
Course Outline
Class Title: Hydro #2
Course and Hours: Hydrotherapy - 2 hours
Summary of Content
Cold Water Wash demonstration, and the exchange of three
hydrotherapy treatments: Dry Brushing, Cold Water Wash, and Foot
Instructional Objectives
Students will exchange all three hydrotherapy treatments, and display
an understanding of the principles. Students will be focused and
attentive to their partners during each of the hydrotherapy treatments.
15 min.
20 min.
15 min.
5 min.
55 min.
15 min.
5 min.
55 min.
10 min.
orientation, set up tables, check supplies
demo cold water wash
set up/ ready
first trade
set up/ ready
second trade
close up
Media to be used:
Massage table, sheet set, dry brush, 1 basin, 1 washcloth, 1-3 bags of ice
(depending on class size); foot supplies: cuticle stick, exfoliating cream,
foot lubricant.
Source Material
TLC packet
Lesson Plan
Class Title: Hydro #2
Demo Guidelines:
Show angled draping at legs, and how to create “handles” with excess
sheet at every draping area so that students can cover client’s skin in a
quick, effective manner during the cold water wash treatment. Remind
them to drape the breast area first when client is first turned supine
(same as with the dry brush treatment). Encourage them to visualize
the path of most effective, rhythmic coverage of the limb first, before
applying the cold water washcloth to each limb – this will encourage
mindfulness, effectiveness and compassion. Also instruct students to be
mindful of getting good coverage of client’s skin with the folded cold
water washcloth, as stimulation of the body’s strong response to cold is
the “prime mover” of this treatment.
Practical Guidelines:
Partner giving first will do all three treatments – first dry brushing, then
cold water wash, and then foot treatment; then trade.
For a 65-minute trade, instructor can pace the students/allow for 10
min. to apply the dry brush treatment, with a 5 min. interim for supplies
to be accessed and readied for application of cold water wash treatment
next. Remind students to be conscious of pacing, placement and rhythm
of strokes before (and as) they apply them. 10 minutes for the cold
water wash treatment, followed by a 10 minute interim while the
students dump and re-load their basins, then assist their partners in
quietly re-gaining clothing, straightening the sheets on the table,
arranging the backjack so that partner can sit at edge of table with feet
soaking in basin placed on a chair, and accessing foot treatment
supplies. Getting water delivered and temperature-adjusted to each
table, and having students move through the phases of the foot
treatment and massage can take the remaining 30 minutes of trade
time. Since the first 7-10 minutes of foot treatment is soaking, students
can perform forearm/hand work or shoulder/neck/scalp work during
this time. Remind students to ensure their partners warmth during this
time, as well.
Dry Brush will be started in the supine position and end prone, so that
the cold water wash treatment will begin prone and end with the client
back in the supine position, and ready to re-dress and transition to foot
Lecture Guidelines
Orient students to how class will be orchestrated (see
Instructor/Assistant Notes below), followed by a short lecture on
benefits of cold water washing and it’s contraindications (see TLC
packet for details).
Discussion Guidelines
Encourage student pairs to give appropriate feedback regarding the feel
and effects of the techniques, ease of handling the limbs and supplies,
and the effectiveness and coverage of the “new” draping.
Media Usage: NA
Classroom Notes: each table will need a chair, a backjack, 2 blankets.;
students will provide: set of sheets, dry brush, washcloth, and 2 towels.
Students will dress their table with one blanket below their set of sheets
and one blanket above – this provides necessary insulation during the
cold water wash treatment.
Refer to the packet pages for the supplies needed for each treatment.
All supplies are located in the locked cabinets to the right of the
sink in the student lounge, except for the water jugs, which are
located under the counter cabinets to the left of the sink.
This class requires ice: the assistant should pick up the required number
of bags of ice on the way in to class, store them in the freezer or ice
chests, as appropriate, and give the cash receipt to either the
receptionist or the bookkeeper for reimbursement.
15 minutes before class begins, assistant prepares small paper plates for
foot treatment (one for each student) with quarter-size amount of
exfoliating scrub, a dime-sized amount of Biotone foot lotion, and half an
orangewood stick cuticle pusher.
Next, assistant puts approx. 2 handfuls of ice into a small basin for cold
water wash treatment -- one for each table, to be brought in during dry
brush treatment; then fill both green pitchers with cold water and
quietly fill student’s basins approx. 1/3 full, table-side, while they finish
the dry brush treatment. This way the water will be chilling and ready
for use. Once the cold water wash is under way, assistant can fill both
pitchers with hot water, to be ready for foot treatment.
Once they’ve finished the cold water wash and their partners are resting
quietly, students will bring their basins into the student break area and
dump their cold water out, will receive a scoop of the Batherapy soaking
crystals in their basin as well as a small amount (not more than 2”) of
fresh cold water, and will return it to their table. When their partners
are quietly re-dressed and seated for foot soaking, instructor and
assistant will come around with pitchers of hot water and adjust
temperature of soaking water to the comfort of receivers.
**If same basin is used for cold water wash and for foot treatment (best,
to reduce cross-contamination), make sure to use the larger basins, as
these fit feet better. If separate basins are used, they will all need to be
washed in between trades.
During the break between trades, assistant can prepare small paper
plates of foot supplies (if not done already). As soon as the second trade
gets underway, they can prepare the basins with ice for the cold water
wash, and put them at each table.
After students have begun the second trade foot treatment, assistant can
begin to wash the basins, return foot supplies to their storage bins &
lock the storage cupboards, and generally clean and dry the break room
Clean Up: Basins need to be washed with soap, rinsed and stacked on
the tables to drain (invert them and stack “piggy-back style” so that they
will dry). Any used school towels or washcloths go in the black plastic
container under the table in the front of the break room (labeled so).