCIAL AND CULTURAL EFFECTS Yiğit IŞIK Zana BURAK Advisor : Assist.Prof.Dr. Hakan ŞİRİN Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering-Architecture, Anatolian University Campus of İki Eylül, 26555, Eskişehir Southeastern Anatolian Project (GAP) aims that benefiting from regional resources , increasing standard of living, decreasing the difference between other regions and making a contribution of economy of Turkey. In the design stages of this projects, Analysing the socio-economic structure of this region is very important. The effect of project on this region should be foreseen. This expectations will be increase efficiency of project. Agriculture with the traditional way create a need for labor. The need of labor is supplied from family individuals. This reason affects the long and extended families. This migration should be foreseen for regional transformation. It also should include planning the infastructure of region and relocation. PROJE FUARI 2012 ___________________________________________________________ DETERMINATION OF THE SNOW DEPLETION CURVES IN THE UPPER EUPRATES BASIN USING SATELLITE IMAGES BETWEEN YEARS 2008-2012 Yusuf DUMAN Supervisor : Asst. Prof. Dr. Ali Arda ŞORMAN Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Anadolu University İki Eylül Campus, 26555, Eskişehir Snowmelt runoff in the mountainous eastern part of Turkey is of great importance during spring and early summer months. Therefore, determining the amount of snowmelt runoff especially in the Euprates Basin, where large dams are located, is an important task in order to use the water resources of the country and operation of dams in an optimum manner. In this study, Karasu Basin which is located in the Eastern part of Turkey is selected as the application area. For the hydrologic modeling studies snow covered areas are determined using SEVIRI satellite images. But these images are hindered by cloud cover where at times when cloud is present, land cover cannot be determined. For this reason, cleaning clouds from images as possible as we can are gaining importance. In the study, daily SEVIRI satellite images are modified in order to decrease the cloud cover. As a conclusion, snow depletion curves for years between 2008-2012 are determined using modified satellite images. PROJECT FAIR 2012 ___________________________________________________________ THE POLITICAL VIEW OF GAP Yusuf Emre YEKEN Danışman : Yard.Doç.Dr. Hakan Şirin İnşaat Mühendisliği Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi, Anadolu Üniversitesi İki Eylül Kampusu, 26555, Eskişehir Flowing water resources out of national borders creates lots of problems such as using, controlling and managing water. Because of having high elevation on GAP area, Fırat and Dicle rivers, which have high water potential, flows out to neighbour countries. So that the neighbour countries which are Irak and Suriye have some demands on that rivers.The aim of project is find and discuss the major problems and solution ways and our policy on that rivers(Fırat and Dicle). Nowadays the importance of conrolling and managing fresh water for maximum performance has increased. So that constructing water structures is the best way for holding water. Turkey has the best natural condition for building then managing water. According the agreement between countries which are placed on Fırat and Dicle basin Turkey release 500m³\s for every condition. This is a result of constructed water structures.