Syllabus - District 155

Freshmen Honors English – Fall 2015
Mrs. Burns
Course Objectives:
1. Students will apply critical reading strategies to comprehend meaning from a variety of literary works and other texts.
2. With attention to usage, punctuation, and style, students will write with ample support for a variety of purposes and audiences.
3. Students will apply cooperative learning strategies to comprehend meaning in a variety of situations.
4. Students will ethically acquire, evaluate, and employ diverse resources to communicate information and ideas for a variety of
5. Students will apply vocabulary skills to comprehend selections.
Course Texts: These will include (but are not limited to):
 Summer Reading: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
 The Odyssey by Homer
 Advancing Vocabulary Skills by Sherrie L. Nist, 4th ed.
 Several short stories and non-fiction pieces will also be included
Grading: You will be assessed on written work, tests & quizzes, projects, individual & group presentations, research skills, and a few
homework assignments. These will be graded on a point system; rubrics will be used for summative writing assessments. Please do
not email me assignments; you are responsible for handing in hard copies unless informed otherwise. Please refer to the Humanities
Classroom Grading Policy:
Humanities: Classroom Grading Policies
1. Summative assessments will be worth 70 percent of a student’s grade. These assessments typically include larger assignments
that occur at the end of the learning process (tests, essays, etc.) Formative assessments will be worth 30 percent of a student’s
grade. These assessments are designed to be show students how they are progressing toward learning targets. Typically, formative
assessments are smaller assignments, such as quizzes or homework.
2. Students will be allowed to complete a reassessment only if they have fulfilled their teacher’s requirements for this privilege.
These requirements will be specified for the student for each assignment. Requirements may include meeting all deadlines, visiting
the English Resource Center, studying in a different way, working with a tutor, etc. Students must prove that they are putting forth
their best effort to learn the material in order to retake an assessment. Some assignments may not be eligible for reassessment due
to scheduling issues and grading deadlines. These assignments may include assignments due at the end of a grading period,
speeches scheduled in class, etc. The teacher will specify for students which assignments are not eligible for reassessment.
Attendance: Regular attendance participation is essential to your success in this class! You will receive no credit for unexcused
absences. If you have an excused absence, then any work that was due on the day you missed is due on the day you return; you will
be responsible for scheduling a time to make up any tests or quizzes. Make up work for an excused absence is based upon the
number of days you missed (per the school handbook).
Due Dates: No Late assignments will receive full credit; it is up to my discretion to accept late work. If there is an issue with
completing an assignment for the due date, please discuss it with me prior to the deadline so we can reach a compromise.
 Students: I am available for extra help before school, during free periods, and after school. Email me or see me to make an
 Parents: I am available for meetings before and after school. Email me to make an appointment.
 Parents and students: Visit my district home page/Google classroom for announcements, resources (grammar Power
Points, practice items, lecture notes, class handouts, etc.), reminders, and class schedules.
Freshmen honors students who earn a C- at the end of first semester will be encouraged to enroll in English 102 second semester.
An Honors student who earns a C- at the end of second semester will be encouraged to enroll in regular sophomore English. An
Honors student who earns a C- both semesters WILL NOT be recommended for sophomore honors English.
Classroom Management:
 Respect your teacher, yourself, your classmates, and the classroom.
 Come prepared for class. Have all materials needed every day: notebook(s), folder(s), pens, highlighters, sticky notes, etc.
 Be on time to class. This means being in your seat ready to go when the bell rings.
 We work up to the bell; do not start packing up minutes before the bell rings. Remain seated until it does.
 If a bathroom break is absolutely necessary, take the pass and come right back.
 Leave all negativity at the door; enter with a positive mental attitude.
 Open communication is vital. Please discuss all concerns with me.
 Follow all rules and regulations of CLSHS – the school policies are outlined in your Student Handbook.
 Familiarize yourself with the Emergency Exit plan for this classroom.
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